I made an alt where I play with wanton abandon and never sit in spawn

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Paperlamp, Jan 26, 2014.

  1. Paperlamp

    Or tons of infantry over a long period of time without dying, sometimes.
  2. JustARandomNobody

    C4 is usually worthless if they see you coming and have even a single AI weapon. They can kill you several times over just in the stupid delay between when you throw it and when you can actually set it off. Not sure when they added that delay, but it is terrible.
    • Up x 1
  3. JustARandomNobody

    I would agree with this, and that the chances they will ever be properly balanced are virtually zero.
  4. Paperlamp

    Finished auraxium on the PDW already, thinking I should get a shotgun next since the TTK on the PDW was killing me(especially against heavies, that shield eats a lot of 125 damage bullets). I could do armistice but that'll be pretty same-y and I want to see how things go without the cloak which makes it much easier to get out of camped spawns and wreak havoc.

    So, the haymaker is 250 certs making it the cheapest option, but I want the CHEESIEST shotgun possible which is probably the nighthawk. Is it worth the extra 500? Or, with the nano changes rewarding headshots more, maybe go for a pump?
  5. Paperlamp

    Update: Deleting the character and going back to farming KD/XP. I just don't see the point: it stops being fun when you're the only one running out half the time, dying to explosive spam and MAXes easily camping the spawn room.

    It's also just hard finding any fun fights, and often shortly after the infantry fight starts getting good, people start spamming MAXes or bringing tanks in to farm the infantry and it's gone.

    I managed a 2.7 KD but that's really only due to infiltrator cloak being overpowered - it definitely wasn't the PDW or my own skill.

    Going back to my 10 KD farming char to use viper lightning, MAX, and camping inside spawn rooms until I find a better game, or until they revamp resources/MAXes/vehicles.

    Since I'm in full QQ mode though I'd like to add that NC's Jackhammer and Cyclone are overpowered, the Blitz and Sirius are better than the Failstorm, and TR is the worst faction to play infantry as by far right now - you should just be using Pounders and Mercies instead.
  6. acksbox

    I used to play MAX almost exclusively, but I've branched out and play HA and Infiltrator more often now. I find the idea that MAXes need any more nerfs at all to be reactionary and fairly ludicrous.

    The only thing that needs to be nerfed are the misconceptions, preconceptions, and inneffective counters that people insist on clinging to, which leads directly to their frustrations with MAXes.

    If you want to be better at killing MAXes, spend some time as a MAX, learn their strengths and weaknesses, then take that knowlege back to your other classes, and they will be far less intimidating.

    I use Mouse 4 (under my right thumb) for my HA shield, not F.

    Mediocre MAXes (most of them) are not especially hard to kill as HA.

    I only die about 1/3rd of the time I'm concussed, maybe less, as a MAX. I flip up my mouse to maximum DPI so I can turn, and Charge through my pre-planed escape route, finding some place safe to hole up until charge is back and NAR5 has healed me completely.

    It's usually a lot easier to hide or run from a MAX than it is to escape a tank equipped with thermal optics.
  7. Paperlamp

    I have spent a lot of time in MAXes.

    But please do tell me how to counter a MAX as an infiltrator. I am wondering what weakness I'm supposed to exploit. Am I supposed to attempt to lure them through multiple claymores somehow?

    Tanks also can't move indoors, not that tank spam is balanced either.

    I understand : AV nades, conc nades, rocket launchers, C4 all cause problems for MAXes, yet somehow when I play MAXes I often magimically gun down several infantry attempting these tactics because infantry can't counter being dead before they can use them. They're all far more situational and harder to use than dual machine guns on an armored suit.
  8. acksbox

    You avoid them. You get outside of hearing range and spot them. You hack a terminal and get a HA, MAX, or tank.

    Trying to kill a MAX as a lone infiltrator is stupid. This doesn't mean than MAXes are overpowered, not even relative to infiltrators, it means they are good at different things. The right tool for the right job.

    Yes, a 300 resource cost asset, with a timer, that cannot be entered/exited at will, that cannot drive any vehicles, that cannot capture points, can usually kill several disposable infantry before being brought down.

    This is a problem how?
  9. Paperlamp

    Yes. The 300 resource cost is trivial, the timer is trivial. You can swap between AI/AV/AA any terminal, ride in sunderers and galaxies.

    Obviously, trying to kill a MAX as an infiltrator is stupid. Avoid them? Is that a serious question. You can't, they go where infantry go which is where you have to be as an infiltrator... And the longer the game is out w/out any serious fixes to the MAX class, the more people pull them because they're not infantry support, they're solo juggernauts for KD/XP farming.
  10. Crackulous

    This could be the next Anne Frank.
  11. acksbox

    I disagree. I'm far better than the average MAXer and I have frequently been unable to pull a MAX because of lack of resources. Resources can be a crippling issue when one's faction lacks territory.

    I avoid MAXes all the time as many infantry classes. You can hear them from a significant distance, and you can out pace them. They are far bigger and louder than infantry, so more often than not, infantry sees them first. If that infantry chooses not to engage the MAX, avoidance is usually fairly easy.
  12. Paperlamp

    I'm not a member, and I'm playing the least populated faction on my server. I still get to pull a MAX for pretty much every 25-48+ fight if I want to, and often I'll be able to pull multiple MAXes in the longer going ones if I do die. I can also pull them for tougher small fights inbetween when I need to. There aren't many times where I want to pull a MAX and can't.

    Occasionally TR will be in bad enough shape/low enough pop to have little territory on all 3 conts, and then I might run into resource issues. That doesn't show the timer/resource cost balance them though, just that the resource system is bad and feeds the overpop faction generally making # balance worse by giving the faction with #s more tanks/air/MAXes and so on.
  13. SinerAthin

    That's called cheating the game :p
  14. Marxsbeard

    I don't get the "Max is OP" thing. I'm a newb and suck pretty hard (not as bad as my stats, I let my kid play my account, but still). When I see a max as HA, I run towards it. Outside of a few situations, it's a death trap. You can kill it from cover with a couple dummy rockets before it can get in effective range.
  15. maudibe

    I want to know, how, if i can hear a cloaker de-cloak and hear a fighter fly by, i CANT HEAR A TANK 20 METERS BEHIND ME SHOOTING ME IN THE BACK AS I AM RUNNING INVISIBLE AS A CLOAKER. Its amazing how you never hear whats right next you when they are enemy but you always hear your teams infantry and veh's. Oh ya...they have radar that shows where i am, but i should still be able to hear the clanking tank rolling up on me from 60 meters away, EASILY.
  16. acksbox

    Which part? Using a DPI switch instead of sliding my keyboard out of the way so I can make giant swipes with my mouse, or trying to run away when it's the prudent thing to do instead of standing still and handing out free kills to my enemies?
  17. Paperlamp

    Radar doesn't show cloaked players pretty sure
  18. SinerAthin

    A Concussion grenade is supposed to make you unable to do much except shoot straight.

    If you're tweaking your controls to go around the intended gameplay mechanic then you are technically not playing by the rules.

    Imagine if everyone did that, they might as well remove Concussion grenades :p