[Suggestion] Improve metagame and nanites

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by ZoldiK, Mar 22, 2017.

  1. ZoldiK

    Hi, devs. Sorry for my english first of all. Have got some idea for nanites resources. I mean those that give you ability to spawn vehicle or throw grenades.(+50 in min). It can be done so that every territory have got value. Large facilities give +10 in min, medium +5 and small +2. The territories that are cut off dont give nanite, it can help to fight more strategically. When continent unlocked all factions have got 3 big facilities, 3-4 medium and 3-4 small, dont remeber exactly. This is 3*10+3*5+3*2=51 nanities per minute like for now, but with capturing territories we can increase that gain. Also you can make different value of territories that increase over time. It helps to hold bases longer and dont give great advantage for enemy capturing your territories instantly.
    Or you can make only some territories that give buffs for nanites, but the first idea is better i think. There can be new contruction module that increase nanite gain from territories that is needed to power.
    Just ideas to improve metegame. I'm bored only to capture territories for no purpose and many old players i think agree with me. Only new players interested only in killing(farming) an enemy.
  2. LordKrelas

    Wouldn't that mean if your side is losing, it just becomes a grand steam rolling string of losses due to sheer loss of nanite-regeneration which means less grenades, med-kits, vehicles, and similar tools compared to the remaining sides.
    Let alone the wining side getting more nanites, which means more access to the Force Multipliers aka Vehicles?

    Wouldn't that literally ensure the victory of one side, if one gets focused down? Or block a side from ever losing?
    As they couldn't cope with the victor's sheer ability to pull vehicles or even grenades.
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  3. Demigan

    It was like this in the past, and they changed it because of the obvious balance problems when on side gets steamrolled, as that side has less and less chance of fighting back.
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