[Suggestion] Improving the Lattice

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Adinatore, Jul 6, 2013.

  1. Adinatore

    To be honest, I actually like the lattice. I like being able to see supply routes, assault routes, and other strategic topographical information. That being said, however, it's important to note that there's still a huge area of improvement in the lattice game mechanics that are present.

    To begin with, the lattice needs to gain some form of importance other than directing the flow of battle. If a base loses its connection to the warp gate due to being surrounded on all sides, shouldn't the base experience some form of penalty? The following penalties are some possibilities for such isolated bases (I'm not implying that all of them should be implemented at once; only some).
    • The base can be capped more rapidly by the opposing faction as more connections to the defending WG are lost. Incremental speed increase per connection lost.
    • The defending faction cannot recap points if all connections to the WG are lost.
    • The defending faction can't spawn vehicles or MAXes if all connections are lost.
    • Defending turrets lose power and are inoperable until one connection to the WG is established.
    • Spawning is disabled (except from Sundi's) until at least one connection is established with the WG.
    • No new territories can be captured from an adjacent, disconnected allied territory.
    Having penalties for losing your last connection to your WG would increase the importance of strategic planning and deciding which way to invade. If a battle is stalled in one area, then perhaps a detachment of zerglings can push up another route and disconnect the isolated base in order to increase the attackers' likelihood of winning. In a sense, the more connections you have with a base, the more benefits the attackers/defenders would receive.

    Now, another aspect of the lattice system that could be improved is the battle flow system. As it stands, bases can only be captured along the lattice links. If, however, base design was improved to allow for more defensible bases and the lattice link was made more important as per some of my suggestions, then the game should allow for bases to be captured with adjacency similarly to how it was implemented via the Hex system prior to the lattice. Think about it this way:
    • Enemy bases that are linked to your bases via lattice can be capped at a moderate pace (depending on how many connections you have and how many connections the enemy has).
    • Enemy bases that are not linked to your territory via lattice but are adjacent to your territory can be capped at a slow pace. Just because a road doesn't lead to the enemy base from friendly territory doesn't mean that a military division can't reach the base via air/climbing mountains/infiltration. Once the base is capped, however, it will suffer the penalties of not being connected to your WG which would make it hard to defend.
    • This would encourage defenders to prioritize protecting their supply lines rather than saying "lol we're surrounded but who cares? We'll just keep spawning here because we outnumber the enemy!".
    Feel free to suggest other ideas if you think that what I have is inadequate/unfair for offense/defense.
  2. Hobo Jack

    first the lattice is a hard wired system and you are capping bases that are along the preset resource pipelines. if you capped a base non adjacent to the lattice then it would not benifit your team other than causing hardship to the enemy but being harder to attack why would you risk it? also the way the lattice is setup if your territory is contested you cannot advance until you secure base.

    what would improve the latice is reduce the total number or bases and to be more specific there are a few lanes where there are three towers in a row with large facilities on each side. if you are warpgated that is a tough push out. in my opinion there towers should be more sparse with the majority of bases being small outposts.

    also there should still be fewer options to attack i have countded no fewer than 6 bases and as many as 13 bases that i can attack. it should be closer to 3 . 5 tops. another tweek i would make is make a circle around the large facilities so the defenders cannot imideatly flip the large facility after loosing it .
  3. Adinatore

    It would benefit your team by cutting off enemy bases. Although you would end up with a disconnected base, you would also end up either disconnecting or reducing the number of connections for the enemy bases elsewhere (and thus improving your offense). You gotta think about this strategically. You don't attack a supply route behind enemy lines because you want to use it the instant you cap it; you attack it so as to prevent the enemy from using it!