If you had 1000 cert points right now, what would you get?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by CaptainCthulhu, Apr 8, 2013.

  1. CaptainCthulhu

    And why?

    I'd been saving up for a week or so now, and had been thinking about getting the anti-vehicle MANA turret. But given all the recent updates lately, I'm curious...what new piece of kit do you want and why?
  2. Chiss

    max out drifter jets for LA
  3. Ribonucleic Acid

    composite armor 4 on my reaver.
  4. Krayus_Korianis

    Possibly a new weapon for a favored class. Kinda hard to pick seeing as I play CM more than the others. I also play LA and HA a lot as well... I already bought a CARV-S for my HA... So that leaves that class out.
  5. Dingus148

    Max out comp. armor for my ESF...because I doubt I could be bothered grinding it out otherwise
  6. cody weathers

    I would buy exactly 1/2 of a potato because thats exactly what 30+ hours or 1k certs buys you in this economy.

    in all seriousness probably my next level in recon tool then save up another 500 to max out the damn thing because I have a fetish for having all tools maxed out in games.
  7. isLA

    10 flashlights
    • Up x 17
  8. NinjaTurtle

    I'd get either the second burster for my MAX or the Skyguard simply because I don't have any Anti Air weapon that specializes in Anti Air.

    I have the Phoenix but that is very situational i.e your target has to be either floating in one place or moving very slowly and within 300m
  9. WalrusJones

    Upgrade my flashes acquire timer and turbo. (300 Certs.)

    The second Laser pointer for my tar.
    -Soft point ammo for my tar. (200 certs)

    The compensator for my T1S (100 certs)
    -The grenade launcher for my T1S (100 certs)

    Upgrade my Furys magazines (300 certs.)
  10. Singed

    Currently have 1000 certs chilling out and waiting to be spent, so this is very applicable. I'll probably end up getting flak 4 for Engineer and Medic. I have the repair tool, med tool, and jump jets all at level four, and I don't want to put the 500 certs into level 5. Maybe I'll add a few ranks into the AV mana turret (OP it is very worth it) Thats probably it though, boring steps of character progression.

    A more interesting question: If you could recert what would do/change
  11. Zotamedu

    I do have 1000 certs and I don't know what to buy with it.
  12. MayorD

    dont waste your certs for skyguard.. is a bit...
    second burster is ok. or try hawk. damn good as AA and can dumbfire.

    Ill wait for next Pumpguns, then see whats better.
  13. Virulent0o

    Whatever you do, do NOT get the Battle Rifle until they have fixed the problem. Biggest waste of 1000 cert on my side.

    If you play engineer rather get a list of things:
    - Tank mines (100 cert), 2 mines can take out most vehicles.
    - The 500cert carbine (sharable with LA), add attachments such as bullets, sight and grip
    - Armor upgrade (if any cert left)
  14. Ashnal

    Heh. I have had 1000 certs chilling for about 2 weeks now. It was up to 1300, but I decided to drop 300 on the level 6 medic tool. Boy was that worth it. I buy weapons with SC so currently I'm looking at getting extended mags for a pair of MAX guns, but I've been reluctant to do so since I play Medic/Engineer a lot more than I do MAX.

    As for the MANA AV Turret, GET IT. It is worth it in almost every way if you know how to use it correctly. For best results though, you need at least two turrets on a high ridge focusing targets from behind together.
  15. Bankrotas

    double burster ammo extensions, yeah, I've got an eye on you, esf pilots!
  16. NightmareP69

    I would buy the NS-15m , i trialed it and it's a great gun.
    I like the fast travel time of the bullets,tight spread and superb accuracy it has while firing it in full auto.
  17. Nathaniak

    Some AV weapon. I'm considering the Striker.
  18. SgtBreastroker

    I don't even know. Perhaps the Chain gun for my TR character and spend the remaining certs on a level 1 dogfighting airframe, composite armor and decoy flares for my Scythe.
  19. ACE McFACE

    Probably the highest med tool.
  20. Fafnir

    Wraith Cloaking Device 4