[Suggestion] Increase the flight ceiling

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by WaiZen, Aug 29, 2013.

  1. WaiZen

    The current flight ceiling at 1Km is really annoying 'cause whenever I dogfight at high-altitude, I always tend to get "stuck" at it. I've lost countless times because of this silly flight ceiling limit.
    I also think that currently galaxies can be seen from afar with no much difficulty and so chances are the "surprise elements" of gal-drops will fall because the enemies are already readying to defend and cause such tactics to be quite ineffective.

    My suggestion is to increase the ceiling by a range of 1000-2000m, I believe this will give more stealthy routes and options for galaxies and liberators. It'll also allow ESF's to dogfight without AA/Lock-on interfering from the ground, and provide ESF's a good role as "recon" or allow ESF's to "radar" the sky from any incoming enemies that can't be seen from the ground.

    I know that the devs are working on optimisation, right now, but with the ESF update coming in a few months I believe this will be something they should like at.
    • Up x 1
  2. Rohnlex