[Suggestion] increase rate of fire on NC stock lmg.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by DorianOmega, Jul 2, 2014.

  1. DorianOmega

    the NC LMG is the lowest damage output lmg of all 3 stock guns, the main thing making this so is the 500 fire rate which puts it's damage on par with the em6 or anchor while being all 3 offer less damage output then the VS and TR stock heavy weapons.

    to show the math:

    NC NC6 Gauss saw: 500x200-167=100,000-83,500/60= 1666.66-1391.66 DPS

    TR T9 Carv: 750x143-125=107,250-93,750/60= 1787.5-1562.5 DPS

    VS Orion VS54: 750x143-125=107,250-93,750/60= 1787.5-1562.5 dps

    As we can see, the TR and VS stock lmgs feature a dps output that's anywhere from 100-160 dps greater then the nc6 depending on range.

    the NC are pretty much forced to use the anchor/em6/em1/shotguns/smg's when dealing with close range engagements as the NC heavy will lose almost every time in 1v1 fights against other heavies as they are at a dps disadvantage. This kind of blatant disparity of not having a close range damage aspect lmg for the NC is really terrible as we are forced to use smg's to match this kind of damage to combat the VS and TR heavies on a basic level that know how to utilize damage output with their shields like a good heavy should.

    now to FIX this issue, all that would need to be done is increase the rate of fire on the NC guass saw by 36 or so to 536 rounds per minute to make the damage output on par with the TR and VS, even if this was implemented the NC6 would still be at a slight damage disadvantage but at least we could now actually deal with close range engagements as heavy.

    math with new fire rate:

    536x200-167=107,200-89,512/60= 1786-1492 DPS

    even after the proposed change the NC6 would still deal less dps then the other empire's stock but at least the gun is brought more in line with the other empires making stock a viable option beyond for medium to long range encounters.
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  2. DocFinley

    I won't shoot down the fact of the DPS differences, but you do realize that with higher ROF comes increased recoil? What good does higher ROF do for DPS if you have a harder time hitting your target? Sure you could burst fire as most do, but you'd be cutting your bursts shorter with a higher ROF.

    Now I'm not disregarding your hopes for a better CQC weapon, but why not use the advantage of range of the Gauss Saw and merely have a weapon for CQC ready. The EM6 maybe?
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  3. DorianOmega

    the way I see it of all the nc lmgs, the nc6 would be the only one worthy of the buff as its recoil would be able to slightly mitigate this straight upgrade, after like 5 shots with the gauss saw its recoil forces you to burst with the weapon, after about 10 shots with the em6 or anchor does the recoil force you to burst, directly increasing the latter guns rate of fire would give them an upgrades towards long range fights as well when really all the NC need is an lmg that can properly handle in close quarters, all of our guns already do decently at medium to longer ranges.
  4. DorianOmega

    another idea could be to increase the EM1's close range damage to from 143 to 167 and reduce the rate of fire from 652 to 642,

    dps would now be 642x167-125=107,214-80,150/60= 1786.9-1335.83 DPS

    The EM1 would actually be a close range variant gun instead of the subpar sidegrade choice it currently is.
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  5. Arsonix

    I agree. The 100 round mag feels pointless with such a slow rate of fire and the reload time is so punishing. God saw definitely needs a buff.
  6. Munr

    I'm not understanding your math. What is your formula?
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  7. Plunutsud pls

    The Saw is the most used weapon in this game and it's already a death beam with attachments.

    200 damage per shot means it's effective at any range, unlike Orion and Carv.

    The Saw does not need a buff.
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  8. DorianOmega

    200 damage a shot doesn't mean anything when we cant fire these rounds fast enough for them to be of benefit at shorter ranges, the gun clearly excels at medium to long ranges but a majority of infantry fights are done within 30 meters where fire rate, accuracy, recoil and damage per shot are all a factor in being a useful cqc weapon, not just the damage per shot, even landing headshots doesn't make the gauss saw any more useful at closer ranges compared to if the TR or VS was landing head shots on you.

    all my points and math about the TR and VS stock still stand, try going NC heavy and fighing VS heavies with the gauss saw and count up the deaths youl get from people who are minimally competent, then try equipping an empire specific smg and count the kills your now actually getting in small outposts and biolabs!

    Take the fire rate of the gun which is counted out as rounds per minute or RPM then multiply that with the damage variables listed on the guns statistics, then take this new variable which should be in the tens to hundred thousands and divide that by 60 to make the RPMs rounds per seconds or RPS, youve now found the DPS or damage per second of whatever automatic gun you fancy, you can also change the fire rate with reload speed for single shot weapons like the halberd or tank rounds (do a 2x for damage when calculating tr tanks).
  9. Dracorean

    This would make the Gauss saw an all around weapon, which is more of the EM6/Anchor's role as one has more recoil for a larger ammo loaded in while the other has less in trade for less rounds in the gun. The gauss saw, is more designed for longer range combat, its slow rate of fire puts emphasis on this, other faction weapons have higher DPS but this is mostly due to the fact that they are designed for closer ranged combat. At longer ranges the SAW would have more or less equal ground as when burst fire, it would out perform the other two faction weapons.

    The Gauss SAW isn't really a good starter weapon, the GD-22 would have been better as it has mid to short range combat capability with longer range performance similar to the other faction starter weapons. EM1 is design for sustainability at closer ranges, EM6 is design for sustainability at medium ranges, Anchor is accuracy, Gauss SAW is for longer ranges, while its S variant gives a bit of versatility to the weapon with slight improvement to accuracy.

    You aren't wrong, but the weapon we start off with is quite different in role and function than other faction weapons. Personally I'm not sure as to why but it only really cost 100 certs to get a good allarounder gun for the HA.
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  10. TriumphantJelly

    Lol, **** no!

    The God Saw needs NO buff, the Orion needs no buff, the CARV needs a small buff.
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  11. Plunutsud pls

    I've played all factions and the SAW is a death ray with grip, compensator and 2x sight.

    Great for any range and better than VS and TR LMGs at longer ranges.

    Or are you saying you want an LMG that will be better than VS and TR at every single range?

    You can't have that, sorry.
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  12. Munr

    Got it. I was looking at couldn't quite figure out where some of the variables came from. Have you taken reload times into account? I know the T9 takes a long time to reload.
  13. MorganM

    Agreed; leave the GAWD SAW alone and make the EM1 not suck.
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  14. Epic High Five

    The SAW is perfectly fine, it's just not a gun you make do what you want. It's a gun where you do what it's good at, and suddenly you're a full auto sniper rifle mauler with a faster TTK than any of the other starting LMGs at all ranges so long as you can land a single headshot.

    I'm pretty happy with NC LMGs in general. All have a clear role and are good within it. The EM1 is 200 rounds that reloads in 3.5s, giving it the best reload efficiency of all guns in the entire game which is nothing to sneeze at. The reason it's maligned isn't that it's awful, but it's that it's a dumb VS-style gun and we're better than that.

    You know what the best high ROF weapon is for the NC HA? The Cyclone
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  15. DorianOmega

    lol yes because the lowest ammo count smg for the NC on the heavy should be the automatic weapon that can compete with the TR and VS rather then one of his LMG's, sorry but a heavy shouldn't need to both spend 1000 certs on a gun that can basicly compete with the other factions nor use a weapon that doesnt properly fill the niche of the class.

    also no, the guass saw doesnt have the best TTK if you land 1 headshot, if the enemy also lands a headshot they can easily match or out do the TTK, kind of a flawed logic to argue as its so what-if and not fur sure.

    Did you even read what I posted or do you rather like to inject your own bias into other peoples reasoning based off the title of threads? Ive also played the other factions to test this out, the TR and VS stock guns are better then the NC stock by leaps and bounds at ranges shorter then 30m, and even at range our lovely recoil reduces our fire rate even more to barely be more viable as a longer range gun then the orion or msw-r or carv, and again, by barely. the damage output after my proposed changes would STILL BE LESS then the other 2 factions, as someone else pointed out increas rate of fire would come with increased recoil which would be PERFECT a trade for a gun like the gauss saw.

    just do the math like I did and maybe test out the math like I also did, play NC heavy at anything shorter then 30 meters, ALL of his weaponry with the exception of the jackhammer are at a damage output disadvantage compared to the TR and VS stock weapons unless your using a shotgun, smg, or really any weapon that isnt an LMG on heavy. Ive clearly detailed how our guns do at range but that still doesnt make up for not having a proper cqc lmg or even an lmg that can properly handle in cqc, the em1 which kind of fills this roll is so subpar that to consider it over the em6 or anchor would be to make life more difficult for yourself, and even when you opt to use the anchor or em6, the damage output is all of 2.33 more damage per second compared to the gauss saw.
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  16. Plunutsud pls

    Everyone is biased, it's called personal opinion.

    Yes I read what you wrote, yes I have done the math and compared LMGs in different situations out in the field.

    There's a few good reasons why NC is the most played faction. The SAW is one of those reasons. It's the most used weapon in the game because it's that good.

    There's a reason it's called the godsaw.

    Making it better at close range would simply make it too good.
  17. DorianOmega

    where are you even getting this piece of info? sounds very very made up, saw is the stock so it makes sense it would be the most used for heavy but not the very reason why the NC is popular ans has the highest pop...
  18. Plunutsud pls

    I checked the DA weapon stats page and SAW is top by users.
  19. DorianOmega

    please link?
  20. Plunutsud pls

    Sorry, can't post link from phone.

    Just google dasanfall weapon stats, should be the top result.
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