In Praise of A2A Lockons

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by JoeBobPete, May 19, 2014.

  1. IamnotAmazing

    I think this is a great freaking example of what they should be, helping pilots learn, and then eventually be able to handle a higher skill and more effective loadout
  2. Badname707

    Yeah. I've probably lost to them too, but like I said, I know I've seen and killed them in 1v1. I barely register a difference when I go against them. I fly a little differently than most pilots though, and I don't know if my style would be as effective on a scythe or mossie (I have a scythe certed out, but I haven't used it since coyotes were released, and I fly it differerently).
  3. Taemien

    No I'll just report you and then call you out in whatever platoon I'm in. Most of which are ran by outfits. Good luck when you have 48-200ish players ticked off at you. I do know for a fact that a few large NC outfits will report you en masse for TKing.
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  4. GaBeRock

    Consider: the reason you can retaliate at all is because good pilots don't like using them. If the good pilots on your server all started using them, not only would you die considerably more (assuming asymettrical loadout) put you'd die in infuriating, unexpected ways where you didn't even get a chance to respond and thus get better.
  5. SSRemly

    I like coyotes
  6. minhalexus

    I think lock-ons still require a nerf.
    I think that Lock ons should not be able to shoot smoking targets, with smoke obscuring their lock.

    Infantry should get a AA rifle, which is like half as strong as a burster arm in killing air.
    And is fairly bad in killing infantry, but not as bad as the burster.

    Lock ons do not really give you a good fighting chance in its current state.

    Heat seeking mechanics at least require a little more skill, but they should not be as strong as the coyotes.

    Lock ons do not require skill, good pilots can only use it as good as bad pilots.
    By bad pilots I do not mean useless pilots.
  7. Badname707

    Pretty sure SOE will look at the record, giggle, and move on with not banning people more deserving of bans. They'll assume the obvious: that one person got TK'd, overreacted, and sic'd his outfit on the one guy. It wouldn't be the first time SOE has completely disregarded mass reporting for an incident or two.

    Well, what server do you play on? I don't know if Waterson is a 'no coyotes' server, but we're pretty well known for our air game. I've certainly engaged top tier pilots using coyotes and won. I suppose I'm not certain, because I can't remember a specific instance where I have, but I have definitely engaged at least a couple top tier pilots who used them.
  8. Badname707

    He's referring to coyotes.
  9. The Rogue Wolf

    Hey, you're playing a MMO game where anyone can fight anyone else. If you can't handle it, there are a lot of great games where you can arrange 1v1 duels without interference.
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  10. Badname707

    It's usually more of a deterrent. In most cases, I accept the help. If I'm specifically dueling another pilot, I'll attack anyone else who engages him. If they continue with the engagement, after I've engaged you, then it's their fault if they die. It should be pretty clear what's going on when two people who were fighting instead turn to fight you when you approach.
  11. Badname707

    That was basically what he said the first time, when I first made that joke. I can arrange duels in this game just fine, I just sometimes need to kill friendlies who try to interfere. Anyone can fight anyone else, right?
  12. GaBeRock

    Mattherson TR is my main, waterson vs is my secondary. I'm going to stop arguing with you about your ability to kill coyote users, one on one, as I haven't seen you fly, but that doesn't necessarily mean I believe you.
  13. doombro

    Tomcats are for real A2A pros. ;)
  14. Badname707

    What's your Waterson VS alt? If you fly often, you probably have. I'm DanieltheBrewer.
  15. GaBeRock

    My waterson alt is GaBeRockNXT, but I'm not on often, so I wouldn't have seen you. Most of my time is spent on my mattherson alt because I'm not that experienced a player, and still have quite a lot to grind for.
  16. JoeBobPete

    Welp, I played with Tomcats again last night and had a blast. I even took out Sushi, one of the best pilots on the server, and he was super chill about it.
  17. Akeita

    Ever meet Yasuo bro ?
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  18. Silvermyst

    The Japanese prime minister or the Lol character?

    To either one the answer is no... I even only found out about the lol character just now when I googled it. :D That's because I've only played maybe 6-10 matches of league of legends since they completely redesigned the Twisted Treeline. While it's in theory similar, the play style now is so different that Summoners Rift is more like the old TT than the new TT is.

    Or are you talking about someone else? Maybe a Planetside 2 player...?

    Anyways, I don't really know what you're talking about. Sorry.
  19. Boildown

    Always use what is the most effective. This game is a wargame, not a dueling arena.

    You Never Want To Fight Fair

    And I agree, a mix of afterburners and lockons will beat an equal opposing group of just afterburners, every time.
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  20. Ravenwolf Foxtrack

    I'm not a fan of being locked on while trying to do a dog fight, granted, I'm no where near being an ace pilot, and I rejoice every time I manage a kill on a BR100 pilot, be it with the sad little needler or with coyotes. A2AM's are nice if you can make use of their lock on range and lock on timers. Great for hunting libs and finishing off esf's that are flying away (been done to me a few times too) But sadly, I find that a lot of times, lockons from the ground and flack can ruin a good A2A dog fight. Also a lot of those ace pilots really can discourage newer pilots from the air game. I've only just gotten into it my self within the last month's time or so, and have been enjoying it. But there are times when it gets frustrating being taken down by the crack head MLG players like Recursion or Future Crew. Even so, I still try to have fun. Coyotes are not OP, they are just a tool like all the other weapons, and like a tool, it is only as good as the craftsman using it.