Implement PING in the game so we know how much we lag

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by SolitarioSoldat, Apr 15, 2013.

  1. SolitarioSoldat

    Your servers are lagging, people warping, teleporting, even I'm teleporting.

    I have good internet connection. We need to know if we are playing with 60 or 200 ping even on our US server.
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  2. Loegi

  3. SolitarioSoldat


    So you can blame every death on your ping, right?
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  5. Chiss

    I need some evidence to make SOE remove my deaths. I need my KD to be high so i can show my friends at school!!!!
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  6. SolitarioSoldat

    commander and chiss, I see u both went to troll university... go and crap elsewhere
  7. RedPsycho

    I wouldn't mind having a Ping added to the Alf+F numbers. As someone who is unfortunately stuck with DSL internet from Verizon (they haven't ran FiOS onto the island I live on) and due to not liking Comcast, because they screwed me in the past. I'm stuck with this crappy DSL on a small Barrier Island off the southern coast of New Jersey...

    I share internet with my fiance who loves Netflix. So being able to see when she's watching it in the other room would be nice and I'd be able to log off before I feel like I'm more a hindrance than help.
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  8. SolitarioSoldat

    well said, ping use to come with PC FPS games as standard, so whoever is playing when something in doubt he can check the ping and if by any reason went high he will adapt his aiming.
  9. LibertyRevolution

    I pinged that address for waterson server, I get 120ms ping.. what a joke.
    I am in Connecticut.. I can ping VA at 25ms..
    I can ping to San Francisco at 90ms...
    I can ping Norwich in Great Britian at 115ms...
    Well done, your servers latency is the same as if I was going across the entire Atlantic ocean...

    So SOE servers are really bad, guess that is what you get for free.

    Your turn guys:

    Waterson: Virginia ping Richmond, VA see how you do..

  10. Fenrisk

    My 3 demands from SOE

    1. Make hit detection server side

    2. Give all players ping

    3. Kick anyone from the sever with over 250 ping till they buy a connection better then 56k
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  11. llPendragon

    I absolutely agree that there should be a ping feature in game.

    This is how I have to check now:

    Go to this link:
    Click on the "Raw" button
    select all and copy (Ctrl+a then Ctrl+c)
    Paste the text into Notepad
    Click Save As
    name the file "ping.bat" and change the file type to all
    go to the folder you saved ping.bat to and double click on it

    Output will look something like this:
    Australia: Paddington, New South Wales
    - (AU) Briggs: 223ms
    Europa: Amsterdam, Holanda
    - (EU) Ceres: 130ms
    - (EU) Cobalt: 126ms
    - (EU) Lithcorp: 129ms
    - (EU) Mallory: 129ms
    - (EU) Miller): 129ms
    - (EU) Woodman: 131ms
    US West: San Diego, California
    - (US West) Connery: 61ms
    - (US West) Genudine: 61ms
    - (US West) Helios: 64ms
    US East: Ashburn, Virginia
    - (US East) Jaeger: 53ms
    - (US East) Mattherson: 51ms
    - (US East) SolTech: 49ms
    - (US East) Waterson: 51ms

    Press any key to continue . . .
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  12. gigastar

    That would require a fairly major rework to how the game itself works, and knowing how well SOE implements things we would sooner be playing a genuinely broken game instead of the unstable mess we have to deal with at the moment.
  13. Pikachu

    I downloaded some little bat device that someone made that lists the ping. I have 30 to my cobalt. :)
  14. Fishington

    This works like a charm! Admittedly an in-game function of this nature would win out, but in the meantime this does the business.
  15. GSZenith

    well thats nice miller 37 138 waterson 331 briggs.
    sweden here.
  16. Finli

    Copy the following into notepad and save it as "ping.bat", then double click to run it. It still has the old pre-merge servers on but just ignore those.

    Edit: Alright, nevermind. Those stupid smileys from 20 years ago messed with the command and I can't be bothered to fix it.
  17. Poacher

    I too have DSL. I put up with it due to my hate of Comcast. Netflix has 3 video quality options. My account is set to the lowest resolution so it doesn't really affect gaming while my wife is watching streaming movies on a 55" TV. Video quality isn't the best but it's a good compromise when on-line at the same time.
  18. f0d

    Australia: Paddington, New South Wales
    - (AU) Briggs: 20ms <---:D
    Europa: Amsterdam, Holanda
    - (EU) Ceres: 322ms
    - (EU) Cobalt: 321ms
    - (EU) Lithcorp: 321ms
    - (EU) Mallory: 322ms
    - (EU) Miller): 323ms
    - (EU) Woodman: 326ms
    US West: San Diego, California
    - (US West) Connery: 169ms
    - (US West) Genudine: 170ms
    - (US West) Helios: 169ms
    US East: Ashburn, Virginia
    - (US East) Jaeger: 230ms
    - (US East) Mattherson: 230ms
    - (US East) SolTech: 229ms
    - (US East) Waterson: 228ms

    that ping test program is pretty awesome
  19. TheBigHert

    Coolio, I'm still a LPB! :D (although my fps is also low :confused: )
  20. FigM

    I noticed that server ping is not exactly same as "game ping"

    Sometimes the server connection is just fine, but the game processing application has lag inside it. We need ping that would measure time for game to acknowledge a game command. Default server ping command completely ignores all data processing on server