I may need stitches from how many times I've bashed my head into my desk.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by TacoPaco, Nov 24, 2012.

  1. TacoPaco

    Lets start with the easy issues to fix regarding gameplay:
    -Lag. You know it's there. I don't need to go into this.

    -Outfit squad forming. HOLY **** GUYS. This is the most complex, complicated, FUBARed thing on the planet. How do I know if my outfit has a squad open? I have to check the squad list for a squad with outfit only recruiting. My outfit window doesn't tell me that. Wouldn't that be nice? It takes us literally 10 minutes to form a platoon (the second hardest damn thing on the planet. Why can't we form platoons with members of a squad who are already in the squad? Why is it invite only?!!?)

    -Clipping. Why is it an enemy sniper can see me from 400m away, but when looking for him through my sniper scope I can't see him? He's not cloaked. He's not invisible. He's standing right next to that tree, yet nobody in my squad can see him. Why is his clipping better than ours when we all have max clipping too? Oh, maybe it's because there's fighting all around us while he's standing on pride rock having a tea party with Ms. Piggy and John Travolta. You gotta fix that. We shouldn't be missing the action because some enemy squad is swarming below us and the game engine finds it harder to load things outside of us than to load us inside. That sniper should have died six times over, but no, he went unmolested, because we could only see his tracers shooting us in the faces.

    -Viewing distance needs to be increased, period. If I'm looking over a canyon at an enemy base through a 6x scope, I don't care if there's 3 kilometers between us, I should still see motion. This is 2012. Our computers can handle it. The laws of physics of this game are great, except when it comes to viewing distance. Have carrots gone extinct on this planet??

    -Sprinting. It really effs up your hitboxes. I will go more into this later.

    -Squads need second in commands as backup squad leaders. Why is Jon the only one who can drop a beacon and objective? Why can't Sarah, too? Having one squad leader really makes sorting squad stuff out ******edly hard.

    -Platoon sorting / kicking needs to fall on the squad leaders, not the platoon leader. Being the platoon leader shouldn't be the most hated thing in this game when trying to keep a platoon organized. There's a reason LTs have SGTs.

    -Squad recruitment needs to be handled by both squad leaders and platoon leaders. It's ridiculous having to teabag my squad leaders to get them to put the proper recruitment messages. And not the John Travolta and Miss Piggy teabagging either.

    -And now the bad talking of other factions and weapons and vehicles begins.

    -I remember the days when the vanguard didn't suck. Don't you? Now it's the magrider, as it's always been, reigning supreme in the tank regime, followed by the double firing prowler. What does the vanguard get? ******** maneuverability, less damage than a prowler, and less armor than them both. What should it have? Something better than the inability to scale a small hill, the inability to dodge shots, and the cannon that when fired a small flag flies out the end and says "bang!"

    -I can't comment on the reaver, I don't fly. I think it's right where it needs to be. I do know the mosquito is the most ******** aircraft ever. So what, it's fast. It's also about as tough as a slow cooked roast and all that speed leaves it really lacking in the damage and control department from what I've seen. Or maybe the TR are just really bad pilots. I don't know. Mmmmm. Roast.

    -The jackhammer. Is totally garbage unless you get the extended clip and or your enemy stands still. I've gone head to head at point blank with VS carrying Orions and TR using chainguns, both of them handed me my *** with the jackhammer. I'm not a bad shot, my KDR right now is 1.8 with the Gauss Machinegun (slightly op MG if you ask me) and I've very steady with my aim, but when Spaztard Johnny decides he's going to run around in circles while I'm trying to shoot him and jump all over the place and spray the room with his machine gun, I die. Why? His hitboxes are everywhere, he's lagging out all over the place, and you can't expect me to follow him up down left right hold down A and press start. It's next to impossible to kill any skilled person who maneuvers with that gun. Anyone standing still or who walks into me dies in 1-2 shots, everyone else takes a full clip and still lives to tell the tale. This needs to be addressed ASAP. The jackhammer shouldn't take a backseat to my spray and pray machine gun because the game has a sprint around mechanic. (On that note I've started knifing people instead of jackammering, it seems more effective.) The gun should just be shooting used tissues, maybe that would at least hurt the enemy's pride.

    -The VS starting sniper rifle needs some form of arc. I don't care if the damage drops off. A headshot from a kilometer away does the same damage as point blank.

    -The VS sniper rifle shouldn't be a starting alternative to the jackhammer. You heard me. Anyone who is good with a jackhammer should just go VS and play sniper. I did it in beta. Hell I never even sniped in beta, just ran around spamming the sniper at point blank. WAS EXTREMELY EFFECTIVE.

    -The orion needs some form of nerf. I've got the drop on people with it using my upgraded gauss machine gun, hit almost every shot, and had some tool with an orion put me down in like 5 shots. When I was using full shield. Like a chump. That's brutally obnoxious.

    -The lasher is still just as meaty as the orion, only meatier as it now lashes. Don't get me started on that damn gun, I will ***** for hours.

    -Every TR gun ever needs some sort of damage decrease. It's great the the NC have hard hitting guns, but DPS does more damage than burst, and when you can just fill a room with bullets you'll be much more effective than Mr. Ironsights trying to gun you down.

    -On that note, chaingun. It's killed entire squads before in a matter of seconds. Like they were nothing. They didn't even have time to reach. Screw that. For serious, if it's going to be that effective it needs to overheat.

    -Why is the NC max unit so pathetic when it comes to enemy infantry. We talked about this. Shotguns SUCK with the amount of movement people can make. Give us flamethrowers. Or machine guns. Or something. Because the shotgun isn't cutting it.

    -Flak guns for all factions need a damage increase. It shouldn't take sixteen flak guns to effectively kill an enemy liberator. Enemy aircraft also shouldn't be dive bombing flak guns with no fear. It's just stupid how weak they are. You need someone with a SAM to take down enemy aircraft, not a flak gun in this game. My dual flak max is just going to collect dust it seems.

    -Why is it liberators can reach the ceiling of a world and SAM missiles cant' reach them? Disgusting.

    -After a rez you need at least 2 seconds of invincibility, or until you fire. I don't want to get into how many times I've killed the same guy over and over again knowing he was just going to accept a rez from an enemy medic. This is a sick way to farm kills.

    -Grenades need a damage boost against enemy armor. The anti armor grenade for heavy is pathetic. I'd be better off throwing water balloons at enemy tanks. Also, why the hell can't we shoot gunners off of tanks and enemies out of cockpits yet?

    -We need some form of artillery. Tanks just aint cutting it when you locate an enemy sunderer.

    -Bring back bombs for the lib. Only if you nerf the lib though. I don't want bombing fortresses of + 2 invincibility in the sky to exist.

    -You gotta make some armor color schemes more definite. I've ran into a TON of VS with a blue armor coloring that makes them look like NC.

    -The Q button to call out targets is nice but it needs to be more prominent on the HUD. I want options that if I spot a hostile sunderer it puts a sunderer icon on my HUD where the sunderer is and keeps it at the last spotted location.

    That's all for now. I'll be back tomorrow to ***** some more, probably.
  2. FluffyM

    This looks like a useful thread, no dev will ever respond.
  3. DailyFrankPeter

    But they do fix things, we should just keep bumping the thread.
  4. 420CoDMarineCorpSn!p

    A bump for you. Because the Devs would ignore good advice like this.
    NC is so laughable it's not even funny anymore. and Air is too strong
  5. Frosty7

    For the first paragraph; this is probably to maintain decent performance. There are still a lot of people out there with older computers, myself included, which will struggle running this game if it did have the capability to draw entire armies up to three clicks away. It's expensive rebuilding a new one from scratch, and buying them fresh off the store shelf usually lands you a sub-par product compared to what you could have had if you custom ordered all the parts. I digress... I just wanted to point out that, although you raise a valid point, the rendering distance is the way it is because of the fact there can be hundreds of individual soldiers running around on screen at any given time. It's already pretty tough to render what we can see. If they can make it efficient and give us near unlimited vision distance though...

    The second paragraph; I wish they would just keep that stuff out of the game, period. So many team kills because a boob on my team felt the need to change his uniform around and stand out from the crowd only to run into the exact same problem you brought up. It's also a rip off from a consumers point of view. Real money for that? Something which modding communities used to pump out in the thousands... For free... Quite often with amazing quality to boot. Please stop spending money on skins people... Please? If this isn't one of those pay for a skin things then I take back the accusation. I haven't really looked into the real money store much yet, but that is what this looks like.

    For everything else, I totally agree.
  6. LouisPR

    They could just make a option under graphics that states how much field of view you want... If your system doesnt handle it keep it low if it does handle it put it in max...

    I totally agree on colors I confuse NC for VS too! Even on bases VS sometimes looks like blue?

    Thing I hate way too much is FF (friendly fire) most of the time I play as infiltrator, I'm doing my sniping and suddenly when I take the shot *Boom* teammate dead. Of course its their fault because they are stupid but DAMN make a tutorial video or boot camp for new players. Teach them to not stay behind a goddamn Sunderer or to not run in front of a lighting while its going at full speed because sadly it doesn't brake fast. People are just like deer they cross at the worst moment and I cant do anything then a Locking message appears ****!

    Theres a lot of lag which as mentioned doesn't have to be explain but takes me to this next point which op somewhat mentions:

    I use the V10 with a 12x scope for long range and spotting. Taking long range shots is useless and frustrating of course when theres no lag its flawless but theres lag like 90% of the time. Oooh and headshots... Headshot sometimes dont work happened for the first time today and I dont know if its a server bug but I encountered like 4 players which didn't die by a headshot in close range. I'm cant say im the best sniper but I come from BF3 and adjusting to this game physics was no biggie for me... But damn taking my time to make a shot with a 12x scope, guy so close that looks like he is 5ft away I take the shot when he stops moving to be safe and he didnt die... He survived to tell the tale WTF

    Oh and spotting is buggy as hell! I sometimes clearly see a sunderer or a lighting and I cant spot it. If I have a 12x scope shouldnt I be able to spot it even if I cant see it w.o zoom? Same thing with aerial...

    Also shooting infantry with a Lighting is a pain you miss them by 2-5ft and they dont die. It ok with 1 shot but today it took the whole clip to take down 2 guys which were running 10ft away from me.A shot like that, so close should have killed them at least with two shots!

    Ahh sorry if my its hard to understand my writing I'm just tired and frustrated....
  7. TacoPaco

    I need to add a few things:

    -I've read a lot of posts about how the starter NC LMG is underpowered. I don't think this is the case. My KDR is sitting at a firm 1.7 from that LMG and with the High Velocity ammo, the advanced foregrip, and the recoil compensation barrel attachment, I can effectively snipe snipers... When the view distance allows it. I think that guns damage hits harder than most other guns in the game of it's class, with the exception of the Orion. On beta my KDR was 2.3 with the Orion.

    -The starter NC sniper rifle is a joke. Thank you for giving us Grandpa's bolt action elephant gun. Really. Because there's a lot of elephants on Amerish. It's bad enough that it's bolt action, but that would be totally excusable if the clip size was 10 again (like beta) and that when you shoot someone and need to **** it you stay scoped. The first thing you learn how to do when firing a scoped gun is to keep your target in your crosshairs while cocking. Its not that hard to take your hand off the trigger and pull the bolt back while keeping your head down the sights. I do it all the time when scoping in my hunting rifle. The major flaw with this is that by the time you've cocked your rifle, that vanu you were shooting knows where you are and is killing you because he knows you have to **** your gun to get another shot. This happens ALL THE FREAKING TIME to the point where no one in my outfit wants to play infiltrator.

    -Hell, everyone on the NC needs only one of four classes: Engineer, Medic, Heavy Assault, or MAX. Light assault is such a wasteless joke it's pathetic. And infiltrator isn't an effective mobile class. Heavy assault gets anti vehicle rockets, medics keep people alive, MAX gets anti vehicle weapons, and engineers keep maxes alive. It really boils down to getting more shields, hitpoints, and anti vehicle weapons. Light assaults get none of that. They're the most useless class ever. I'm betting that is the same for all factions sans Vanu, because that infiltrator sniper rifle is more powerful than a shotty.

    -Inviting people to an outfit needs to be easier than just typing in their name or putting them into a squad and inviting them. This doesn't apply to my outfit but it has a few times with exceptions. It's rediculous trying to add Jaksparyooww133123 to your outfit because you first need to write his name on a scratch pad and then send the invite. I want the option to right click their name in chat and send an invite. Same with squad
  8. Legitsu

    The Truth in this thread is 2strong
  9. Littleman

    I don't think TR weapons are too strong. We still have SOME inaccuracy. I perform better with a gauss myself, even. The problem with NC weaponry is that the recoil is brutal in comparison to the cycler or pulsar, making them harder to handle, but I swear my experiences with the gauss put it at a faster TTK than the cycler. VS weaponry has the same RoF, same damage, AND the super tight CoF and recoil to match. Carbines should NOT be outranging my SABR-13... or any other AR. That's just bull$#!%.

    Tanks are fine. NC do actually have the superior armor, prowlers the superior firepower IF both rounds hit right away.
  10. Arsinek

    Wear a helmet. :p
  11. TacoPaco

    I have a couple more things to add into the list.

    -The Jackhammer extended clip gives us a 10 round clip, but we only get 26 shells total, 36 with a full gun. The rate of fire of this gun means if you're in the thick of things defending you're out of ammo in about 30 seconds. I don't want to count how many times I've ran out of bullets mid combat with the jackhammer. This has NEVER happened to me with any other NC weapon. Ever. Even camp sniping.

    -The Mag Shot seems to do more damage than the jackhammer with more ammo and a larger clip. I've started using this in close range combat and it seems to be very effective. May need to re-***** the damage of this pistol because it seems a bit over the top.

    -Why is it Galaxy aircraft cant' transport LRVs? It's be really nice to pick up a a couple of quads or a light tank. Also, when are we getting Jeeps? Sunderers are cool and nice, but brutally hard to drive and just overkill for light squads. We need a very mobile team carrier that seats four. We need Humvees.
  12. Hadrian

    yeah load of horlicks , usual my factions worse than your faction garbage
  13. that_darn_lurker

    Great post all around. I'm too new at this game to comment on your other stuff, but I COMPLETELY AGREE WITH THIS. This is my single biggest problem with the game so far. I can't believe how hard it is to distinguish between NC and VS sometimes. I get killed A LOT because sometimes I have to sit there for a second to figure out of someone is an enemy or not. TR is a no brainer -no need to fix that- but the color schemes between NC and VS are just not distinguishing enough sometimes. A greenish color would have been a better choice for VS instead of purple.
  14. TacoPaco

    What the **** is a horlick?

    -New issue. Shotgun shots with the jackhammer seem to be hit or miss regardless of if the enemy is moving. I point blanked an enemy max in the chest, 1 of the 10 shots registered. The others did absolutely nothing. He was moving forward so I wasn't lagging, and he was shooting so it was real time. This needs to be addressed ASAP. This game is rapidly becoming unplayable for me in its current state.
  15. clantix

    Bump for the color scheme part. Vanu are annoying because they are blue+purple, and when all the colors are dark and faded, what looks blue far away could actually be red if they get closer and turn their shoulder which is practically the only part of the model with color.
  16. downer36

    Fyi, the lasher does not lash, it explodes. Lasing would be what it does in PS1, where the balls of death would damage people even if it did no hit. (it LASHED out at them).
    So, I feel the same way about NC Guass. I can come up behind an NC, shoot him full of laser, and he will turn around and 2 shot me (it seems).
    And the NC max is great for what its designed for. I am always turning corners and getting 1 hot by dual Scatter Maxes. I have seen 1 max clear the area around a Sunderer (6-8 peeps).
    The grass is greener on the other side. I see NC as OP, NC see everyone else as OP, TR just laugh as they mow people down. Its the way of life.
  17. Rune Scorpio

    Also my favorite is the clipping issue with magriders. Touching a building can result in suicide. The easiest way to commit it whis way is to try and move it into the bottom of a tower where the dual tank spawns are. if you enter at an angle or sideways it looks like you should fit but you just explode instead.