[Suggestion] Indirect artillery vehicles

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Finnboy11, Jan 26, 2015.

  1. Outreach

    I'd be ok with it, it'd never happen though. Entirely too many people already whining about dying as it is. Why they choose to play a wargame all about dying then whine about dying is beyond me though.
    • Up x 2
  2. MahouFairy

    Yeah, I love that idea of artillery support (I wanted a mortar unit to be available for engineers), but it would be simply too frustrating for players to die from things they can't see. The closest we'll ever get would be a prowler on lockdown.
  3. delt3

    While I like the idea (massive artillery spammer in CoH) it can create problems in spamming.
    I'm thinking of doing something like in BF2 where you had a commander who can use them and then artillery assets that can be destroyed/repaired and are scattered around the map so they can be captured if territory is taken over. Lets say that each warp gate has 2 artillery units, you cant shoot across the map with it so you have to capture new ones so that commander can support the team further away. And maybe add other nifty things for commander to support the team