I want a freaking rangefinder!

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by gobblenslay, Dec 12, 2012.

  1. gobblenslay

    So I am a vary long range sniper and finding the perfect shot and missing cuz i misjudged the range is a little depressing mostly because then they run because they heard a sniper (obviously) and you are also wasting ammo

    so what i am trying to say is that there should be a rangefinder on the scope and maybe have a little arrow pointing twards the right range dot
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  2. Yasser

    I don't agree with this. In Quake you have no range finder, heck not even scope, and people move at the speed of light, yet you still have to hit with the Railgun. All you want is making things too easy in my opinion. I'd rather lessen the bullet drop or make rifles more accurate than having rangefinders.
  3. deadsearolls

    Indeed. Rangefinders is a cool idea but is not needed. Although when im sniping at range I am disapointed when I have a perfect shot but it lands just short because the bullet drop is a little much. I think they need to lesson, or remove bullet drop altogether.
  4. Yasser

    Yes the bullet drop sometimes is plain ridiculous, and if you couple that with low accuracy at very long distances, the fact that you must calculate your shot to land a hit etc sums up, it feels like if you were a Tusken Sniper instead of an NC/TR/VS one. However I'd leave all this like it is right now and get true infiltrator capacities, as I think that for an Infiltrator sniper should be something situational instead of the main role.
  5. Teribad

    That is definitely not needed. That would take all the "fun" out of getting those awesome shots. It just takes practice to judge ranges. Once you learn them, sniping becomes fairly easy.

    There was a range finder in beta, but I am sure it was not ment for that purpose.
  6. Azikiwe

    A rangefinder would be a very nice addition to Infiltrators, maybe as an extra cert for a rifle.
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  7. RedHaro

    I have a solution, go to the map and put a way point at the general location of the target that you want to hit,

    The way point will display the distance from you and the way point. If the way point is near your target, it will show the approximate distance from you and your target.

    Does this help?
  8. Tyzh


    What you should really be asking is for, OP, a way for us to zero our scopes to a range of our choice. ;)
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  9. Semdei

    Rail has a scope. And rail is instant with no bullet drop so range doesn't matter, also probably why you forgot the scope. Plus that it fires right where the crosshair is. Quake is harder, no doubt, but it's hardly comparable.
  10. Evilfish

    Cool idea, but you still need a range to do that. :)

    A range finder or just a range readout in the scope is kinda of a cool idea.
  11. Caspartine

    Another topic on this *sigh* Personal waypoint, mil-dot calculation, practice. Go for it. There's no need for such thing as a rangefinder (althought zeroing would be nice).
  12. Daimond

    Till late beta we had a range finder hitting Alt-T but they removed it, and every one asked for it back even asking for it to be a cert. But alase I dont think they will ever give it back cuase it helped Sniper,s and they dont seem to like to give this class much of anything usefull. Although it helped out tanks and such as well, hell I was even able to arc my Rocketluancher to get distant hits at one point.
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  13. Yasser

    Rail doesn't have a scope, unless you are referring to the one on Quake 4. All you have is a zoom, which is not the same as having a scope. Yes, no bullet drop, something I think that atleast for the sniper rifles here, should perhaps not be that severe as it is right now.
  14. Xandax

    I'm often trying to snipe at just the edge of the render distance, and well - a test shot or two and if I pay attention - I can usually zero in.
    The drop is rarely more than two mill dots at the most extreme ranges I've shot anyway, so I wouldn't say a range finder is really needed.

    The tricky adjustments comes when shooting up or down at large angles and then adjusting - much more than the range adjustment IMO.
  15. QD998

    I think the target has already ran away when you know the distance.
  16. Skadi

    Wait, isnt there already a key combo you can press that shows the distance between you and where your looking, i know there was in beta.
  17. Spadar

    I think it would be cool but it's not really needed at the moment... You can't engage a target at ranges where the rangefinder becomes viable.
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  18. Chandon

    You big *****! It's called an "eyeometer" :p

    What next a Mil-dot calculator in game?
  19. Semdei

    What's the difference between a scope and zoom?
  20. Sparks

    It was removed before launch sadly :(. Used to be alt + r haven't really tried it again as of the latest patch but I doubt it works.