[Suggestion] In Regards to LA C4 Spamming

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Jorvalt, Jan 29, 2015.

  1. MahouFairy

    A grenade does the same job on infantry. And you can throw it further.

    Plant a mine behind your turret and watch as infiltrators and LAs sneaking up on you get blown up instead. Or make sure you have a couple of guys near your turret.
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  2. Jorvalt

    If you hadn't noticed by now, this issue is primarily about C4 being used on infantry. Also, this hypothetical situation is a poor analogy seeing as a LA with C4 can basically relocate to anywhere quickly, thus making "looking for another door" entirely pointless. To make your analogy more accurate, it would be something like this: You run into a courtyard through a doorway, and you get gunned down by a mosquito. This route is the only way to the objective on foot, you clearly don't have enough time to lock on with a launcher and shoot it down, and there are no vehicle terminals nearby, meaning if you went to go get a vehicle you would need to backtrack quite a ways. In summary, you are f#$*ed.
  3. Typhon66

    So you're made because I used 75 x 2 nanites for 2 c4. And 350 nanites for the ESF and floated down and kill your tank? Or your sunderer that cost 200 nanites? Yeah bro that's OP...
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  4. Tululaboo

    Yeah you do not see it that often on the net ^-^ but this is why its called a discussion forum >.< hehe, we all play differently and have different uses for items. You know my opinion but also look at from an LA point of veiw, their class (other than jetpacking) have no actual role to speak of. Engineer's repair, Medics heal, MAX units are AI/AV/AA, Heavy's are AV made for front lines, infiltrators are stealthy to hack, plant and overload gens while doing recon so what does an LA have? nothing much else to contribute apart from firepower. Just think about it, at least C4 carepackages contribute to a battle other than flying high.
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  5. Archiadus

    ''Made'' ?

    The person that I quoted was only listing the downsides to which I responded to by listing some of the upsides, no one's ''made'' over here. :p
  6. K2k4

    I think tankers need to try it before they come here with these arguments. If c4 is so op please go ahead and farm vehicles with it. I'm sure you can take a couple hours away from tanking to see why your argument doesn't hold up.

    Ohk my **** getting the jump on a tank isn't quick, it's not easy, and it's a good way to get killed as an infantry.

    Arguments against la flying above you to deliver c4 include your vehicle behind faster than they can fly, your positioning being easy to exploit, and your apparent lack of a secondary gunner to fulfill a protective role. Prox radar is also a hard counter to being snuck up on.
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  7. Typhon66

    I'm on a phone. Please ignore my point more because you know I'm right. People always forget that c4 costs nanites.
  8. Ronin Oni

    You can throw C4 IRL btw....

    And throwing it is often one of the few ways to take out some MAXes that corner peak with a pocket engie holding a door.

    C4 is fine, and removing it from LA is the LAST thing they should do. Remove it from every other class if you must, make it an actual feature of LA.
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  9. HappyStuffin

    I think the point is not whether or not it is completely balanced, it's just that a great many of us can agree that allowing C4 Fairies to continue is just annoying and ruins the fun for too many on the receiving end.

    It can be the most balanced weapon in the game, but why include it if it isn't enjoyable? Afterall, aren't we playing this game to enjoy it? If people start logging out because a "balanced" weapon is ruining their fun, than what was accomplished?
  10. Reclaimer77

    lol you think there's C4 spam now? Have you seen the new drifter changes? OMG!!! I'm literally wet with anticipation at abusing the hell out of those.

    Cry more tank mongers. Your tears taste like sweet nectar and axle grease!
  11. Tululaboo

    I do not the exact calculations but it should be said, thats all, said.... Tanks can have top armour to reduce damage, might just be enough to save your tank from going boom and make a quick exit... Top armour and smoke utility should yield a better escape... Just saying ^-^.
  12. Reclaimer77


    Yes because C4 causes people to log off. Not MBT's with 50+ KPD ratios!!

    I wonder which one ruins more people's "fun" on a daily basis??
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  13. WorldOfForms

    It's funny to hear people try to claim that taking C4 away from LA is no big deal because other classes can use it.

    Seriously? You are seriously going to try to argue that C4 is not integral to the LA playstyle?

    If you have played LA at all, everyone agrees that once you unlock that second brick of C4, the entire way you play the class changes. It opens up, and you finally feel useful beyond perching on balconies and taking potshots at people.
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  14. Kanil

    By that logic, Liberators, ESFs, and MBTs also all need to go.
  15. Liewec123

    please enjoy this 5 minute video of c4 being placed and detonated!
    as to the max thing, why not go around to the side of the entrance and PLACE c4 in the doorway if it loses the ability to be hurled across the room?
    it would still be useful, it would just mean the guy that spent 450 resource on his 4000 cert MAX doesn't get one shot by an LA 10m away and around a corner.

    i dont think "but i want to kill the max thats inside the room without entering the room" is really what the devs envisioned when they added C4, thats where AV nades and rocket launchers come in.
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  16. Reclaimer77

    They wouldn't know because they don't play LA.

    Heavy Assault + MBT's are the MLG master race.
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  17. WorldOfForms

    The dead giveaway is if they use the term "C4 fairy." Might as well stamp "BIASED" in your signature.
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  18. BlueSkies

    Pretty much everything but Medics and Valks will need to go really... that'll be fun
  19. Kanil

    SOE should really drop the idea of a christmas event and instead have an underpowered event. Everyone gets a ZOE Valkyrie with turreted Canister and side-mounted Battle Rifles.
  20. Xind

    Shotguns only. Pellet spread set to 100. Valkyries are still the only vehicle, though.