I'll Finally Admit it: AA is out of control.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by NoXousX, Apr 27, 2013.

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  1. Trucky

    The AA maxes arent leaving any tracerts and i cant see even where the bullets are comming from sometimes, Also my fps drops when there are over 3 max AA maxes in a zone. Wat
  2. Vanus Aran

    Its still happening that bigger distances make AA-Maxes clip out, as well as their line of fire.
    And if im not imagining things, its still related to how many people are fighting in the same hex and nearby.

    Just AA-Maxes can have this overpowered advantage. SOE should make their render-distance like that of vehicles already. JUST MAXES. Why? Cause they can eat more hits anyways. This is so unfair that they can make approach by air so annoying while they are guarded by an unnatural "non-existence" caused by distance.
    They are just TOO DAMN powerful especially in camper-positions.
    Since they always got their Engineer- and Medic-monkeys on standby.

    Man just due to camping I really start to hate Medics. Just cant respect this content! They feel like an content for losers who just want to piss people off who could kill an enemy.
  3. Purg

    They did that 4 GU's ago - at least.
  4. Kunavi

    From what little I can gather, Distance/Render/Range combinations for various units like MAX and ESF are )(*&*^ and need to be worked on ASAP?
  5. Selentic

    Their render distance isn't the issue, even if they rendered all the time, the fact is that it is a unit that is only a pixel big beyond 200m, and it has a range of nearly 600m. It needs a range cap of 300m, and heavy gravity so it can't fire at things that aren't even in the same hex as it.
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  6. Coldz

    More like one of the best bailers in the game.
  7. Sowahka

    What on earth happened? Coming back after leaving the game for several months and pulled an AA MAX in an area being swarmed by nearly a dozen scythes, another guy did the same and together we cleared the sky without ever leaving spawn, must have got nearly 5k exp from the kills and assists. Doesn't this feel silly to anyone else?
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  8. subz3r01337

    Burster AA maxes really make me buttdevastated especially when there are more than one in every hex i go to
  9. Selentic

    Well it is literally the easiest thing in the game to use next to lock on rockets, so it's not very hard for any bad player to pick them up.
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  10. tbot

    Somehow i have the bad feeling that they are not going to change the AA DB MAX.
    And that the new ZOE and lockdown ability of the Max will worsen the problem.
    And that the devs think if they give ESF a toy to shoot other ESF all will be happy.
  11. cc2001

    I haven't test either of those with the burster recently, but I thought it was said they intend them not to work with NS weapons?
  12. SNAFUS

    This thread will never get old to me. So many tears from bad infantry players who allow themselves to be farmed by air clinging to the OP nature of AA. That nerf is coming ground pounders, accept it and drink lots of water as you will need it for all the future QQ.
  13. HotIce256

    Yeah, somthing needs doing about the balance. Im not entirely even sure whats wrong - AA\ESFs are always overpowered\underpowered one way or the other. Either Air is OP, or AA is. Currently AA - in any medium sized fights 3 AA maxes can clear the sky easily.

    Feels like it cant be balanced, somthing is just wrong with the design. Up until recently I would be flying 20-30 mins at a time - now if I get to close often (even with full flak) ill just die before I attempt to do anything because I cant see how many flak maxes im flying into!
  14. reticentbassist

    It is difficult to balance Air Power because in real life it is "OP". It is just the nature of air superiority that whoever has it has a HUGE advantage over the ground war.
  15. tbot

    Devs said the bonus on NS weapons will be smaller - but there is still a bonus on NS weapons :p
  16. cc2001

    /sigh (not at you btw)

    That sigh is for SOE buffing bursters....
  17. Selentic

    aa is still ruining this game

    come back good thread
  18. ItsJustDash

    Already I feel like a God with the busters. Will I become a greater God?
  19. Selentic

  20. IamDH

    June 03
    Maxes are still OP
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