[Suggestion] Improve Visual Contrast by Toning Down Atmospheric Fog

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Shylan, May 19, 2019.

  1. Shylan

    I've played PlanetSide2 on and off since closed beta, and one thing that's always bugged me about the graphics is the low contrast of the game's rendering engine. The lack of contrast makes it very hard to spot enemies against certain backgrounds (even at close distances, sometimes) and it's made even harder at medium to long distances.

    I'm not sure what the issue is, since I'm not a graphics programmer, but it looks to me like an over-use of atmospheric fog is the main issue. There could be other contributing factors, such as color correction or tone mapping, but I'm not sure that's what I'm seeing alongside the fog issue.

    If it's possible to tone the fog down significantly, or give players the option to turn it down, or even completely off, I think that would go a long way towards improving visual fidelity and acuity in the game.
  2. FIN Faravid

    Not sure what i think about this. On one hand, it would be great to have more long range combat, but i cant stand snipers. They force me to always take cover, pull a vehicle or max or go into close quarters, making long range weapons almost useless.

    But what definetly would be nice is to have more contrast in those triangles that indicate spotted players and other parts of UI that indicate friend or foe. Instead of all of them being white+color, it would be great if they use bright empire color (or friend/foe) and dark empire color (or friend/foe). For example:
    for VS dark purple and bright cyan,
    for NC dark blue and bright yellow,
    for TR black and bright red.

    Then you would have 4 squads, which could be for example:
    white and TR red
    yellow and TR red
    green and TR red
    cyan and TR red
    And this way you could tell all 3 empires and 4 squads apart more easily. And background colors which might sometimes be very colorful can currently sometimes have same colors as UI making you think, even if it would be for fraction of a second. Especially if there are foggy red plants in Hossin it can sometimes be difficult to see red and white triangles.

    Or just friend dark and friend bright
    and enemy dark and enemy bright etc etc.

    (these colors are just random examples ofc)
  3. OneShadowWarrior

    I have actually noticed the white fog a lot more with DX11, it wasn’t noticeable with DX9 and they also locked rendering distances way back when.

    I thought it was just me but I have seen the game either run to bright or run to dark and I know I can’t be the only one seeing it.
  4. PlanetBound

    I only noticed it after switching to high graphic settings for the first time.
  5. OneShadowWarrior

    Yes, I have my setting set to Ultra and the fog is annoying, I keep bug reporting it, thought I was going crazy seeing it, because other players didn’t, I didn’t realize they had lower settings.
  6. PlanetBound

    Captain Obvious here. Lower your settings.