[Suggestion] If only we could rework the UI

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by TheFlamingLemon, Feb 21, 2016.

  1. TheFlamingLemon

    If DBG actually puts time into this, it would be great to be able to have more UI customization. For example, I would love to have the non-centralized hud but with the elements disappear as they would in the centralized one. There's two ways in which I would want the HUD system to change.

    Firstly, DBG could just give us full control. Let us pick between a variety of styles of HUD elements, let us decide their size, let us choose their colors, and let us place them on our overlays appropriately. Also, let us choose whether HUD elements such as ammo, health, shield, and those big and intrusive full player names for squad members show up when they aren't needed.

    Much better, however, would be to have HUD overlays that are immersive as like in the trailer, only smaller. Then, DBG could sell different HUD styles for DBC and certs, and even have upgrade lines revolving around the HUD. Each HUD style should cost 300 certs (or an equivalent amount in DBC) and should be class specific. Each HUD ability should cost 500 certs and not drain any energy or any other resource

    Possible abilities include but are not limited to:

    1: Being able to spot targets silently by looking at them for a full second
    2: Knowing when an enemy is looking at you
    3: Being able to toggle thermal vision (this would work with scopes, snipers could have thermal zooms)
    4: Seeing minimap elements such as spotted enemies and things through HUD, and thereby not needing minimap
    5: Reduce sway due to breathing (75%)
    6: See the locations of friendly medics and engineers on minimap (or this could be default)

    Many implants could also be moved to that system

    I know that the UI isn't very easy to change, DBG has said that, but I think that depending on just how bad it is, devoting the resources to sort through the code and rework the HUD elements could potentially add a lot to the game's immersion and enjoyment.
  2. FateJH

    That was how PlanetSide Classic did spotting. That means we will never get it.
    T3 Counter-Intelligence implant. See also T3 Awareness and T2 Marker.
    HSNV scope ADS. Almost every gun has this scope.
    The minimap is part of the HUD. Need more explanation about what you mean.
    Scope sway is not a UI element.
    • Up x 2
  3. TheFlamingLemon

    These would be moved over

    The point of that is that you can have other scopes on the gun and also have night vision. Also, the night vision would extend out indefintely and not sway.

    Seeing these things through walls. For example, seeing the outlines of spotted enemies and tanks through walls. That way, players wouldn't have to compromise knowing what's in front of them in order to look at minimap and see what's been spotted around them.

    Yes, but reducing scope sway would still be valid as a HUD upgrade, and I was listing possibilities for those.
  4. Taemien

    Scope Sway is a balancing mechanic. Otherwise the 6x scopes would be superior to 3.4x and 4x (which do not have sway). There's an implant that allows you to hold breath longer (hold shift) which removes the sway for a few seconds.
  5. FieldMarshall

    Would be cool if we could atleast move the UI around. Like you could in Planetside, 12 years ago.
  6. Zap97

    Reducing it by ony a little bit (like 3-5%) wouldn't hurt. Sometimes it's hardto even line up shots with the gun going all over the place.
  7. Taemien

    Hold shift, it reduces it 100% for a few seconds.
  8. WeRelic

    While I'm all for customized UIs, most of your points have nothing to do with UI, they fall under UX.

    Seeing people through walls, even limited to spotted players is pretty lame. All I have to say is it's been done, and it sucked.

    As for the HUD, it could be greatly improved by allowing us to control the alpha value (how opaque the element is), position, and whether or not the element is visible at all. With the exception of Diegetic UIs (WARNING: TV Tropes link), there is very little excuse for forcing a specific layout in this day and age.

    Arma would like to have a word with you.
  9. Zap97

    Scope sway is a game thing. In real life I doubt a sniper woould have his scope moving this much. Ususally you find sharpshooter firing down range prone and with bipods that make the rifles pretty stable. Arma is as unrealistic as any fps game will be.
  10. WeRelic

    Run for a while in full gear with a full pack, then attempt to take a shot either standing or kneeling. Your arms are going to sway somewhat. It's not just a game thing, though it is exaggerated in a lot of games. There is a reason marksmen train to lower their heart rate and breathing in reality, optic sway is that reason.

    No game will ever be realistic, especially a shooter. If they were, most gamers would have PTSD.