Indar Base Changes Pt 2 .. ( WIP )

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by HadesR, Jan 23, 2016.

  1. HadesR

    Peris Eastern Grove :


    The Palisade:

    Lowered Turret height , Sundy Garages , Larger spawn ... SCU removed


    Galaxy Solar:

    New spawn room, cap point, Sundy garage .. Extra road to Ceres

  2. HadesR

    Not really a fan of the Peris changes .. Seems to have opened up the cap facing Spawn exits to vehicle spam from Regent Rock road and maybe even the Tower turrets themselves ..
  3. ZDarkShadowsZ

    I have to admit, I'm liking some of the changes to The Palisade. Granted I may have a different opinion once the changes roll out and I get playing there for a while but looking at it so far, I'm liking the reduced turret height and the lack of an SCU. Maybe it's just me but it's felt like that was one of the bases that didn't really need one, where as others that don't have one, do.