I'm not getting my All-Access member benefits after the update?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Alizona, Oct 2, 2014.

  1. Alizona

    I posted a bug report in-game, but is anyone else NOT getting their 50% Cert bonus after the update this morning?

    I repair turrets for a living, and I'm only getting 6XP per "tick" when I'd normally get 10XP minimum as a paying supporter of PS2.
  2. SerasVic

    Maybe you are new so i'll tell you.

    Everything is on Twitter or Reddit

    Don't tanks me

    for your exemple : http://www.reddit.com/r/Planetside/comments/2i3erg/new_issues_with_the_102_patch/

    posted by a Dev. You fool believed in was said on official forums? My god the kids of today are so ...
  3. Alizona

    Thank you SerasVic, and a big thumbs-down to Sony... not for this obvious bug - bugs happens - but for NOT REPORTING IT HERE ON THE FORUMS PROMPTLY.

    I don't do twitter and I don't read reddit every day. I DO READ THE GAME FORUMS THO. Really makes me angry we have to go outside the Sony world to get important news that should be right here on the "OFFICIAL" forums.
    • Up x 2
  4. Alizona

    In-game, the TAB key showed "+50% XP gain" in the upper right corner where all current bonuses are listed... except I wasn't getting the +50%.
  5. SerasVic

    IKR ? Who would think official forum are made to announce important things?
  6. Alizona

    Ah well, I'll come back in 12 hours and see if it's fixed I guess. Hopefully they'll fix it before my 5 daily ribbons reset at midnight and are lost for good. I don't want to earn my 5 ribbons without the 50% bonus because those are a big part of my daily routine at this game. Trying like heck to get to BR100 by repairing more Phalanx Turrets than anyone else every has, or ever will. :)
  7. Suwon

    same problem
  8. SerasVic

    That's not how you get BR 100 bro xD
  9. Alizona

    Oh you just watch me. :) I wonder if I'll have the lowest K/D of all the BR100's when I get there? I think I'll def be in the running for that embarassing award!
  10. SerasVic

    KD means nothing, and there is BR 100 with KD below 0.5 btw
  11. Alizona

    I've looked for a statistics site where I can list all the BR100 players and then sort them by K/D. Have you found such a site where I could do that?

    P.S. I agree it means nothing, which is why I really don't care about how low mine is. I like to poke fun at myself and my ineptitude. :)

    P.P.S. My actual, true goal, is to earn more Repair Ribbons than anyone else in the game. I have somewhere around 3400 of them. But again, I don't know of any way to compare my ribbon count to someone else's. I'm not aware of a sort-able statistics site that keeps track of them across all players.
  12. SerasVic

    get repair sundy it's 10 times faster
  13. stalkish

    Dev opinions on things are one thing, and i can understand why they would not use their forum for that, protecting SOE an all that legal crap.
    But key information about the game some of us pay a sub for not being made available on the official game forums is absolutely ridiculous.
    Whats worse is theyve said previously that they sometimes 'forget' to repost on the official forums after doing the reddit thread.......really soe :confused:.
  14. SerasVic

    In 2014 Copy / paste is hard
  15. Alizona

    It's no quicker than the Repair Tool, the only differences are, you don't have to wait for the cooldown on the Tool and you can sometimes repair multiple turrets at the same time if they are close enough.

    Other than that... no difference in speed. Only in comfort (and protection). If the Sundy had a radio in it that I could rock out to while repairing, that might make it worthwhile. :)
  16. SerasVic

    OK you'll be amazed in
    you can go out of the sundy and repair 2 things at the same time (or even more) making at least 2 time xp !!!