If you could get a gun from another faction, what would it be?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Codex561, May 10, 2014.

  1. Levtech

    I think I'm going to need the magburner on my NC galaxy, thanks.
  2. Codex561

  3. Eyeklops

    Hacksaws on a locked down max? That's a really bad combination. The range on Hacksaws isn't that good, so you would have to lockdown within vehicle HE spam range of most doors, not to mention all the C4 fairies who blindly toss and explode bricks through doorways. However, adding Hacksaws to a max with increased speed for closing distance fast (like ZOE) would be incredible (OP).
  4. LibertyRevolution

    If I could lockdown with hacksaws in a biolab, the NC tears would drown forumside. ;)
    There are plenty of corners that are within 10m of a door, but not in range to toss a block of C4 from outside..

    Could do it at techplants at the back doors also...Could do it in amp station large gen room..
    Could do it in a bunch of places.. lockdown is situational, but there are situations when it works.
  5. Prudentia

    i have to reload my Flare w/ ext mags way to often
  6. DaninTexas

  7. DFDelta

    Infantry only or vehicles included?

    As VS: TRAP. Stop looking at me like that. It is one of the very few weapons different enough from its peers to actually be worth getting.
    As TR: Lasher. See reason for above.
    As NC: Flip a coin and take one of the above.

    VS: Titan-AP. Finally a tank cannon that doesn't have to be aimed like a mortar.
    TR: Airhammer. That thing on a quick and nimble mossie. Oh my god.
    NC: ......I actually can't think of anything..... Marauder perhaps. Having grenades as a point defence option might turn out to be rather nice but the Marauder isn't very good....
  8. ironeddie

    TX1 repeater. Better than any VS pistol.
  9. z1967

    I would have gone for the Titan 150mm on TR. Imagine the Lock-down potential :D
  10. Codex561

    Nah, only NC have good pistols.
  11. ironeddie

    it's the 3x burst I find brilliant.
  12. DFDelta

    Didn't think of that because normally I wouldn't touch the prowler with a 10ft pole, but damn you're right about that combination. :eek:
    • Up x 1
  13. Codex561

    Did you ever use that? It is just bad!
    You shoot once, you all bullets will hit him but after that the bloom will be too large to hit him. Also the damage is too low
  14. Hasteras

    Orion or maybe the SABR
  15. TheBlindFreak

    Lasher, Lancer, or Pounders.

    The first 2 because they look interesting and would change how the game is played a little. The last because it's damn effective and is fun to use.
  16. ironeddie

    Well I haven't been playing a TR toon long. But yeah much prefer it on my stalker infill than any of the VS pistols or the xbow.
  17. Kitakami

    I'd like to carry the Orion on all my heavy assaults, but I guess if I had one and only one choice, I'd take Blueshifts.
  18. minhalexus

  19. Konstantinn

    Each weapon has its strength and weakness. When it comes to infantry weapons don't envy any faction. Only exception is probably NC max. NC should have longer range AI alternatives, other factions should have shotgun-like weapons for their maxes.
  20. Bennybones

    Everyone wants the Carv. If you don't want the Carv you're wrong and you should want the Carv. Or maybe the MCG. I think as TR I would ask for the SVA-88 or Pulsar LSW from the VS side and the EM6 from the NC one. I'm not sure what they've done to the Gauss Saw over the last few months but it doesn't feel nearly as good as it used to. Could also be me of course. So I'm sticking to the EM6.