idiots on test server

Discussion in 'Test Server: Discussion' started by sIcGER, May 29, 2015.

  1. sIcGER

    some ppl seem to not understand what the purpose of a TEST SERVER is

    i was on koltyr, flying around with esf and checking how many fps i get (the difference with render distance is pretty huge - at least for me)

    some morons had nothing better to do than shooting me down - with a skyguard, with another esf... i wasnt shooting back - i didnt even try, because i was hoping they might get it, that i am on the TEST SERVER to TEST something

    whats the problem with such guys - such ppl dont belong on the test server

    if they would ask me 'can you give me a target, i want to test skyguard' - no problem ... i would - but just shooting me down while i am testing something is just more than stupid :rolleyes:
  2. Navron

    Is this a serious post?
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  3. sIcGER

    is this a serious question ?
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  4. VonStalin

    sometimes I go to Koltyr, find some guys to play with, deploy sundy and have fun. I really like Koltyr and small fights it provides in PTS.
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  5. sIcGER

    thats just fine - when you find ppl to play with to have fun, then you might have a nice battle there. but again - i was testing something and some trolls there just shot me down (to be more accurate - the skyguard kept shooting at me and after a while i just flew away - but then another troll showed up and rammed his reaver into my mossi while i was sitting on a landing pad)
    edit: to be even more clear: first dude with skyguard: i /yelled he should pls stop shooting, cause im testing - answer:lol... second dude: i was flying back where i wanted to test, saw a reaver on landing pad, landed my mossi at the opposite side of that tower, changed render distance and he parked his reaver on my mossi ...
    he said: sry i forgot it is a test server xD
  6. Cinnamon

    Yeah you will always find that most people don't "get it" and will blow up sunderers or kill on sight in the **** end of nowhere.
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  7. Kirppu1

    It seems that you people got it wrong, the point is to test new stuff and see if it fits to the game. Not to be a form of a happy happy laalaa experience
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  8. sIcGER

    its not only to test new stuff, but also to find bugs and test performance in general. at least thats whats important for devs. from a player perspective - you can test whatever you want. and i have no problems with ppl who want to battle on pts.

    but pls - dont troll whoever just want to test something
  9. DK22

    meh, I can see your point, pain in the butt trying to do something.
    For all the times I've been on PTS people almost always ask first.
    But then it is the test server, ya never know what you're going to get.
  10. DarkTexas Volunteer Quality Assurance Assistant

    Hello sIcGER,

    i need to say I know exactly what you're talking about. Back when I was just a normal User on the Testserver I had the same problem. Sadly there is no way to stop actions like that, even if there would be an rule which says "leave people testing alone" would be stupid and wouldn't be taken seriously. I know this answer wont help you in any case, but hey, keep the heads up.
