I'd like to have this skill

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Simferion, May 23, 2015.

  1. Simferion

  2. Liberty

    Eh, for a new alt when looking at other top tier players a sub 5 heavy K/D and sub 2 KPH isn't going to raise much attention. I know when we were more active that was literally our baseline for recruitment with newly rolled (stat focused) alts.
  3. Simferion

    2nd best HSR with NS-15m2 and 5th or 6th considering also the NS-15m1 among all the players (on DasAnfall site). Quite impressive.
  4. Cinnamon

    Daddy alt?
  5. Liberty

    Don't get me wrong, he is certainly a great player and easily in the top 1 % but you can really see just how much he is giving up to get that head shot rate. I know for someone like me, who is far from the best player it down right difficult to fall below a 3 or 4 K/D as a heavy when even doing the most stupid of things. So when you see someone with a sub 3 K/D with the carv despite that high of a HSR it is mostly attributed to taking the extra time to make sure that last bullet is a head shot and probably getting killed more because of it.
  6. Simferion

    Nope, he's in RO since a few days. New player in Miller, very good at headshotting and always knowing your position.
  7. Cinnamon

    Sounds like Daddy to me.
  8. Simferion

    Yeah, but he didn't started with Daddy's outfit.