[Guide] If You Think Someone Is Hacking How To Look Up Their Correct Stats

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by BLKThumb, Dec 13, 2012.

  1. MykeMichail

    The stats on this website are lagged by several days.
  2. Arcanum

    Is the server pop data correct? The highest pop server has a lot more characters than the lowest pop in the region I checked.

    So there ARE some servers that are severely underpopulated? Also, are there already frequent login queues?
  3. ArenSteele

    After playing last night, I checked this morning and my stats are updated
  4. MykeMichail

    Maybe it's on a per-server basis.

    I play on Briggs, and everyone I've looked at is lagged for that server, myself included.

    Some newer players aren't even listed yet.
  5. badname02