Implant drain and drop rate is just right, but the concept is too dumbed down.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by TotalNoob, May 23, 2014.

  1. TotalNoob

    Perhaps it's because I'm used to years of Eve and I've been conditioned but if you're going to go down the road of random drop / random manufacture then you could do with putting a bit more thought into it.

    I like the idea and I think the implementation is fine. It runs out of steam after a week when you've obtained your tier III and then everything's just junked to top up your battery. It's pretty poor, it's what I'd expect from Hello Kitty Online tbh.

    Where's the difficulty? Where's the challenge in this? Where's the rarity and variety (doesn't have to be big, just minor variations are worth the gain for the player) Where's the player driven market for selling these +6.6% regen implants? Why not take it a step further and have manufactured weapons that have small variations in RoF or recoil that can be made with hard to obtain drops and sold on?

    SoE missing a big trick here that comes as standard in any other MMO. Just because this is an FPS doesn't mean it can't have a player driven economy bolted on like Diablo. It's a step in the right direction for longevity, a small one though.