If the changes to HEAT/HE Goes live, it will be devastating for prowlers

Discussion in 'Test Server: Discussion' started by Warnarl, Apr 10, 2014.

  1. Warnarl

    Currently, the number 1 target of tanks (as well as any vehicle/infantry) is infantry. It is the strogest of the 3 forces in the game right now, followed by air. Able to respawn, change to react to any circumstance, and no cost to spawn, make the infatry highly versitile and deadly.

    Factoring in the prowler, while it does have 2 shots vs 1 at a time (with a .5s delay between make it very power vs infantry, it still the best tank to go after:
    -The most surface area of any tank
    -The widest backside of any tank
    -Its large surface area means much more of the terrain affect its handling and less accurate
    -no survival ESU
    -anchored mode make it an easy target when in use

    All of these faults make it the least survivable tank. The 2 turrets do help against the other faction but it takes time to learn it and missing a shot cost the player dearly in killing an enemy target. Going after infantry is more of a guranteed kill as well as helps the battle over just focusing on vehicles. Which when all vehicles destroyed leaves only infantry anyways.

    These faults and infantries power in the battlefield are the reason why prowler pilots go after infantry over enemy tanks/vehicles. So weakening the prowlers effectiveness in the overall battle hurts the TR and makes it another reason not to choose TR, which is not only bad but pisses off other TR players. I have already tried the changes to the HEAT/HE and found them wanting. Its now harder to attack enemies because the aoe was reduce and dmg to the he means it takes 2 DIRECT hits to kill an infantry. That is BS balancing in mine and other TR opinions.
  2. Warnarl

    sorry i used bs balancing, but I wanted to emphasize that weakening the tank would be a terrible Idea. What it really needs is these changes to give the infantry more chance to respone to the prowler, while at the same time keep us TR players happy.

    1. Increase dmg per shell above mag but lower than van
    2. Increase reload time as a result
    3. as well as increase delay between shots by .25s, .75s total vs .5 now.
    4. with all the changes above in mind, DPS needs to be kept the same as it is now for the prowler

    These purposed changes will give a more positive and balanced result overall

    -the increase delay and reload gives the infantry more of a chance to counter (even with anchored) the prowler. While still giving the pilot that is good at killing infantry more of a chance to kill them with 1 shell so long as he does not waste shots.
    -the increase dmg per shell allows the pilot to have the illusion of doing good dmgp shell(even the enemy would be fooled). But will still suffer the same dps loss if they missed.

    -keeping in mind of HE, to keep the dps the same but increase the dmg above mag and below van. The reload time would be 6s or higher with the .75s delay makes it almost 7s if prolwer misses. Thats the same as the other 2 EStanks if prowler misses but is rewarded around .25s. Not much but is better than the other tanks if accurate.

    -the resulting changes would make the prowler and TR more atractive faction for players from a DMG per shell standpoint. At first glance, 1250 dmg for ap looks extremely weak compared to the van and first impressions are important when selling a faction. Not including the DPS in stats do a disservice to many weapons, especially the prowler
  3. rocko95

    Hahahahahah no. The Prowler needs some serious AI balancing, and after these changes it's still going to be far better than the other two. You do realise that indirect damage doesn't work in VR right? Your testing doesn't mean anything, it will not take two direct hits to kill infantry.

    1250 times 2 shots = 2500 damage with a reload speed lower than magrider w/o lockdown. It is REALLY strong compared to magrider which is ~1860

    Other than that, I agree that these balances are BS and SOE needs to stop nerfing and just buff the counterparts.
    BUff vanguard HE and VPC and keep p2-120HE the same.

    Same goes to the secondaries. How many times are SOE going to nerf tanks already!
    And it is not like the tanks are OP or ruining battles, they should be balancing ,libs
    Currently they kill everything and have no hard counters that don't require dedicated pilots. Balance that , Don't nerf MBTs that are struggling to find a a purpose in this game.
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  5. teks

    I'd say the mag is about equal regarding size and rear hit box. Yeah, the mag's rear is smaller, but thats not how rear shots are counted. Hitting the fat sides of a mag still counts as a rear shot. Rear shots are based on your position not the location of your hit.
    These numbers are hard to follow the way you have them written, so If I make a mistake on what you meant I'm sorry.

    First, you should be more concerned about keeping the same TTK, not DPS. If the change happens to allow you to kill an enemy MBT faster it would be OP even if the DPS was the same. Even a couple seconds difference in TTK is a big deal.

    This idea would help against infantry. I am concerned that the Alpha damage is too high though. A prowler with the damage per shot you are describing would put an enemy MBT to burning from the rear in under 1 second without deploy. Then there is alpha damage with deploy...its just going to be too high. Enemy tanks will be taking too much initial damage, and fighting prowlers will feel very cheap and unfair.

    Really, the prowler just plain shouldn't be nerfed like this. The prowler isn't the only tank. I feel for ya as a lightning pilot and a VS player. The changes in test server aren't really well thought out.
  6. Epic High Five

    Were this to be true, the Prowler would do AT LEAST 2x1866 damage per magazine, which is an 80% increase over even the Vanguard AP
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  7. Warnarl

    HEAT works fine with the round hitting the target directly, meaning the whole 120mm shell going 225m/s hitting the infantry target. And HE atm takes 2, which is terrible. As to aoe, yeah it does work but can be spotty at best with some of the bad detection on targets in VR. So i spent 5 mins testing both weapons before even posting the thread
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  8. Warnarl

    The mag design is curved and floating above the gound meaning its harder to hit. It is far harder to hit a mag in the rear because of what I mention before and a good mag pilot will be constantly moving to prevent from being hit so you have to guess where he is going to be.

    Yes the prowler would hit harder but its soften by the reload time increase and the delay time. If the delay time needs to be uped to 1 sec between shots thats fine, so long as dps remains the same. I go by dps because thats easier to caculate than TTK because of the different varianst of MBTS, their armor protection, resistant variances, and the situation they are fighting in.
    Plus the utilities of the vehicles plrowlers will fight have counters to being under attack like magburning it or pop shield to react to the prowler. Beyond that theres fire sup to heal the intial dmg, smoke to blind prowlers from clearly seeing the vehicle, or even turbo to ****. All of which can give the enemy vehicles a counter to turn on the prowler and attack because it will have more time to reload and have to be more carelful with shots because of an increase of its delay between them.

    Thank you for your comment though, got me thinking :)

    That thinking brought me to a potential prob with my purposed changes, namely esfs. The pilots of ESF will have a problem of the fact they would be 1 shoted by prowlers. My comment to said pilots is STOP HOVER BOMBING YOU ROCKET X.....
    No, seriously thats when Prowlers and just about any tank kills an esf the vast majority of the time they are hover bombing. As to the other times they get shot down either they are too low, flying too slow, not paying attention where they are at, or bad luck.
    It is not easy to hit a ESF, even when anchored was higher projectile speed. You have to constanly worry about getting surprised attacked and cant move. As well as hitting targets that constantly move in any direction from where they are facing is a challenge that only some tank pilots can do,

    Now what the devs could do is add tank shell resistance to flack armor like they did with libs. Or better yet make Tank armor that allows them to take a tank hit or 2 as well as aliminate small arms from dmg the aircraft. But makes the aircrft 10km-30km slower as a result of the heavy armor. ESFs kind of need this anyways to stay affective in fights over 25+ vs grounds targets. Otherwise they leave and go somewhere else or stay and die fast.
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  9. JesusVoxel

    The less infantry farming, the better. And I'm a TR only player who would like to see HEAT/HE completely removed from the game.

    Maybe now people will equip AP rounds and actually choose to engage tanks and not run over friendly infantry while fleeing from the sight of few tanks. Too many times on stalemates I see tanks on both sides farming the advancing infantry instead of trying to kill the opposing side tanks and so helping the team. If you are afraid of infantry, put a M12 kobalt on your tank and get a friend to deal with the infantry while you do what tanks sould do.
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