In case you're having trouble finding a good anti-air weapon

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by innociv, Jan 7, 2013.

  1. innociv

  2. Zerlibop

    Agreed, Tried it yesterday (my Main is a Vanu) and was parked up by the Crossroads (conveniently next to an ammo sunderer) and taking out the scythes firing at the other NC was incredibly effective. I'm kinda torn as to which 1 I prefer the most (out of the prowler and vanguard, I'm not really a fan of the magrider).
  3. RykerStruvian

    The lightning AP turret works well too. It's pretty hilarious to pop aircraft with it. They think they're so fancy and great...and then suddenly they're gone with a poof.
  4. axiom537

    I am a big fan of the AP as Anti-Air. it a fast & has a relatively flat trajectory. I wouldn't mind if they introduced more Anti-Air along the lines of this type of weapon as opposed to the lock-on or flak or if they gave us a turret option that has greater vertical angle with AP. In PS1 the Vanu's HA Anti-Vehicle weapon was a terrific Anti-Air weapon and it required skill to use, but once learned it was very effective especially against hovering or linear flying vehicles. It basically fired up to 6 beams that where fast,accurate and did nice damage (6 shots to down an ESF), which meant with minimal aiming & leading even a fast flying target could be destroyed.
  5. SikVvVidiT

    Try the TR secondary gun, it takes out libs like they are grunts..
    • Up x 1
  6. BengalTiger

    Followers.... :p
  7. Littleman

    You mean the Vulcan? That thing practically machine guns Viper C75 "AP" rounds that actually do some damage. Inaccurate as hell and a wickedly slow projectile speed, but tears up just about everything it does hit.
  8. TimeyWimey

    I can't do this in my prowler, unless AP rounds take esf out with 1 hit (which I doubt). heat takes 2 shot, heavy 3 ;(
  9. Compass

  10. TimeyWimey

    point? didn't see any 1 shot kills against esf's there.
  11. Compass

    Two-shotting ESFs is realistic, and practical as a Prowler.
  12. TimeyWimey

    I still don't follow you. I just said prowlers can't 1shot esf's and you post a video of you (i presume) 2 shotting esf. Am I missing something? :(
  13. Compass

    this in your post can be construed as shooting down aircraft, not one-shotting them.
  14. TimeyWimey

    Yeah, whatever. I should have posted "I can't oneshot esf's in my prowler, unless AP rounds take esf out with 1 hit (which I doubt). heat takes 2 shot, heavy 3 ;(" I guess.

    ot, but it's at least 5 times harder to down esf's with the prowler main gun: 1) you have to hit them twice 2) they will be running away after you hit them once if they have half a brain 3) the prowler shoots from the side
  15. Compass

    Sure, which is why I use the Vulcan as a primary AA gun when given the chance.
  16. TimeyWimey

    yeah, it's very good.... at point blank range or targets sitting still a bit further, but you can't reliably hit **** with it over short ranges. It's still the best secondary weapon for the prowler imo.
  17. innociv

    Lightning AP just lights them on fire, doesn't 1 shot them. I wish it did one shot them, then I could use the Lightning AP exclusively on my Vanu. Instead I have to play on NC if I want to do this.

    Second best secondary weapon for the prowler?
    It's the second best weapon in the game, period, for anything.

    Prowler has the Vulcan which is the best AA gun in the game, which makes up for the main cannon not being as good against ESF. I don't think it'd be remotely fair for AP Prowler to 1shot ESF with how strong the Vulcan is against ESF and especially libs, and their main cannon is better against libs.

    I also have more than twice as easy of a time killing libs with the Prowler, since I have that first shot to get a bead and my second shot pretty much doesn't miss, then with the fast reload I get more shots to finish sooner. I also die to Prowlers when I'm strafing with my Lib far more than I die to other tanks.

    The other cannons are only good against ESF when you can land those shots. They're very unforgiving when you miss.

    I actually think AP needs a buff. It requires a lot of skill to overcome its draw backs.

    95%+ of the certs the best earners make in this game are from farming infantry, and you give that up in equipping the AP cannon. And the AP guns often don't even kill in 1 less shot like you'd expect.(see last link in my signature)

    HE guns on the other hand generally don't lose much damage to tanks, while allowing you to clear out multiple infantry in one shot.

    Yeah, I do well with the AP cannon, but that's because I aim it really well which isn't too fair to consider with the balance.
    I feel like all the AP guns should have +30% projectile speed over the normal guns. They're only 12.5% faster, which is very very little. The Saron goes 50% faster than the HEAT and HE cannons.

    And I agree a lot that I wish there was a HA gun like the AP cannons. I want to be able to one shot ESFs if I can aim, not do crappy damage with a lock on when I can't. Something with a 300m/s projectile speed, and 1700 damage, but a super long reload would be really cool. Or something like a large caliber sniper rifle that is a slow projectile compared to other snipers(like 450m/s), but with a 5 round clip that kills an ESF in 5 shots(3 if you hit the front)

    I really like fast projectiles.
    I'm hoping the NC railgun will have a fast one, and still kill ESF in 1 hit and Liberators in 2. But I really just want AP projectile speeds buffed to help make up for some of their drawbacks more.
  18. innociv

    You're a good Prowler driver. :p

    I wish Helios wasn't so under populated, or I'd be certing my Prowler. It takes so many certs to be effective though. Prowler starts out the worst, and becomes insanely strong, just as strong as a maxed out Vanguard if not better. If deploy was 30/36/42/48% instead of 12/24/36/48 I don't think as many people would be saying it's bad. Level 1 deploy is awful, but maxed out it's completely insane. And so is getting at least racer2. I have racer2 for my Lightning on my main, and it's similar ludicrous speed, flying over hills, and some hills that used to be sheer walls(like the rise to the sides of roads on Esamir) I just crash right over.

    I pop on now and then to see if you're on, but don't see you much. I like gunning that Vulcan.
  19. Compass

    I'm usually on late. I usually do air/ground support for Terrex or derp with an EXE platoon.
  20. innociv

    The Prowler has such a high fire rate(2 shots every 2.3s compared to the Vanguards 1 every 4 seconds) that even though you don't one shot them, you can shoot so many shells in the air that you're bound to get that second shot. Not to mention, ESFs are often flying around with 60% life outside of small areas like in my video. I think it'd be really broken if they did one shot them, since they have that insane fire rate plus the Vulcan.

    Vanguard is great alone, because they're going to run once they take 65% of their life in a shot and the strong alpha kills them outright, but having a squad of prowlers with barrels in the air giving Liberators and ESFs more daka is actually the best AA next to a squad of annihilators, if not better because they can actually hit libs 1km up. Though, I've still killed a number of ESF with the Prowlers. Lots of peoples reactions are pretty delayed, and they don't run right away, to where you can get that second hit in fine.
    I'd really love to have a group of Prowlers, and calling out firing orders on targets in the air like that. :p