[Suggestion] Improve Deep Cloak

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by vanu123, Oct 26, 2014.

  1. Frostiken

    Everyone agrees that you're wrong. If there's any issue here, it's your pathetic poor-man's joke of a computer that's running at like 640x480, or your terrible eyesight. Regardless, you claimed Deep Cloak was invisible, which it is not, which means you are not qualified to comment on this topic anymore. Please show yourself out and have a blessed day!
  2. Frostiken

    Even if running cloak was set to the same shaders as deep cloak, it would still be much easier to see due to the fact that you're moving.

    Go play the FPS game Dystopia, the HL2 mod. Half the players are running around in there with a cloaking 'level' far more subtle than the PS2 standard level of cloaking, and you can still see people. This method of going about cloaking - via stupid 'water' shaders and making models transparent but distorted - almost never actually works in any game. Like I said, the human eye picks up motion very well. Since any kind of movement, via parallax or the person moving, will induce distortion, your eye sees pixels moving around and your brain will go 'LOOK OVER THERE!' and you'll see them.
  3. LibertyRevolution

    I am sure you guys are right, and on whatever high setting you play on you can see a blur from a not, but most dont..

    Deep cloak sure does seem to make me invisible..
    Here is 10mins of me crouching in capture area I filmed tonight:

    If you get bored, skip to 6:45 and watch from there.
    After the first 7 mins, I apologize to them in yell about what I am doing..and they still can't find me..
    Video ends with me being teamkilled by an NC grenade..

    This video was shot on Emerald at prime time, and this is the competency level of TR, scary eh?
    Ask me again why I fight the TR instead of the VS when I play NC?? :rolleyes:
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  4. Hatesphere

    the whole time i'm just like "bust out a flashlight, dear god use a flashlight!"

    but yeah deep cloak does work, the real issues with it as you say is when it glitches and some parts of the model do not enter the proper deep cloak cycle or something just prevent you from entering deep cloak in the first place, its very finicky. a simple hud icon to show your cloak level could go a long way.
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  5. Hoki

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  6. PurpleHIppo

    Deep cloak is already invisible when crouching, moving cloak is easy to see if they are nearby but at range theyre close to invisible.
  7. vanu123

    I understand and nor should it be, it however should be harder to see than what it currently is.
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  8. vanu123

    In my opinion current deep cloak is like the old standing cloak, could just be me but I have had enemies and friends tell me similar things.
  9. Saber15

    It isn't actually invisible, but in practice it is.

    Most players run at a dead sprint through buildings and are extremely unlikely to see a slight distortion in the corner of a room.
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  10. Frostiken

    You're standing inside highly complicated geometry that disrupts your silhouette. It's multicolored, has lots of detail, and breaks up your image.

    Either you think I'm stupid, or I'm starting to think you are stupid, because of how much you don't seem to understand the concepts involving how the human eye works. I've been sitting, crouched, in deep cloak and had people run up and shoot me. Either they're cheating, or deep cloak isn't invisible. Oh wait, you're going to try to handwave it away again and say that I must've been glitched all those times, despite the fact that countless other people will run past and not see me. Then one guy comes by, runs past, stops, turns around and shoots.

    If deep cloak is invisible, you should have no problem doing this in the middle of an empty room, like the cap point in a tower base. I like how you picked one of the hardest cap points with the most cover in the entire game to try to prove your stupid point.

    Everyone says you're wrong. You're still wrong. Except now you're wrong and you're ********.
  11. LibertyRevolution

    Yep, you are glitched so your gun, magazine, or head is not in deep cloak (or they cheat).
    I can stalker points all day and not get my face blown off by random guy that enters the room..
    It always takes a flashlight, random spray, or grenade.

    I take a flashlight pistol to the face in under 1 min in most bases I try this in.
    I just spent a few hours doing this and have not had someone walk in and blast me in the face like they can see me..

    You cannot crouch in the middle of cap point room..
    The random spray will hit you as they know the point is contested and will give you away...
    If you are crouching in a corner, on a wall, or in walking path, then you are fail, and you will die...

    Anyways, here is tonight's video:

    I take point back from VS in a busy base, then crouch in the open in the water in points range.
    I go to VS tech plant and camp the cap point, watch all that random spray, that is why you cant sit in the middle the room.
    I then go find a busy VS/TR fight and camp at sunderers, then move on to a generator.

    I cut all the getting into position, and waiting for them to respond.
    Some is run at 2x speed when I felt it was boring to watch, but didn't want it cut for continuity.
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  12. t31os

    Whilst stalker is a little unrewarding to play for the most part, it can be extremely effective, as shown in the video by LR in the above post.

    That said, i've experienced some of the oddity described earlier in the thread, situations just like in the LR video, except the odd guy here and there just seems to magically know where am i, despite everyone else remaining totally oblivious(like in your vid). I'm not obliged to guess as to why that occurs, but i can certainly appreciate the issue of some players seeing a great deal easier than everyone else on the field(for whatever reason).
  13. Whatupwidat

    The cloak is fine - the problem is that people think it's an invisibility device...it's not, it's an active camouflage device.

    You're Predator - not the invisible man ;P
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  14. Goretzu

    Deep cloak is fine, the current bugs with it are not.
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  15. Vaphell

    i recall at least 3 clearcut cases of me being gibbed in deep cloak while farming that godawful candy directive.
    1. crouched to the side in tech plant, a guys passes by and sprays me down without as much as slowing down
    2. guy notices something funny to the side of the path towards the mech terminal, confirms the distortion by moving sideways, sprays me down
    3. crouch-cloaking in the mountains 150m from the heat of the battle to do something irl, 30 seconds later i find myself looking at the death screen killed by some HA
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  16. Moonheart

    This is not.
    I'm a plain time stalker, and believe me, when I fight other stalkers, I can spot them even in deep cloak.

    However, this is hard to see, hard enough to requiers you to concentrate on it, and this is not appearent on screenshots.

    Why? Because the distortion is subtle and mostly can only be noticed because of the motion of the character, that you cannot sse on the screenshots (even if on your first screeshot, I think I see something suspicious to the right).
    By motion I mean here "breathing motion". Stalkers breath, so there are never completly still, and this subtle motion causes little shifts on the straight lines of the textures.

    Any stalker that did something that made them appear on the radar, while an experienced player who knows how to look for them is around, is dead meat if it doesn't switch location fast before that player reach the mark on the radar. He will take a straight headshot because he's NOT invisible... just very very hard to notice for someone that doesn't know in approximativly where to look at.
  17. vanu123

    I wish we could act more like predator instead of hiding.
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  18. Bennybones

    I think that if you count the amount of times you've been spotted you need to also count the amount of times you weren't spotted. If you remain un-spotted the vast majority of times you're clearly doing alright. Honestly, the deep cloak is fine. Experienced players will shoot in to corners simply because they expect someone to be there. They often also spot you moving from point a to b without you knowing it and they know that taking a shot without getting a kill is a wasted opportunity. So they follow you and kill you.

    Obviously bugs not withstanding. It is dumb that you can't un-cloak by using your left mouse button though. They need to fix that.
  19. Xasapis

    Am I the only one that can't seem to be able to see crouched infiltrators even when they are literally in front of me? Is it a settings thing? I see a lot of people using low textures, although their computer can probably handle ultra without frame rate loss (like Matti's videos for example). Maybe the ultra textures provide enough noise to mask the shimmering in more environments than low textures would.

    I do think that crouched infiltrators should not lose their deep cloak when crouch walk though. That imo is a necessary quality of life improvement for the class and for stalker cloak in particular.
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  20. vanu123

    I am spotted about every time I am deep cloak, regardless if they saw me prior.