If the MCG on test server is here to stay...

Discussion in 'Test Server: Discussion' started by Facta, Apr 7, 2014.

  1. Facta

    Then can we at least have the feature of spooling the barrel while ADS'd? I mean, if the rail slot is going to be taken up by the FART (haha), then every single one of those 100 rounds is going to count, and using 15 shots on the spinup every time you start shooting is a pain to say the least.

    I'd rather have the FART take up the barrel slot, but either way I think it's time for the MCG to be able to spool on ADS. I know it was bugged before but it cannot be difficult to implement it correctly this time. Hell, you could even make that new "hum" the MCG makes (with the FART, at least) the sound it makes while its spooling. Would let people know some concentrated death was about to be unleashed on them.

    Also, please revert the change to the reticule. The circular one was very iconic for the MCG and having a crosshair for it now just kills some of the weapon's uniqueness.
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  2. Pie Chasm

    Amazing how the suggestion forum has been littered with fixes for the past year and this is all they can come up with.

    I feel foolish for having wasted my time to download the client to see for myself...

    To think I might have reinstalled this game again....

    seriously... the words elude me.
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  3. Stargazer86

    Devs: "Hey, TR! Guess what! We're reworking the MCG!"
    TR: "Oh man, that's great! It's needed a bit of a buff for a while now."
    Devs: "Yeah! Oh, but we're also changing the crosshair."
    TR: "Uh, okay. I mean, we liked the old one..."
    Devs: "And for the buff itself, we're bumping up the rate of Fire."
    TR: "Hey, that's great! Sweet!"
    Devs: "But we're making you replace your extended mags to get it."
    TR: "...what? That doesn't seem very..."
    Devs: "And we're giving you that spin-up feature you've been wanting!"
    TR: "That's cool, but can we go back to talking about..."
    Devs: "But we're screwing with it's accuracy."
    TR: "...we sense a pattern here."
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  4. WarmasterRaptor

    FART on the BARREL would be awesome instead of the RAIL!