Inf Protos Helm looks the same as Default

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by BlitWizobk, Apr 14, 2013.

  1. BlitWizobk

    I purchased the Infiltrator Protos Helm based on the preview here.

    It looks like a more streamlined, sexy version of the default inf. helmet. Instead I got this, there is no change from the default helmet.

    I'm hoping this is a bug and for some reason they messed up the models because the preview looks a lot different from the end result, and i didn't pay 600 sc for the default infiltrator helmet.
  2. MadKat

    Noticed the same thing on a few other helmets, I really wish they'd fix this, it looks as if the default helmets are clipping into the new helmets for some reason, they don't in RV, but in real world game they do.
  3. BlitWizobk