I'm Upset at the Daily Membership Cert Gain

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Stellus, Mar 18, 2013.

  1. Stellus

    The daily cert gain for members is advertised poorly. Currently, you must log-in every day in order to "claim" your daily cert reward. If you go a week without logging in, you still only get the one-day reward the next time you log-in. It should accumulate regardless of log-in. This is what the advertisement insinuated.

    I am employed full-time and I am a full-time student. I don't have the time to log in each and every day. I paid money for the membership, I should be getting the rewards it explicitly told me I would be getting. Forcing me to log-in to claim my points for all my characters each and every day was not in the print, nor was there any fine print that specified this.

    Please change it so those who paid their money for memberships get what they were promised.

    Please look at the advertisement:

    Get more XP, passive cert points, and resources the longer you are a member!***
    • Passive Certs
    • 1 MONTH - 25%24.0 / day
    • 2 MONTHS - 30%28.8 / day
    • 3 MONTHS - 35%33.6 / day
    • 4 MONTHS - 40%38.4 / day
    • 5 MONTHS - 45%43.2 / day
    • 6 MONTHS - 50%48.0 / day

    As a customer, I assumed that by purchasing a membership, I am accumulating resources Passively at a daily rate.
    Logging into the game IS NOT PASSIVE. That is ACTIVE
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  2. Bankrotas

    Paying for something, should not give you advantage over non paying customers in FTP. If you want an advantage, you'll have to earn it, not just, pay for power.
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  3. Compass

    Daily Routine Modification

    1 - Wake up when the alarm clock starts buzzing
    2 - Groggily go to bathroom and do morning ritual
    2a - Move to computer, launch PS2, select your character and let it spawn
    3 - Return to normal schedule
    247a - Close PS2 launcher (optional). Game will already have timed out from the idle timer.

    Adds perhaps 30 seconds to your day.
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  4. Stellus

    So by logging into each character and then closing the game out immediately after is "earning" my certs? You're crazy. THIS IS NOT PASSIVE!

    Please look at the advertisement:

    Get more XP, passive cert points, and resources the longer you are a member!***
    • Passive Certs
    • 1 MONTH - 25%24.0 / day
    • 2 MONTHS - 30%28.8 / day
    • 3 MONTHS - 35%33.6 / day
    • 4 MONTHS - 40%38.4 / day
    • 5 MONTHS - 45%43.2 / day
    • 6 MONTHS - 50%48.0 / day

    As a customer, I assumed that by purchasing a membership, I am accumulating resources Passively at a daily rate.
    Logging into the game IS NOT PASSIVE. That is ACTIVE
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  5. Stellus

    Nope, you don't know my schedule nor the workload I have every day. The game should not force me to log in every single day to claim the reward it said I would passively gain. It didn't specify this - it is poor advertising, and I am upset.
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  6. Ash87

    ..You do realize you get 12 certs a day regardless?

    You know... without doing anything.

    @OP: Stellus has a point, it should stack, so that if you miss a day or so, you still get your certs. That makes sense.
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  7. BalogDerStout

    It kind of amazes me the people who white knight for SOE.

    The guy wants what he paid for, he should get what he was promised.
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  8. Bankrotas

    Ok, you can go back on pre patch passive cert gain and not log in, but don't expect I would allow you to show of your entitlement. If you want those cert's log in once a day, it's not that hard or long, or required much of attention, you don't really need to play either, stop thinking, that if you payed cash, SOE should pamper you.
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  9. Being@RT

    While the effort required is minimal, the OP is right. The advertisement, or any source in game, never mentions the need for a daily login.
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  10. philux

    I fully approve and share the OP's concern. For subscribers who also have a job it is often not possible to login every day, since many of us are occasionally, or even regularly, travelling and don't have PS2 installed on their business laptop.
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  11. Souleater

    Agree with the OP. It is a bit of a pain.

    If certs could be traded or something I could see an issue (cert farming) but that's obviously not the case.

    It might even encourage more subs. /shrug
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  12. BalogDerStout

    Considering the amount of certs some people made over the weekend from double xp, plus membership, plus boost, I really doubt the 50 certs daily for someone who paid for such a service is really going to be game breaking. If you had all those bonsues that's less than an hour of even BAD play.

    I have no problem with SOE wanting to keep passive certs to log in only for free to play, but if you're membership, wouldn't that be a nice little perk?
  13. Dusty Lens

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  14. DuckSauce

    You could also put a terminal in the warpgate that people needed to use to claim their passive certs, and it would only add an extra 10 seconds on top of those 30. (And it would be equally pointless).
  15. Haya jii san

    Ladies chill down your horses ...
    Like the Higby said back then, they're thinking of increasing the threshold / timer cap from one day to something more. Be patient. PS : OP is right of course but game is still young etc ...

  16. Ash87

    ...Your Sig...

    FOR BLOOD AND THUNDER! (No, I'm not linking it, that would end poorly)
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  17. Pugzii

    This is true, it also applies to Station Cash, if you dont log in for a month, you dont get your SC!
  18. CaptainYamerica

    I pay for the game. Been paying for it since signing up for Alpha and since day one. I justify it as paying for a game that I love that I didn't physically have to buy. The money goes to pay all the people who continue to make the game work and grow. So far I have been very happy. There are always going to be bugs and issues in a game like this. Was I happy when i saw I free daily certs? heck yeah i was, but if I have never started receiving them, I never would have noticed either.

    Long story short, I'm not looking a gift horse in though mouth. If I don't log in for a few days, that my choice. I'll be just as happy as I was before receiving "free" certs.
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  19. Blue4tw

    SOE fix it please
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  20. Dusty Lens


    (bans for all)
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