If the population gets any smaller, Seo may have to include A.I. bots

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by SoliDeoGloria, Jan 4, 2013.

  1. SoliDeoGloria

    since its like a desert town on most continents other than on peak hours (which then its just zergs), SEO may have to include some a.i. bots to play against just so the player can gain certs.
  2. Protential

    Suddenly the NPC army sounds like a good idea.
  3. D0n


    NPC fillers... good luck with the scripts though.
  4. MrHenderson

    I don't know what game you're playing, there must have been 30+ people on my server during primetime last night. Added to which Smedly said it has been a huge success.

    Take your pessimism elsewhere.
  5. p1aydead

    if you where not locked to server this wouldn't be a problem; simply keep platoon and outfit integrity and create sub servers as people move to different continents, thus your create continents when the population demands it; and you don't get stuck with groups like the Vanu on Waterson that only stay on Indar because ARC Bio-enginering is near impossible to take since it's warpgate is so close that the warpgate tower blocks the entrance to the facility.
  6. Shockfrosted

    I don't think it'd be too noticeable, discounting the hate tells.
    They already dash around with zero cover and wonder why tanks shell them back home.
  7. rGlory

    Its easy. Make bots spawn on camped spawn rooms and keep flyboys happy by running out of doors. That would not even change current gameplay match.
  8. {joer

    Do AI bots whine on the forums?

    If not it will be an improvement.
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  9. maxkeiser

    Not noticing smaller population. On Woodman EU the population seems as huge as ever - absolutely massive battles raging across all continents.
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  10. Protential

    Aparently this game is a smash hit only in EU
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  11. {joer

    Been fine on my server too in the US east.
  12. Protential

    I play all three US servers, This is false information....When I don't see anything greater then enemy activity which = 1 person ghost capping. On all three continents on all 3 servers, that is not fine.

    NC Waterson

    Vanu Jaeger

    TR Matterson.
  13. {joer

    You know its EU prime time about now right? There is this time difference thing.

    Fought zergs all night on my server yesterday, in fact sometimes I wanted a break from it, I like to see whos shooting me.
  14. Nurath

    May have to abandon my Outfit buddies and start again on an EU server, at least my latency will be better.
  15. Protential

    Primetime is irrelvenat in the MMO Genre...

    Primetime is for games like League of Losers.
  16. Nature

    Usually games that require any level of though are not too big in the US. PC games in general seem to be bigger in EU from what ive read.
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  17. Protential

    Oh...I thought they were all fighting over trying to make them illegal :p
  18. Stormlight666

    I actually like the idea of a continent that is opened up to 3 servers for it's population cap: the first xxx TR from Jaeger, Waterson, Matherson to fill it - get in to fight. Especially if its that proposed ancient city ruins where it'll be a lot of infantry running building to building. One big infantry zerg fight on 3 sides.
  19. St0mpy

    The day SOE introduce bots the population will get smaller by one .... me.
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  20. Yautja

    They'll just merge the servers.