[Suggestion] Implant to reduce foot step and cloaking sound

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by CaptCran, Jun 24, 2016.

  1. CaptCran

    Implant to reduce foot step and cloaking sound
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  2. Partl

    Sounds like a good idea to me.

    Another one, that was crossing my mind lately: An implant that raises spotting area, like u can scan a small area with it, instead of spotting single targets.
  3. FeralBoy

    I absolutely think that would be a great implant.
    This is like a broken record with me but once again PS1 proves why it was such an overall better game than whatever PS2 is trying to be...

    They already had this implant in PS1 and it was awesome, especially for cloakers. It was called Silent Run and for a limited amount of time it did exactly what its name implies. It eliminated the sound of your footsteps while running. It was a huge advantage for us deep-ops cloaker types who spent most of our time deep behind enemy lines softening up enemy bases.

    (I have to kindly disagree though with being able to totally eliminate the sounds of uncloaking/cloaking. I am a cloaker main and even I feel that this would be too much of an advantage for the already ultimate ambush class. And I will also acknowledge when I'm wrong. I previously said in another post that ES cloaking sounds were a non-factor. I now realize that was inaccurate. If anything the NC and VS sounds need to be reduced slightly to get on par with the subtle sounds the TR cloakers already enjoy.)

    Another cool tidbit about PS1 and implants was that once you hit the required BR level (15 or 18?) you could run 2 implants at once.

    Why can't have we have the graphics of PS2 with an actual strategic and tactical massive FPSer like PS1 was and call it PS3???
  4. CuteBeaver

    Largest issue we face is the cloaking sound. The sound originally traveled to roughly 90-100 meters and be barely audible at that distance. Then Planetside2 had a sound revamp done somewhere back in the depths of my memory. With the new and improved audio for the game... our cloaks could be heard out to 200+ meters away. -_- No documentation of the change existed (to my knowledge). It was one of those silent (most likely unintentional) nerfs.
  5. EPIC389

    While it would be an awesome idea, it kinda removes the whole paranoia aspect of infils(which is so damn funny). It also makes it harder to search for an infil this way. I'd simply like the NC and VS be a bit less obnoxious and reduce the range at which you can hear all 3