In response to those who tells Eng's and Medics how to do their job

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Mr_Giggles, Sep 16, 2013.

  1. FocusLight

    No man, oh my Gods that's just pure evil.:eek:

    I've got standards you know, Emperor Time is quick, efficient and painless, as opposed to that... idea... you just offered. Pure Evil.
  2. Calisai

    The sad fact is while sitting still, if I pivot to look left or right, i'm more likely to take off a VS engy's head than if I was barreling straight overtop an NC/TR infantry. I've been asking for consistency for months... I don't care if we are death machines to VS... if we could be the same to NC/TR... whatever magical substance they put in that spandex to make VS infantry die so easily to Mags needs to be shared among all.
  3. Garmus

    Oh, so very true : ) +1 for OP
    I play about 70% of my playtime as engineer, and I fully agree with every point the OP write, mostly those two:
    I saw many situations where there were two engineers UBGL grenade spamming one doorway at Biolab and there were everytime some HA dudes who decide that it will be awesome idea to step right into that doorway to look for some enemies, even when they clearly see UBGL grenade explosions spam there :rolleyes: I cannot understand these HAs, maybe they think that their shield means "/god mode on". Most of my teamkills are when someone got an idea to step right into my line of fire exactly at the moment when I pull my UBGL trigger. If I am behind my AI turret, of course I stop shooting when I realize some "intelligent" dude step right infront my FIRING AI turret (really brilliant idea :rolleyes::p ) so usually I don't get teamkill with AI turret, but I can't do anything since UBGL grenade is launched, only watch if teamkill appear or not.

    Anyway, I play primarily as support engie, so I repair every damaged MAXes as soon as I see them and catch them even when they don't shout "Repair me" and I place ammo pack almost everytime near capture point or when I see group of friendlies in heavy fight without ammo pack near them. The only exception is when I decide to UBGL spam some "bottleneck", then I focus to UBGL and don't pay much attention to anything else. About shooting engi to get his attention: when some overlooked MAX shoot me to get my attention to repair him, then I briefly look at him, return fire by shoot him once with my pistol, and then I ignore him and return to my previous job or go away and left him damaged. I do not respond to any MAX who want to get my attention by shooting me because I think it is misbehavior. Oh, and one more funny thing about MAXes: many MAXes constantly stare at me until I fully repair them, instead of looking for enemies and guarding me when I repair them :D

    Well, nevermind, it is only a game : )
  4. Mr_Giggles

    Yeah Glass cannons Nukes. I cried so much for that game after spending 3 years waiting for it to come out. If anybody ever wants to see what a real broken game is just look there. It's one of the few MMO's to truly bomb. They lost 700K of their 800K population in 2 years, 500 of that in the first 8 months.
    They made all kinds of grand promises about what would be in game and then almost half of it doesn't even make it to production. Hell, they didn't even have all of the classes done at launch. They had to hold off on the Sun Knight because he wasn't finished yet and then they had the audacity to introduce him as a new class.
    And the worst offense I think that burned a lot of people was the video they showed that had the Dwarven Trollslayer, which obviously would have been a huge hit, and that class wasn't even offered at the start. And when it did come out it was a 1 button AOE spam.


    Anyways, AOC is second in line with losing 600K of 700K in 7 months because of the technical issues they had but at least they had been slowly building back a customer base. If I remember correctly WAR is barely 30K on 2 servers now.

    Anyways, way off topic and so frustrating to remember. Stupid EA.
  5. NoblePixel

    I do agree. HA's and MAXes have equipment especially designed for support, like the EM6 or the riot shield, just a few examples from the NC standpoint. Suppressing fire and mobile cover are real tactics, and these tactics are as much jobs as repairing and reviving are for the engineer and medic.
  6. Kociboss

    Painful memories indeed. I dunno if you were around when Doomflayer/Warpforged gear came out an imbalanced things even more.

    I doubt that WAR has 30 K players. There are 2 servers left (EU + US) and from what I can hear it's so empty it's not even funny.

    I hope PS2 won't follow the same path.
  7. Izriul

    Rofl, I forgot about this, think I looked at it and saw an essay in response to half lined sentences and couldn't be bothered to read it. Well, I still can't though I've quickly scanned it and the fact you have to write a ten ton paragraph in response to a single line to get your point across, makes me wonder if you even have a point.

    I'll put this as simply as possible. I _will_ play how I want, and if anyone jumps up and down expecting me to play how they want, think again. Anyone who purposely TK's me for not playing how they "want" will be TK'd right back, time and time again, any vehicles included. It's just that simple, no need to write essays because no amount of words change that, and I'm not going to waste time reading a bunch of pointless words which won't change it.

    I also stated I help those who don't beg and nag, those who do? Get nothing, want ammo? Get it yourself. I seriously don't care about that crappy 18xp.

    You noticed that too eh?
  8. FocusLight

    After several days you return here and your only reply is "trololol, can't be bothered to read this".

    Yeah well F U too. If you can't be bothered to even try and defend your arguments with anything except actively ignoring opposing view-point we have nothing further to talk about, and I may as well ignore any of the drivel you make in turn. /ignored. Have a good one.
  9. Izriul

    I don't need to defend my "argument" because it's a fact. I don't need to read a whole book in response to half a line each time. A fact which won't change no matter how many novels you write. But oh noes, random person puts me on ignore, and?
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  10. EvilJollyT

    Worst engineer ever.
  11. PrimePriest

    From fellow drivers to engineers
    • Please don't stand directly behind our tanks while repairing us. We tend to panic when receiving unexpected fire and usually drive in random direction, mostly backwards. This often results in awkward situations where we look like a bunch of heartless individuals that don't enjoy your care.
    Unintentional teamkiller.
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  12. DukeFlash

    I'm an experienced player and there are times where using the rear of your tank is the only cover available to me.
    I would by riddled by bullets if I stood anywhere else.

    Engineer getting shot at by twenty people

    In all seriousness, I try to stay to the sides of tanks I'm repairing at all costs but there are many times I can't.
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  13. WycliffSlim

    Edited Version For Vanu***

    Dear Engineers,

    I swear, we love you... we love you with all our hearts and seeing you in pain hurts us. We're really sorry that our tanks has a magical substance that instantly disintegrates spandex and we wish it was different. But please, blame the scientists who developed this technology, not us because we really wish we weren't running you over left and right.

    Proof: When we try to run people over(enemies) it almost never works.

    So, again, we're really sorry, but blame collision, not us and... we understand if you don't want to rep us... :/

    Magrider Drivers Everywhere
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