If medics are meant to only revive...

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Dudeman325420, Mar 14, 2015.

  1. Dudeman325420

    ... then how about giving some cover to your friendly medics while they do what you refuse to? Help is a two-way street.
  2. DashRendar

    COMBAT Medic. Medic is the second word. Only time I get annoyed at a Medic is when I'm calling for heals and they're staring off into space or peeking corners instead of reviving me behind the wall they're peeking. I wish those guys would choose a diff class, but hey sometimes I play CM just for the ARs too...
  3. JudgeNu

    Medics are NOT "Dedicated Healers".
    They are Combat Medics.

    So your premise is wrong.
    Whomever is telling you that is wrong.

    If someone wants you to spam heals on them while they bob and weave in the doorway then he is a newb.
    It may provide a small advantage but cannot out-heal DPS and is just not efficient enough to warrant such tactics.

    If this thread is because you are being griefed for not spamming heals on them, they are in the wrong.

    If someone wants a pocket healer or pocket engie....join an outfit and request one.
    • Up x 3
  4. TechMechMeds

    Most medics try to revive me in front of fire and never bother to heal in combat, even ones who are stood watching me.

    Also they never seem to keep the heal gun on me while im shooting to maybe keep me alive so i can kill more. They are for the most part just cert farmers looking for revives rather than keeping people alive in combat from what i have seen.