[Suggestion] If NC Infantry Gets Buffed, Nerf Breaker Pods/Vanguards

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by NoctD, Dec 9, 2012.

  1. Ganelon

    TL; DR we suck at keeping our guns pointed at the enemy, please buff?
  2. Chiss

    Shut the hell up.

    They want to be balanced. That is not whinging.
  3. Metsuro

    Because controlling an uncontrollable mechanic is possible right. Its not the recoil thats a problem. Its the staggering that happens when you get hit with a bullet that forces your aim all over.
  4. Phyr

    It's whining when most of them have no idea what they're whining about and have nothing to back it with except anecdotal evidence.
  5. Ganelon

    Would be much simpler if they'd actually say what the issue is... instead of constantly faulting other things (one time it's accuracy, the other time it's CoF, then it's bloom and now it's staggering. It's just.... sigh).
  6. Pax Empyrean

    The funny thing about this AR/Carbine confusion is that there is one of each, and they are both awesome guns on par with the best guns the other factions get. Saying "Oh, only Medics get that" is just stupid, since Medics get the awesome AR and Light Assaults and Engineers get the awesome Carbine.

    Oh, boo hoo, you get the best MAX and the best default sniper rifle and only 75% of your automatics-using classes get awesome guns! Sadly, your Heavy Assault is left to use an LMG that has zero CoF while ADS, has the same TTK as the other faction LMGs, and can do almost twice as much damage between reloads as the other factions' default LMGs. It sucks that your rate of fire is slow, but you've got everything except for that, so what's the freaking problem? If the Gauss SAW needed to reload as often as the Orion needs to reload, it would need to have its magazine capacity reduced from 100 to 35.

    Your guns are fine. Stop whining.
  7. GamerOS

    The problem is two fold really.

    The TR got two guns that are to good or lack weaknesses that make them a one stop shop for all your gun needs, the T9-Carv and the Trac-5s.

    Second staggering mostly affects low ROF weapons, while as TR and VS you get more rounds at target and thus more staggering, and due to the need for NC to burst fire they have even more trouble with their aim getting thrown off.

    Personally I'd like to see the Gaus Saw exchanged with the EM-6 as a starter weapon or something in that line, the Gaus Saw is a nice gun but it's hard to use for new players and is not very good in a great many situations.
    Also attachment and stats wise the EM-6 actually completely beats the GR-22.

    When it comes down to carbines the GD-7F is the best in CQC when it comes to TTK but it's horrible in accuracy and outside of CQC most weapons will easily beat it.
    Most TR/Vanu CQC carbines make up for it by being more accurate over longer ranges then the GD-7f

    Also, TR seem to always conveniently forget that the Prowler is not only the fastest tank it also has the smaller profile, it's *** only seems bigger then the Vanguard or Magrider due to it being short.
    It also has a slightly higher DPS even without the deploy activated.

    On the topic of Nerfing Breaker pods and Vanguards, currently the Breaker is only slightly better then Scythe pods and worse then the Mosquito pods (also they fixed the large invisible hitbox on mosquito's so don't bring that up)
    Vanguards are slow and much less manouvrable then the mag rider, It gets beaten by the mag rider at range and eated by a good proweler in brawling.
    It's also second in AT duty after the Magrider and second in AI after the Prowler.
    Seems balanced to me.
    • Up x 1
  8. Ganelon

    Except that we covered that in another thread already. The speed advantage it has is really not that big and it only has a higher dps if you can get past whacky barrel placement which makes the recticle inaccurate, can re-aim fast enough after the first shot because hey, recoil and if you're standing still due to no gun stabilisation whatsoever.
  9. Metsuro

    So what you are saying is... learn.. to play with the prowler makes it good? Wait no way... I see what you did there.
  10. Ecko

    Have you TR/VS guys tried playing NC HAs?
  11. GamerOS

    Get the speed chassis on the Prowler it adds a lot of extra speed on it, get into brawling range, now you don't have to worry about recoil any more!
    If you learn to shoot from 3rd person it's even easier.

    But most prowlers just want to sit on a hill and shell the target instead of getting close and personal.
    I have to admit, the prowler is great at range with HE shells while shelling an objective, but that's not it's only purpose.
    If you try that against Magriders and Vanguards you are going to have your butt kicked, but you got the speed advantage to get close and use that higher DPS, not to mention that the AT secondary on the Prowler has a much higher DPS then the Vanguard or Magrider secondary.

    All in all, the prowler is great at brawling, but if you insist to sit at range it's no fault but your own that you don't use your strengths.

    And yeah, you have recoil to compensator for so L2P, isn't that what you say when we complain about NC guns recoil?
  12. Ganelon

    No, it's not. If the Vanguard has an equally skilled driver in it it would kill the Prowler before the Prowler had a chance to get the vanguard below 50% damage.
  13. Ganelon

    Then what the actual **** is the deploy ability for?

    P.S. nice that all the people who replied to my post ignore the Prowler's inaccurate UI <3
  14. Phyr

    Yes. Have no problem with the weapons, except the default SAW is turds.
  15. GamerOS

    The deploy is an anomaly and actually the only ability that becomes better the more tanks you have, it doesn't fit in with the TR philosophy tough.
    But the Deploy is something for long ranges or base sieges anyway, it has nothing to do with close range brawling.
  16. Messaiga

    There is a pretty easy solution to the problem with staggering. Based on the weapon's damage per bullet, they could make it so the less damage a gun deals per bullet, the less amount of staggering it causes. Meaning, the NC won't go flying all over the place, but we won't have to buff anything either. As for the NC6 to EM6 thing, I think that they should just trade off the stats between those guns, giving the NC6 the EM6's stats and available attachments, and vice versa. Only problem is that they would need to give every existing NC soldier the "New" Em6 after they did this and change the description of the EM6 a little bit, because people would already had owned the existing NC6 and most likely certed into this gun, including the advanced foregrip which would no longer be available for the saw if they did this.
  17. Glowcat

    I'm one of the worst shots in the game and I can easily hit with both Prowler shells in rapid succession. Freakin amazing that these TR have the nerve to come in here telling people to 'L2P' when they're complaining about practically non-existent recoil and Reavers of all things.

    EDIT: Just noticed the necro... nice.
  18. Cinnamon

    I wouldn't trade my prowler for the vanguard. Vanguard seems to die just as quickly from air but it's very slow and only fires one shot from it's cannon, although that shot is good. Vanguard vs Prowler seems to be fairly academic as a question since it never really comes up. Either vs Mags (they lose) is more common. Then you have them vs inf/lighting/sundies which prowler is fine for.
  19. Hendoxs

    I am a bit confused, I play with NC on Miller and they done pretty well quite a few times. Even conquering - did well against an assault for a biodome against Vanu and TR which where really well organized.
    I think the biggest problem for the NC is that they are meant to be a guerrilla fighting force- but the maps are all open war fare. But as I stated, done well when I played it. So they clearly not useless.
  20. Hendoxs

    But also, got to say several people in TR. From my games and in these forums and other websites, seem to get way too into the method acting with this game. Pretty funny lol