I want an SMG, but not the NC one...

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by moooosa, Feb 11, 2013.

  1. Nature

    Edit. Reply not working for whatever reason or I´m just too tired.
  2. TheArchetype

    That's an excuse and you know it.
  3. Rognik

    Fact: NC weapons are supposed to be the best at close range.
    Fact: At close range time to kill (TTK) is virtually all that matters vs. a single target.
    Fact: Most NC infantry weapons have the worst TTK (including the SMG).

    SOE logic.

    I think SOE seriously needs to reconsider what niche the NC weapons are supposed to occupy, because most of their weapons seem to be better at long range than close range (excluding shotguns, of course). If they are indeed supposed to be the kings of CQC, they need to have much better TTKs, either by upping fire rate or damage. To compensate for this buff they could increase recoil and reduce bullet velocity, ensuring that the guns are hard to use at range, but not impossible.
  4. Talizzar

    Explain how they are better.

    I can easily argue that the NC are better because they are more accurate and hit harder. What people fail to realize, and they point to TR is that wow they fire so fast. So what. They spray all over the place, especially at any range. VS are better because they are accurate, no bullet drop and quick reload times.

    HItting harder means less round need to land and with accurate weapons you are saying this is not a good thing? You would rather have some gun that sprays 40 bullets and hope that they land? The recoil as often complained about is hardly much different than the TR guns.

    There are plenty of decent NC weapons. NC is doing very well on Mattherson.
  5. moooosa

    Absolutely not. It's not even arguable. Higher ROF means means many more chances to hit your target. It's far more forgiving and will kill more consistently. With a low ROF weapon, any bullet that misses is a huge penalty.

    NC weapons are not more accurate than TR weapons.

    Rate of fire. TR SMG puts out bullets almost 40% faster. It's a big bump to lethality.
  6. LameFox

    I tend to find this is only true when I'm getting terrible hit registration (coincidentally when other game performance is also terrible, it seems). But in that case I usually don't keep playing for long because it still makes things worse than they should be, so I'd rather try to fix it.
  7. centurionvi

    And yet in your original post you dismissed the GD-7F, which happens to have equal recoil and a higher ROF than every single TR carbine in the game. You just can't beat that NC inferiority complex.
  8. moooosa

    I never claimed ROF was the only determining factor to whether a weapon was good or bad. You've got your logic out of fix. I said the TR SMG is best largely because of it's ROF, which is true, since most other factors between SMG's are quite close. (The fact that it also technically has the highest DPS (and lowest TTK) just nails it home.)

    The GD-7F is a carbine. Its ROF is the reason why it's one of the best weapons NC has, but the TR's Lynx outclasses it easily with only slightly lower ROF, much higher damage per mag, higher accuracy and even a movement speed bonus just as gravy.
  9. Gavyne

    NC SMG needs to have its rate of fire bumped up. It's advertised as a lethal close quarter combat weapon, it's supposed to have high rate of fire, and smaller clip size. I don't care if it doesn't get as high ROF as other factions, but it needs to be better than what's already available to our own faction.

    I brought this up during last week's FNO dev Q & A segment. Jimmy said they're going to let things run for awhile, then they'll collect the data from it and see if they need to bump the rate of fire up on NC SMG. While I accept the answer, and it makes sense to look at the data. But still, SMG should have high rate of fire, small clip size, lethal in close range. They should've known all along to not make it fire slower than GD-7F.
    • Up x 1
  10. Raital

    I respectfully disagree. I wish to show a couple of exhibits here. The first is the NC SMG with advanced laser sight (or dot, whatever). The second is the NC GD-7F with advanced laser sight. Both are standing still (note: GD-7F initial crosshair size is the same crouched as the SMG standing, SMG has no crouch advantage)



    Also consider that the SMG has half the bloom per shot of the GD-7F (0.06 vs 0.12) in hipfire. You need to crouch and ADS with the GD-7F to get the same type of firing COF as the SMG. And subjectively I would say the aim circle in the example is quite tight thanks to the advanced laser sight.

    I also wanted to throw those images out there for anyone who might be wondering the difference in crosshairs between the GD-7F and SMG when standing and aiming hipfire.

    That's about all I wanted to show.
  11. Talizzar

    Some people will never be convinced even when presented with plenty of facts and observations from good players.

    ROF means nothing unless the rounds are hitting. TR guns spray all over the target area.

    NC weapons are more accurate than TR.

    Yes I would rather have 8 or 9 hard hits required to kill someone than 13. Maybe we play differently or some people can't aim and compensate for recoil.
  12. Strongback

    Well, I only tried the Vanu SMG on trial and it seems with that aim circle you shouldn't have any problems in "longish" range combat.

    I respectfully retract my statement.