If your K/D was under 1:1. Would you quit PS2?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by JasonVoorhees, Jan 10, 2014.

  1. Syrathin

    Absolutely not, Could you imagine if everyone under 1:1 KD quit, At some point you'd end up with one lonely guy on each server wishing he had someone to fight. :p
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  2. NeonNoodle

    Thread deja vu
  3. f0d

    it seems some people cant understand maths and that not everyone can have above a 1:1 ratio

    battlefield is now HORRIBLE about it
    it never used to be - back in the bf2142/bf2 days it wasnt as much of a big deal as it is now, sure some people cared and tried to improve it but they never berated anyone for having a low k/d or even cared too much about other peoples stats but now you are actively attacked and looked down upon if you have a lower than 1:1 stat and anything you say is meaningless because of some silly statistic that means nothing
    its only been the last 10 years or so that people have been acting so horrible over this stat - sure people cared about it before then but they wouldnt actively look down upon and berate other people for being lower than 1:1
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  4. Liewec123

    i used to keep my vanu char for when i was in peak concentration mode, had a KD ratio of around 6ish
    but i just wasn't playing them as much as i like, i like to get drunk, spawn a heavy and charge in blasting and take out what i can before i die (its more fun!)
    so now i've decided to never again look at KD and just play the game!
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  5. f0d

    its the best way to play ;)
  6. NinjaTurtle

    No, I was about 0.5 for the first 6 months or so that I played and I didn't

    I have got a little better since but even so I dont feel I would quit of I were to drop to below 1
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  7. z1967

    I'm an engineer, I solve problems. One of these, is that fact that people burn through ammo making smiley faces on the walls. I place down everyone's favorite little package and they get to keep on making smiley faces. Do I get my head blown off? Sure, but I am competent enough to either counter-snipe or keep on walking.

    K/D is immediately irrelevant when there are vehicles, support classes, and/or non-combat/super combat troops. Not even score per minute is good indicator but it certainly better than K/D.
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  8. K2k4

    I usually buckle down and keep playing until my KDR levels out if my session KDR is under 1.. Unless I'm really just not having fun.
  9. FieldMarshall

    If i had to choose, i would rather have a below 1:1 KD and have fun.
    Rather than having a 10:1 KDR and constantly derping around in spawns being scared of dying.

    My KDR got decent when i started playing my NC alt, and it had a snowball effect where im scared of dying and i hate it.
    No fun.
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  10. LectraWyraph

    My total lifetime KD is pretty... Unimpressive and lackluster, especially for someone who mainly plays infiltraitor.

    The reason WHY my KD is so awful in this context, is because when I first started playing Planetside 2, I would basically commit suicide to revive anyone nearby, and the explosives from vehicles weren't nerfed yet. Between all that, I had a KD of 0.50 for a while. I'm now a BR 71 with a KD of about 1.59 It's slowly, slowly climbing, but with 10549 total deaths it's taking a while.

    I admit that I sort of regret how badly I damaged my KDR when I first started playing Planetside 2, like if it hadn't been damaged so badly, and I started with everything I have now, it'd probably be much higher. But bleh oh well. :/
  11. CaptainYamerica

    KD/R is not very important in this game. Just saying. It's more or less a bar to set for yourself.
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  12. DaninTexas

    Anyone who is interested in K/D ratio over having fun with out ruining other peoples fun are not people I want to associate with.
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  13. RyanGUK

    I don't have the best specced PC, in fact I play Planetside 2 on a laptop with a "17 inch screen which is annoying when trying to pick out people who are so much smaller.

    My K/D ratio is pretty low because I like chucking myself into the fight, I don't want to be a farmer where I'm playing the game just to level up. I wanna help people, repair vital base defences and heal people who've gone down. I don't get why people care so much about their K/D ratio, sure it'd be nice to have a high one for brag rights but to put that much effort into it for those bragging rights? I don't see the appeal.
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  14. Axehilt

    Games are about learning. No, seriously, that's the entire premise of A Theory of Fun by Raph Koster (fantastic book on game design.)

    Basically one of the evolutionary advantages humans have is that our brains enjoy learning (what we call "play".) So when there's something left to learn from a game we have fun, but when there's nothing left to learn (Tic-Tac-Toe) we quickly become bored and stop playing.

    It's not some absolute thing though, because if I'm playing a game I'm bad at but feel like I'm not improving at, then I can become frustrated and quit. So if my K/D was literally 0 because I couldn't figure anything out, and wasn't getting better, then I would probably quit.

    This is part of why I often suggest improving the death recap, because that's the critical teaching moment for a game to let players know what happened. Apart from the more obvious improvements which could be made, I suggest things like Smart Tips, where the game notices you've walked out of spawn to die to a Shredder Lib 3 times in a row and tells you in a polite way that it might be time to pull an ESF to beat that Liberator down, or flak to chase it away.

    In case it wasn't clear, this means K/D really has nothing to do with quitting except for the extreme ends (extremely low K/D means a player is probably frustrated, and extremely high K/D means they might be starting to get bored.)
  15. NCwolf84

    I've played for year and i've never had a positive KD. ive struggled greatly with the shooting aspect of this game. thus why i became a awesome medic and engineer
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  16. Jalek

    If you worry about K/D, then you'd have to avoid being a passenger in vehicles, and being around them, except perhaps as a lib gunner to pad the stat.
  17. Frozen

    No - For a few reasons

    1. I'd know that I didn't sit there dead for minutes waiting for a revive rather than respawning and getting back into the action.
    2. I'd know that I died with a med or repair tool in my hand trying to help my side.
    3. I'd know that I died in the front lines, trying to push the enemies back into their spawn rather than sitting 280m back lobbing HE shells into a mixed crowd.

    Honestly whenever I see someone with a ridiculously high KDR the first thing that goes through my head isn't 'That person must be really skilled'.
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  18. DrunkenDoughnuts

    Connection would be the most important thing to me here, not K/D. When PS2 first started I couldn't play during prime time hours because my ISP's latency was terrible during peak usage times. Doesn't matter how good (or bad) you are, I don't think this game would be a lot of fun with a terrible connection, or terrible FPS, but I guess people do it anyway.
  19. Giggily

    If my KD was sub 2 I'd quit.
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  20. Jester7x

    my kd is pretty bad (sub 1 right now) and the main reason for that is my horrid fps. Can go as low as 12 fps in big fights. In every other fps ive played im usually 2kd but ps2 is a different animal. You're never really going 1v1 against someone. Its you versus your enemy versus the sniper 100m away, versus the tank shooting at you versus a liberator raining death on you. If you care about KD id have to say you're probably playing the wrong game.
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