[Suggestion] Improve Vehicle Stealth

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Jac70, Feb 7, 2013.

  1. Jac70

    Now that the battlefield is swarming with 'pressAbutton2win' rockets, people in vehicles are looking for something that can actually help them counter the swarms of Annihilator bunnies.

    As a Mag driver IR smoke is a complete NO. It gives you a few seconds and then they're right back locking you up. Plus it means you have to sacrifice the best cert for the Mag i.e. the Burner. Vehicle stealth is the other option and I would equip it if it did something useful. Increasing lock-on time by a second or so is again useless.

    Make vehicle stealth actually prevent lock-on dependant upon range with each cert level decreasing the distance between you and your opponent.
  2. allattar

    I was posting a similar question. Is stealth good enough.

    Reducing lock on range instead of time is a good idea.
  3. Vreki

    The thing is, lock-ons are needed the most against Magriders due to their mobility and strafing.
    A Magrider outside lock-on range is effectively untouchable by infantry. So dont expect more than 10-15m per level of stealth.
  4. Jac70

    It would still be a situational option and would maybe encourage more diverse play. Currently outfits are comprised of swarms of HA with lock-ons that can effectively target ground and air (although this is currently made worse with the rendering issues).

    To take the vehicle stealth the tanker still needs to sacrifice some other aspect of survivability. Enhanced armours or mineguard. So tanks would be OHKs for mines or more vulnerable to other tanks and air.
  5. allattar

    And consider current stealth adds a measly. .25 s to lock time per level