[Suggestion] Idea for VS

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Joexer, Mar 9, 2016.

  1. Joexer

    We NEED more diversity. Thats a fact. And contrary to popular belief I think small changes can make that happen. Small changes with big impact. Without further rambling...

    No long reloads. Tell me.Does it take longer to change fully dead batteries from a TV remote? Or an airsoft gun for that matter. No. It doesnt. So lets change that for ALL VS Specific weapons. Yes. Even Sniper rifles.

    I play TR so dont call me biased. I feel VS could use this. Sure reload speeds will be in between short and long now but not as far as long as they are close to short.
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  2. GreenGamer808

    I think VS need more spandex.
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  3. Cheezy Q

    Nah, they need more spanx. Get control of that middle section. Science makes you lazy.
  4. Savadrin

    If they gave them all low-mid-range reloads and kept the DPS roughly equivalent, I'd be on board with that.

    The main difference between a short and long reload (in planetside and in life) is having to chamber a round. If the VS aren't chambering rounds, it doesn't make sense to have long reloads.

    I concur.
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  5. PasitheeVS

    Short reload: When I have X rounds left, I am totally going to reload ASAP.
    Long reload: pew pew pew... p... sheet, no ammo, need to reload, fkk fkk fkk...

    This is the "logic" behind the short/long reload on Infantry weapons.

    However VS guns could really need something special, because:

    TR: Huge Magazine, high DPS, somehow accurate
    NC: High Damage per Shot - low TTK, somehow accurate
    VS: Somehow accurate (and no bullet drop, which is really useful inside 100m, not)

    0.75 ADS multiplier has been removed from LMGs for no good reason or compensation.
    So, a 0.6 ADS multiplier or something like that for most automatic 0.5 ADS weapons would be a thing.
  6. Joexer

    This is completely false. Now I don't know much about guns but i do know this: On traditional weapons there is this thing called a "bolt" that cycles when said gun is fired. When you are out of ammunition the bolt resets and needs to be cycled manually (called rechambering) (rather than by forces exerted from the firing procedure) against the force of a powerful spring. This manual action against the spring is what causes the delay in a long reload. Don't Believe me. Take a TR or NC alt or even an NS Carbine and Let loose a few rounds. Then reload. Then Empty the mag, Reload and you will see a miraculous event you may not have noticed before, The avatar pulls back the Bolt, on some weapons this is called a "slide" case in point semi auto handguns. Some models in game are even animated so the slide/bolt thing moves back and forth as you fire. VS weapons happen to be energy based. Unless you get deep into physics, energy does not have mass. Lets pretend the TV remote example is actually a gun firing Infrared rays of light to a receiver on your Television. Well it is. Technically. So you, my friend, are wrong.

    PS: I cannot fathom what you were thinking. All combat situations are tense.
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  7. Ragnarox

    VS need buffs in all categories.

    TR is best faction now cause high rof plus more magazine = win (plus mosquitos, tanks, etc etc)
    NC is not far behind with 200dmg weapons and excellent weapons allround.
    VS saddly is far back with mediocre weapons and stuff that are nerfhammered and not used anymore + very bad sidearms, only usable weapons are Battlegeuse for HA and Lancer.

    I played all 3 faction last month just to test it out.

    TR have good leadership and often most pop on Miller (>36% pop always) they communicate with their players and their organization is good. You see huge amounts of tanks with gatekeeper (I wonder why, kek). Seen some skilled players there.

    NC have medium pop on Miller, they DON'T communicate with microphone, you see only Markers and ppl are doing solo runs. Bad leadership. I had most fun in NC cause of awesome weapons but often playing solo cause there are no real leadership at all. Bad sundy placements and faction with almost no sundies when needed.

    VS have awesome leadership, there are always 1 or 2 platoons with voice commands all the time. Underpop mostly of times (<30% world pop). They have some situational weapons that are not often used , very good strafing tank, bad sidearms, mediocre weapons.

    And last thing to mention is hit detection, oh god its so bad, I never encountered something similar in any mmofps. YOu die like 10 sec after you get behind some wall, 2 shots kill and similar. Very very very very bad hit detection.
  8. SwornJupiter

    Thank you for sharing your personal anecdotal experiences.
  9. cobaltlightning

    Hrm, now that I think of it, maybe the logic for VS's short-long reload is an internal battery within their weapons. For many of them, ever notice how their little battery 'spins' when the previous was fully depleted? This could be the VS's version of 'chambering,' where it's just circulating the power and preparing it to be discharged.
    A non-fully-depleted battery doesn't spin as much, because there's still some power within the weapon, like a smaller battery within. Enough for maybe one or two discharges, but not much else.

    An example, think of an old gramaphone, with the crank. In order to get it going, you had to crank that thang, and spin it around and around and around a lot. I think VS Weapons sorta do this, just with plasma instead of gears.

    For NC, iirc Their weapons are a mix between Conventional and Gauss. Probably still use gunpowder to help shoot off the cap, but instead the magnets not only propel the cap further faster, but propel the casing, as well. In Layman's terms, they fire the whole bullet. According to Cave Johnson, that's 60% more bullet, per bullet.
    The mix could be why NC Still uses bolts, especially when chambering a round.

    EDIT: I'm not against the averaging of VS Primary reloads (might be fun, but would garner a lotta balance issues) I'm just pointing out what I believe is really happening in their guns.

    VS Could use a faction specific, buff yeah. Just like the TR's Striker and Fracture needs to be (re)buffed, too.
  10. Diggsano

    I want that VS Soldiers say "i need ammo" when they have NS weapons equiped because you don't run on batteries with them :(
  11. Eternaloptimist

    I think weapons are balanced around a number of factors including reload time like recoil, bullet speed, CoF and so on. Whilst I understand and can accept the logic of the argument about batteries vs bullets reload time I think it is just one factor in overall performance and could upset the balance of weapon effectiveness compared to other faction weapons if it was cahnged without considering other factors maybe?
  12. ElricVIII

    Thank you for thanking his personal anecdotal experiences!
  13. Ronin Oni

    It makes sense but I feel this would actually likely turn out to be a nerf since I almost never long reload as it is, and to do this they'd almost surely extend the short-reload, which we currently enjoy the fastest short reloads.

    What would likely happen is we get TR's short reload for all reloads, but that'd leave guns unequivocally inferior since the 10 extra rounds TR gets would mean they could fire 30-39 and reload at the same speed, only having a longer reload if they actually use all extra 10 rounds.

    And that would be a heavy, heavy nerf IMO.

    NC's short reload might be used instead, but we're talking fractions of a second and I think then there'd be complaining by most other TR/NC that no long-reload was OP... until, as I said, it was made equal to TR's longer short reload and we're back where I started.

    So while it makes sense thematically, I can't help but feel it'd only make things worse for VS.
  14. Azawarau

    Ill never quite understan this

    I play NC because i like them most in terms of style and ideas but i hate their weaponry and their MBT

    The only thing they win at in ym eyes is the AMAZING max suit

    VS weaponry outclasses NC weaponry (Cyclone aside but i havent yet tried the VS equivalent)
  15. ElricVIII

    There is a reason NC wins the server smashes in the hands of skilled players.
  16. CrimsonEpsilon

    Not true, sure VS AR's could use tweaking as well as their pistols but the rest of their weapons are fine. Some overperform (Orion, Betel, Magrider when used correctly)

    Also, something needs to be said about VS winning alerts with lower population. It happens all the time and I have a hard time believing it is just skill.
  17. Azawarau

    From what ive heard the server smash works a bit differently but i dont know enough to really comment otherwise

    What i do know is the NC tends to be bottom tier in game and the recent changes have made playing much more manageable
  18. Thardus

    I really would like to see something in relation to Ammo as a VS trait, because in Planetside 1, they had the advantage of not only did the Beamer, Pulsar, and Lasher all use identical ammo (allowing players to trade ammo, and not worry about wasting inventory space on ammo they might not need), they could be switched from Standard to AP bullets instantly, even in the middle of fully automatic fire, whereas other factions (or NS weapons) would have to take time loading a new type of ammo, which would also be taking up inventory space.
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  19. CovertYank

    I don't know...

    I fumble around with my batteries sometimes...

    Specially when I forget my remote takes AAA and not AA...

    Maybe VS guns should have that kind of reload animation, would be amusing.
  20. sebastian oscar post

    Are you serious?