I really hope cloaking "update" isn't finished with this patch.

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by Epicstrat, Oct 4, 2014.

  1. Epicstrat

    It's nice that they fixed the low graphics. It's fantastic that magazines allegedly don't go out of deep cloak when you reload. However, there are still problems. I can't ADS while stalker cloaked without draining my energy. People are still experiencing cloaking bugs that have been around since launch, and these should be fixed.

    I hope SOE isn't done with the cloak, it still needs work.
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  2. _itg

    I agree, this update was a good a start, but I'm afraid they're just going to declare "mission accomplished" and ignore the rest of the bugs for two more years.

    The magazine bug still hasn't been fixed, at least for me. Using the Desperado at the moment. I'm also still experiencing the same old problems with cloaking after firing.
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  3. Epicstrat

    Yes, I know I don't need cloak to preform well. I can measure the time I've put I to this class in months. Right now, I am mostly playing with stalker cloak or sniping out of a Valkyrie with a friend. When you play stalker, you absolutely need cloak, it counters not having a primary weapon. I don't see cloak as "training wheels" but instead as a tool, just like the motion spotter or darts. Relying on my cloak is relying on tactics. Using the element of surprise, flanking, and all the rest is using tactics.

    I am constantly cloaking in any battle, consantly repositioning, setting traps, usung darts, and abusing carelessly placed enemy ammo packs for more darts. There are a lot of ways to play this class. By no means fo you have to use cloak as heavily as I do. But I have the most fun when I get to use my stealth and wit to win fights, and back off into a corner to wait for anotheg victim. Cloak is central to the playstyle I have developed, it wouldn't be possible without it. Pistol and knife are deadly tools, and I can survive indeffinatly with the right setup. However, when I base such a large portion of my gameplay around cloak, and the cloak is as inconsistent as it is I have some annoying deaths. I am really just looking for cloak to be a stable, reliable ability that does the same thing everytime I use it.

    I guess what I'm saying is that cloak isn't a crutch, it's a tool, and I hate it when I have unreliable tools. For me to play without it would be silly, and I would do better just switching classes.
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  4. iller

    How is this "nice"?? Or are you being sarcastic? They fixed it by making everyone appear at Ultra visible settings...

    That's a huge downgrade to our survival. How is that a nice thing for us?
  5. Nehlis

    Not nice, but definitely fair. Forcing someone to chose between downgraded performance and being able to reasonably detect cloaks as they are meant to be, versus having a reasonable framerate in a twitch shooter and having an unintended hinderrance due to technical issues was unreasonable.
  6. Epicstrat

    In short, no it's not nice for us. The consistency is nice though, it means they can tweak cloak visibility without accidentally screwing over any particular graphics setting.

    Besides, I wanted to focus on getting bugs fixed. I want cloaking to work reliably before we go having a debate about cloak visibility. That debate needs to be had for sure, but I wanted to focus on the bugs in this post.

    Sorry for not clearing that up in OP.
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  7. iller

    Meanwhile the visibility on Ultra is also unreasonable. So of all the directions they could have err'd in, they chose to err on the side of screwing over the readheaded-stepchild class and then CALLING it an improvement. That's not just unfair, that's unethical P.R.
  8. MajiinBuu

    Wait... your energy is drained by simply aiming? Even if you are sitting still? That's gotta be terrible lol.
    I noticed how extremely visible I am on very low graphics, and is that really how people on high/ultra have seen us all along? :eek:
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  9. Epicstrat

    Yeah, it really sucks. The aiming bug doesn't happen always, but when it does it kills my mood. The visibility of cloak just gets on my nerves, but I don't see it being changed any time soon.

    I don't think I'm much longer for this game... I used to get such fun stealth gameplay... Now it's just an annoyance. I'll probably go back to single player stealth games until I find something else to play in a multiplayer setting.

    It's a shame it turned out like this, but I think it's finally time for me to uninstall planetside. The old infiltrator community seems to be drying up anyway...

    I'll keep an eye out for you guys in other games, but for now it's probably farewell.
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  10. MarkAntony

    only thing that has changed is that now cloakers are ridiculously easy to see on ALL settings. Now we need to have a cloaking pass to actually make the cloak work as advertised.
  11. CuteBeaver

    Your not the only one whos getting fed up.

    I may have just lost my buddy Nerdfest tonight. Amoung our concerns, there is also vehicleside 2, and AV nade spam everywhere. Just take a "break" maybe it will help.

    I'v been playing other single player titles myself otherwise I would have long since burnt out on this game. I spend nearly all my time stalking and at least some of the bugs are gone but many remain. On Emerald the cloak delay has been a chore and is very unresponsive most times of the night.
  12. Moonheart

    Same than Beaver here. I feel tired of this, and only keep up at it because I regulary make pauses to play other games to avoid the burn out...

    The recent patch was helpful regarding the cloaked gameplay, but is just not nearly enough of what was needed.

    Currently, stalker cloaks are still like if you gave to a HA guns that randomly and unexpectidly become jammed for no appearent reason when you press their triggers: many times, everything is fine. It works. But when you spend time and effort into a strategy, just to have it fail because your main tool is suddently and unexpectedly misworking, it just makes you want to kick you computer in frustration.

    Then, there are general gameplay concerns... like playing a class that is still denied any way to fight with a bit of efficiency against vehicules, after a "ressource adjustment" patch that turned the surrounding in a so called "vehicleside 2"... like playing a class that suffer many unique penalities (hp, hard counter attachement, main weapon denied, requierement to move like a slug to not be straight killed) for a class tool that doesn't make them really more useful than other classes on the battlefield..

    I love the playstyle, I don't really want to play something else in PS2... but when will we be able to play it without random frustrating technical failures and being seen as useful as other classes on the battlefield by our own allies?
  13. kingskorpio80

    I am a BR 75ish soldier with 95% spent as infiltrator CQC. https://www.planetside2.com/players/#!/5428016813485286449/stats

    After claiming it was impossible for god know how long they manage to make the cloak a joke to see even on low settings, making the infiltrator ability the power to be invisible when no one is looking.

    What is the point of dark light accessory now? none I guess, unless for a couched still infiltrator anything else is a Christmas tree moving.

    Unfortunately infiltrators are obviously the minority and balance will take in mind the opinion of people playing other classes which do not know or care what painful feats you had to go through to manage to sneak on them undetected, they only see the part where "infiltrator decloak and kill me instantly , is op please nerf it".

    Only class which has so many drawbacks to overcome to use his only available ability.

    Let's sum them up.
    Cloak is extremely loud and in my experience is easy to find even just the approximate spot of a non moving infiltrator, even hundreds of meter away( ridiculous )
    The Empire specific sound drawback can only really be overcome by either not using it or by using stalker cloak and decloak only when needed and as little as possible.
    You are giving up a primary weapon, and while cloaked you can't do anything else apart q spotting( and possibly giving away your position to a dark light equipped enemy ) or reload. absolutely nothing else that I know of.

    I could go on quite a bit and I might do at later time, for now I doubt I'll play PS2 much if at all, I just would like to advice anyone discussing fairness and balance regarding infiltrators to have at least tried a bit the class to have a fair idea of the advantages and disadvantages class has to face.
  14. Wizlawz

    ok so my post was deemed as non constructive...but i still say :

    use tactics instead...other tactics i mean...never go alone...always have a spotter(s) and etc whatever else you may need for perimeter defense.... you may be a lone wolf but it never hurts to have a couple of lone wolf packs running around....say in a squad of 3-4?
    instead rely on YOU , yer Squad m8s, tactics and strategy....and use the terrain like small hills for cover etc....which you most likely already know

    there it has been edited...hopefully it is now deemed as constructive.
  15. Rohxer

    Well, they "look" almost exactly the same now, but I'm pretty sure they are coded separately somehow. Reason: I can get the helmet-visibility bug when I brush against a stalker infil while on high texture mode, but I cannot get the bug to happen when on low texture mode, strangely enough. So I still foresee inconsistencies in the future.
  16. Epixstrat

    I'm curious what single player titles people play. I've always enjoyed Splinter Cell and I just finished my stealth + explosives play through o Fallout: New Vegas. Thinking of picking up the Metal Gear Legacy Collection for PS3 and playing through that.
  17. Wizlawz

    i just started playing dead space, ye i know it is an old one...but it is new to me.

    Skyrim, JC2, Saints Row 3rd, SEV2, The Hunter, Space Engineers {sandbox}, From The Depths,
  18. CuteBeaver

    Iv been in love with a new early access game called: The Long Dark.


    Its a survival game without cheesy zombies. Just you against the elements, and a few wolves....delicious wolves... The art style is cool, its like walking through a world dreamed up by Lawren Harris (Canadian Painter from the Group of Seven). The gameplay lacks "action" but its tough as nails. Faulty logic will get you killed so quickly. Right now there is just a tiny sandbox map, however already people are surviving well beyond 50 days. Unfortunately the games difficulty level keeps dropping after every major patch as the tears from noobs pile up on steam. I miss the intense calorie burn, which was more realistic to how much energy would be expended in such a harsh climate. Its a cool little game which soothes allot of the frustration I tend to accumulate here. I like the balance, I tend to get my fill, and then crave the random choas of PS2 again.
  19. Rohxer

    Oh neat! I saw some previews of that game like a year ago I think. Definitely looked interesting at the time; I'll have to investigate it further.