Idea for NC MBT/Harasser weapon

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by brruno, Mar 15, 2016.

  1. KXOPH

  2. Savadrin

  3. brruno

    Some bulltes its more than you can hit with the Mjonir ( witch is ZERO )..
    You must never have used the Mjonir to say its as efective as the Vulcan at the same ranges.

    maybe its a problem with you .. i have taken down liberators and even ESF's with the GK , its not that hard to get 70% of the shoots or more on target up to medium/long range

    i will repeat my self : " These days everytime i play is with a tank or harasser , taking times as pilot/gunner with a friend. "
  4. Nehlis

    I'm sad people are still hating on the Mjolnir and Enforcer
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  5. Jubikus

    Wow i never knew the NC arsenal was so bad and that the devs have had it out for them. I mean the NC arsenal is the most chosen one for competitive environments like farmers league and server smash i guess the pros are just really dumb.
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  6. SwornJupiter

    The NC victim complex is soooo strong in this thread. It's that time of the month -_-

    I like how the OP says that the Mjolnir is 'good at CQC but terribad at everything else'.

    That's the point.
  7. brruno

    But it shouldn't be, just like the Vulcan and Aphelion aren't..
  8. Slandebande

    That doesn't make it effective. It is slightly better than not doing anything, but effective? Far from it. You literrally wrote the Vulcan was "average/usable" at medium/long ranges, which is a flat-out lie. Just step out of the vehicle and outrepair the damage it deals easily at such ranges.

    Alright, the Mjolnir is pretty effective up till about 50-75m, whereas the Vulcan is effective upwards of 75-100m. Anything beyond those ranges, and they start sucking pretty terribly. I would classify that as both being good at close range, bad at everything else, no differentation needed. The Aphelion has some utility at longer ranges due to the charged shot mechanic. Another factor to be considered is that the longer the range the smaller the target, and if the target isn't completely out of cover, you will have a even harder time landing your Vulcan shots (Same for the Mjolnir), making it even less usable at range.

    I've taken down ESFs with my trusty RAMS .50 sniper rifle. Does that make it effective? I never wrote you cannot kill aircraft with it, but you are far better off using most other weapons. The GK simply does damage so slowly that the pilot has all the time in the world to break off, and without the Alpha of other weapons (like the Halberd) you have barely any "surprise" potential, and you don't have the velocity of the weapons tuned to actually deal with aircraft like the Walker.

    And no, you won't be landing 70% of your shots against moving ESFs at 125m+ reliably. Sure, if they are hovering, but as soon as they are hit they will break off, and you won't hit them much beyond that.

    None of the AV weapons are effective AA measures against even semi-competent pilots, for a multitude of reasons.

    Then I will repeat myself as well:
    I stand by my claim, in that if you plan on playing a lot with your gunner in vehicles, then you (as a crew) would be better off with the Halberd in the long-run. It might be a bit harder learning to use it effectively, but I promise you, once he/you gets some practice with it, you won't ever even look at the GK again. In experienced hands, the Halberd is flat out better in at least 9/10 situations (for many reasons, if you want, I will gladly start explaining). Unless you guys aren't tanking that is, but being bored sitting 300m+ away not having an impact on any decent fight. The ranges the GK is superior to the Halberd, is the same ranges where you shouldn't be losing tanks to a Prowler (300m+).

    For the Harasser you have more options than the Prowler, since the Vulcan is actually somewhat viable on the Harasser platform, and you can reach places (and hide in places) where the MBTs cannot easily do the same. You also have the luxury of being able to pick your fights and run if things go badly. I wouldn't personally ever use the GK on the Harasser though, simply because it deals so terrible DPS. Good luck killing a MBT with 2 engineers, as they can simply out-repair your damage (in fact 1 engineer can almost do it alone).
  9. brruno

    And if they are out the tank reparing (or even one) they arent moving (much) , giving you the chance to more easily hit with the main gun and/or get closer and obliterate them..

    to be effective/usable at 50-75m you have to be doing controlled bursts , letting the COF reduce after each shot. ( less DPS)

    The 70% was in relation to Liberators.
    And the damage its not that low .. A liberator that passes near me at ~50% health its not getting away unless theres a mountain very close for it to hide.. The time is takes until is out of range is enough to take its remaining life..

    Or if one with 100% is unfortunate to get in the driver cross-air ; 2 shots from him and the GK takes care of the rest easily..

    Beeing depoyed 200~300m away chewing through an enemy zerg is far from boring..

    We also get up close and personal , on witch case either Vulcan or Halberd. The harlberd form when quieter approach is nedded..
    But the prowler is more suited for medium-long range attack ; deploy and blast the enemy out of existence without they even noticing.
    For CQC, Rambo style, theres nothing like the Vanguard.

    On the harasser, Vulcan all the way...
  10. Slandebande

    If it's a Harasser you just out-repair the damage easily. If it's a Prowler, you can take advantage of it doing significantly less damage (due to have equipped a secondary weapon which is bad for the situation) and simply kill it. If it tries to get closer in steps (typically using cover) it should be easy to predict how it will approach, depending on the terrain. Set up a trap (you are using Vehicle Stealth right?) and perhaps lay down some Tank Mines. One of the fundamental flaws of the CQC secondary-AV weapons for the MBTs, is that equipping one forces you to be quite predictable if you want to be effective. If you get caught at mid-range you are sore out of luck.

    And the Vulcan won't be hitting near 100% of its shots at the ranges I listed, combined with damage drop-off. Neither of the options are even close to usable mid-long range, which is what my point was.

    If it's a Lib, I'd much rather have a Halberd in such a situation, since it actually kills it faster and it is pretty trivial to hit them if they are remotely close. Generally Libs keep their Afterburners ready for such situations though, as well as keeping tabs on nearby cover.

    For self-defense from aircraft I also prefer the Halberd greatly, especially against ESFs. One AP shell + 1 Halberd rocket destroys an ESF. If you use the GK instead, it will have time to react and break away + afterburn, making your job much harder. Swatting away ESFs wihtout killing them is like slapping a bee, you are just getting a very angry insect after you soon (except in this case, the bee is loaded with weapons).

    To each his own I guess, I'm not the type to tell you what to find fun. But personally, I prefer doing something that actually impacts a fight and presents a challenge. Sitting at 300m+ generally only lets you hit targets the majority of your friendly zerg could hit as well, meaning you aren't really making a difference. In order to have an effect on the fights, you generally have to move away from all your allies and flank the enemy. Furthermore, you aren't going to be killing any competent enemy tank crews at such ranges, since losing a tank to a Prowler 300m+ away means you dun goofed. I really like the tank battles in this game, especially against the very competent crews. In order to participate in such fights you simply have to move in closer.

    But if you prefer sitting there killing scrubs, god speed soldier!

    There are plenty of situations where the Vulcan isn't optimal, but it can be strong. I personally prefer to go up against Vulcan-H since they HAVE to move in close to be a threat. And if they move in close, they die super faster to a 2/2 MBT. A Halberd/Enforcer Harasser can be much more annoying, even if it can't neccesarily kill you alone, since it can keep you locked in place making it harder to reposition if the fight needs it.
  11. Metrack12

    I think to change the Mjolnir itself,instead of making a hole new weapon.
    The problem with Mjolnir it's the fire mode, a ND we all know (especially on harraser) the terrain its a trampoline making you jump every second. Since the Mjolnir it's burst mode,you can't hit the target like the other ES weapons.

    I propose to change the fire mode from Burst,to Semiauto that shoots 4 grenades per click,but it would have a low Rate of fire. Massive damage,but low speed. Just like NC

    Or the other option is fully automatic mode. It would be more like VS/TR style
  12. brruno

    mines is the most predictable thing of a guy running away...

    i think you miss understod me..
    with the Mjonir you have to do controled fire hit 1 (maybe 2 with luck) of the 4 shots , without controled fire you would hit exactly 0..

    Yuo may land the 1st shot , but hitting a second one on a fleeing liberator will be much harder. There's where the GK makes its advantage , even with afterburner it wont be getting far enough fast enough ..

    For an ESF you might be right, is some scenarios..

    destroying half an enemy zerg in a 3:1 situation, effectivly stoping their advance, doesnt have any impact in the fight ?

    like i said, i get closer too. But the main advantage of the prower is long range.
    For close combat theres nothing like the Vanguard..

    made the fully automatic suggestion a while back too..
    The 4 round burst is one on the things that most affect its performance; it forces a big COF increase, the 3rd and 4rd are fired with a COF already big .. And on a bumpy terrain it can mean you miss 3 of the 4 shots..
    It removes a lot of the control over the weapon..