I Wouldn't Say It's A Ghost Town, But...

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Stellus, Mar 30, 2014.

  1. Stellus

    There can't be more than 125 people on Waterson right now, spread over 3 continents (soon to be 4). Please consider merging the servers so that us off-peakers have some semblance of an MMOFPS instead of a cluster of a few people on a ginormous map.
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  2. Lucidius134

    but what about holiday events when the servers cap out?
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  3. Captain Kid

    isnt that normal for a mmo game? I would make a character on a european or west coast server depending on the hours you play.
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  4. DeadliestMoon

    Can people stop asking for Waterson to get a server merge.
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  5. Accuser

    Can't play Planetside, training for Elder Scrolls Online MLG.
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  6. WyrdHarper

    I can't imagine why people wouldn't be playing this game at 3am on a Sunday evening.
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  7. SerialNumber1221

    maybe merge Briggs with Waterson? just a thought
  8. Astealoth

    by the time we get hossin we wont have the pop to support a 4th continent :p
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  9. Roll Fizzlebeef

    It's almost as if people have responsibilities and jobs or something.

    What could possibly supersede the importance of keeping video game servers populated at all hours of the day every day of the week?
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  10. Gravemind2401

    If Briggs players were moved to Waterson most of them would just quit. Most of Australia has bad really poor internet compared to US, and the latency we get on US servers is usually unplayable, depending on player count.
    If Waterson players were moved to Briggs they'd have a significant increase in latency, and Briggs already takes as much as 30 mins to log in of an afternoon so adding more players would just cripple it further...
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  11. Prudentia

    Oh you are right it is 125 Players.
    Per faction.
    you have a nice ~350 Players online, thats enough for some nice fights.
  12. SerialNumber1221

    lol it was a joke dude

    Briggs is a dead server most hours of the day, bar maybe 2-3 hours "peak" and even the peak is pathetic compared to other servers..

    Yeah Australia as the worst internet in the developed world and is going to have ADSL till at least 2070..at least being the key words hehe

    I had to move house and state in Australia just to get a fibre connection...

    I play mostly on Connery these days and don't have any issues..
  13. Fangry

    Only way to solve this issue without having alts on other servers is with having a server, that links all servers together
    The problem with worldwide server is latency
    But if we keep it to Euro servers in one, East in one and West in one, that problem is gone
    Kinda like how WoW does it, with their instances
    But will it happen? Very unlikely
  14. SerialNumber1221

    merge Briggs into Connery and it all makes sense to me...Australia must be such a small market and revenue base anyway, so after the playerbase has shrunk so much already as Briggs is pretty well perpetually empty, SOE should merge it, save some bucks and use the extra time and resources freed up to focus on more important things....
  15. Irathi


    And what time of the day do you play?

    Waterson population looks normal. peak between 400-600 for each faction.

    For comparison here is miller;peka between 580-680 for each faction.
  16. LibertyRevolution

    I think it should be double XP during off peak if they are not going to merge waterson and mattherson.
    Players that play during peak have a huge advantage of number of targets over those of us that play off peak.
    The game is too grindy off peak, you spend so much time looking for a fight, or in empty bases, or killing 2-3 guys, its a joke!

    Look at this:

    So there are all of 120 enemy on both waterson or mattherson, and these pops are high due to the double XP event..

    During peak you have that many enemy to shoot at a single base!
    Meanwhile off peak we have to hunt them down over 3 maps!

    Merging the 2 east coast severs would also help balance the pops, just look a the pie charts..
  17. Fangry

    Not sure, but PS1 lasted 3-4 years before they started to merge servers?
    I'm probably wrong
  18. Jalek

    I remember when they discussed merging Mattherson or Woodman with Connery, spreading the peak hours out.
    Instead they merged the two US West servers and rely on Australia and Asia to populate it in off hours.
    It's fun to move into a hex and realize you are 25-50% of the people in the hex according to the faction pie chart.
  19. Irathi

    All servers have low population during the night, especially from 2 am to 6 am.
    Wouldn't it be better if you found a server that matches your timezone better? (since the charts you link to is set at 4am).

    -here same server peak hours;
  20. Regpuppy

    I'm not sure what people expect during their servers off hours. Merging just to get slightly better off hours pops ends up causing issues during peak hours, ruining the experience for the majority. People are simply sleeping/working/at school and there's nothing you can really do about this, aside from forcing EU and US players onto the same servers. Which, in an FPS game, is never fun when forced on you.

    I hate to say it, but if your schedule is really THAT off from 90% of the players on your server. You might want to consider another region's server to fit your schedule. There's absolutely no way you can entice US players with lives to play at 1-5 in the morning if they weren't already wanting to. It's unrealistic.
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