I understand what you did Daybreak, but your advertising blows

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Hawthorne, May 20, 2015.

  1. ChUnKiFieR

    This sounds exactly like what the politicians do to us and yet we keep playing the game. Just like in real life they promise cuts and we get raises. They promise "change" (sound familiar) and we get a worse version of the same. Your only recourse is to go with the lesser of two evils or leave.

    So what's the lesson here? Swallow it and shut the heck up or quit the game entirely. Just like those of you who are "****** voters" (no matter what), who will swallow anything, any lie, any ridiculous argument and any B.S. excuse thinking your doing good and not knowing or even wanting to know if your doing harm as long as you get your way. Oh wait I get it. You guys only wants stuff that benefits you and no one else right?

    Of course it's about the money. What in life isn't about money? Is this a "capitalism is bad" argument going on here? I hope DGC rakes it in, gives the developers raises and stays on their jobs for years to come. And so should you!
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  2. Hawthorne

    Because I hope that they encourage new players to stick around, promoting value in the game and increasing it's longevity.
    And they can do that while earning their money with a high volume of low priced sales.

    Btw, only person to bring up capitalism was you. Good job on that.
  3. ChUnKiFieR

  4. Hawthorne

    Hint: It wasn't a compliment but if you think it was more power to ya.
  5. AxiomInsanity87

    Needs more substance.

    1/10 for that white knight attempt.
  6. Pay2WinSucks

    I wonder if they are just seeing how much they can try to bleed us dry before we get mad. Though the idea of them just letting the game die while trying to make a cash grab before the game is cold and lifeless comes to mind.
  7. Eternaloptimist

    Free game, or pay to play and get money back every month (500 DBC per month for me). Or work for certs instead. I'm trying to care about the price changes, I really am......but still failing.
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  8. AxiomInsanity87

    It's ridiculous really.

    A new decent game costs around £40-£60. If someone likes this game then they choose to spend if they even want. If they don't or can't spend then they can play for free.

    The whole thing is a non issue.
  9. Dgross

  10. AxiomInsanity87

    Your vapid reply confirms that you know you're wrong and have nothing left to say.

    Thank you.
  11. Dudeman325420

    Grind out 1000 certs... you make that sound like something difficult, rather than something that can be achieved over a few days through normal playing. Just play the game, and the certs will come (even more quickly if you aren't blowing them on every little upgrade that you'll never use).

    Play some Everquest (Porject 99, not the pos that live became) and then come back here to complain about a piddly 1000 certs.
  12. NinjaKirby

    Just made this shoop for the record.
    Farm analogies are the best.
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  13. Halathorn

    As Breaded Chicken would say, "Dawg you're 10 years old, I'm 13, I know much more about the world than you do."
  14. Dgross

    No sorry, you don't speak for everyone. Might be a non issue for you, but not everyone.
    Thank YOU!
  15. AxiomInsanity87

    I've not spoken for anyone, merely said it how it is.

    Sub up, shut up, or carry on being f2p.
  16. Haquim

    I'm not in econ, but that totally sounds like what I know from my work and I imagine it a tad worse the bigger the company gets.

    +10 (sadly I can only give 1) for the orc analogy.
    I was a very generous nob and threw a couple hundred bucks at SOE.
    But the Meks contraptions blew up in my face one too many times and so I smashed his face in and am keeping the teef now.
    (In normalspeak: I canceled my sub)

    I'm not interested in items, but I'm subscribing when the quality is adequate.
    It is not (anymore), and I have yet to see big improvement.
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  17. Dgross

    You did. It's your opinion, not "how it is".
    Please remove your ego from your bottom.

    And thank you, I will continue with the F2P model until they add something meaningful to spend money on. That's my opinion, btw.
    Just so you can see the difference. :)
  18. AxiomInsanity87

    You lack the insight to understand how much of a non issue it is. This is why it may appear like just my opinion to you.

    You can join my /ignore list with all the other special cases. Good luck whining just because you're either a stinge bag or bum.

    Probably more likely to be a bum though.
  19. Jackplays17

    Actually, His idea IS a good idea. Im pretty sure 95% Of the playerbase is on board with him. The PS2 market analyzers probably dont play the game, and if they do they probably have something like free membership, so they probably dont know how it feels.
  20. Dgross

    I know you won't read this since you felt the need to ignore me, but I'll type it anyway.

    You lack any tact whatsoever when talking to people. You present your opinions as facts and then attack people that challenge it.
    Basically, your signature image says it all about you.

    And thank you for adding me with all the other "special cases" aka normal people that don't have to deal with your insufferable, arrogant type.