[Suggestion] In memory of fallen player Jay-993 rename J-908 Crater to J-993

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by NinjaTurtle, Sep 17, 2014.

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  1. cruczi

    I hope all the cheaters in PS2 start exploiting the hell out of this new fast forward to BR100
  2. CursoryRaptor

    It couldn't hurt. Go for it.
  3. Maphreal

    I say go for it. It won't hurt anything. Precedence doesn't mean squat, this isn't case law. The devs can do as they please. Some of y'all need to go be a Negative Nancy elsewhere.
  4. z1967

    If someone you knew who played the game passed away recently, first I would like to offer my condolences, and second I would recommend that you ask as well to have a reference to them put in the game. Whether it be a base, a gun, or maybe even make a cosmetic dedicated to their memory.

    I think of it in the way they renamed some bases to commemorate merge smash. It didn't affect my gameplay in the slightest and it was put in for the people who cared. It could cause a problem in customer relations, and good on you for bringing that up.
  5. Tyrant103

    Who was he? a dev?
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  6. z1967

  7. MotionBlured

    If everything starts getting named after random nobodies that died, then it stops being special, and becomes a bit morbid.
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  8. Yeahy

    Too many people die, that's the problem.
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  9. LodeTria

    Explain to me why I, or the devs, should care.
  10. z1967

    Aye, true. You bring up a good point. After thinking about this a little bit more I think the BR increase is good enough. Beyond that is up to the devs and I do not have an opinion either way.
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  11. Taemien

    That's the point I was making earlier. If I want to be visiting a memorial, I'll go visit Arlington outside Washington DC. That's where the likes of Audie Murphy and such were buried. I'm not however, I'm playing a video game.

    If Jay993 was some sort of prominent figure in the community, and not a random guy, I'd say go for it. I'm not even comfortable with the idea of a dev getting it. Unless of course it was someone everyone knew. No offense to his friends and outfit members.. but I didn't know him, and its the same with the majority of the community.

    Sure, it couldn't hurt, but the precedence would. Give it to him and some other group will be asking, "why he got it, and not our friend?" I think Jay993's friends could do their own personal take on a memorial, maybe rename an outfit or have some sort of website or even a physical memorial. I think that would be more appropriate.
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  12. SpartanPsycho

    We already download crap every week. I don't see a problem with it. As someone who works its a crappy way to die.
  13. SpartanPsycho

    Nah the precedence is a bad one. If he were somebody like higby we wou--- Em no. But you see my point.
  14. AdmiralArcher

    funny how when someone famous dies like robin williams and companies and fans go out of their way to make sure SOMETHING gets into the game for him and they spent several weeks making his own character. but when a random person that most people dont know dies in an accident, people turn their nose up and say "he wasnt important enough to me so why should i care?"

    do i know him?


    but why would i stop people from transposing 2 numbers?

    i bet half the playerbase wouldnt even notice for months unless SOE made an annoucement.

    have other people died that play the game? yes

    but this is the first thread i have ever seen that is meant to dedicate something to someone in planetside 2.

    a while back warframe lost one of their devs, the forums were awash with threads of condolences, even people who left the game out of frustration came back and said something nice.

    as gamers, the metrics of death for us are very small....i dont know what they are, but because of the small and younger age group that this community represents, deaths arnt very common.

    993 it good
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  15. a-koo-chee-moya

    The problem is that it would set a precedent for future deaths, however uncommon, would still be pretty common with the world as big as it is and SOE would be under a lot of pressure. I agree about the importance though. Every human will die, and even the most important of us will only impact the world for a tiny fraction of its existence. They should either rename nothing for everyone, or name everything for everyone. As the 2nd is impractical, I'd go with the 1st.
  16. doombro

    I wouldn't support this sort of thing normally, but it's a very subtle change that would speak a lot of good. +1
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  17. AdmiralArcher

    well you also have to take into account the nature of the rename......they arnt renaming it completely....its just changing 2 numbers, they have changed the names of bases before........

    i agree that it could snowball very quickly.........but i think doing it once would be nice
  18. Jac70

    I have no issue with a small gesture like this if the guy was a dedicated player. Most people wouldn't notice such a minor alteration, it would only really have relevance to those who knew the chap. Only slight concern would be the setting of a precedent - once you start down that road you'll get people asking for changes for any and all personal reasons and then crying foul when they are refused.
  19. Leftconsin

    I think promotion to BR100 is the correct response to this situation. I applaud SOE for doing that. I'm uneasy with the idea of going much farther than that.
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  20. No_STG

    Making the character a BR100 as a medal of honor is more than enough.
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