I love this patch

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by jiggu, Dec 21, 2013.

  1. jiggu

    It's not really my kinda thing to be positive but I thought I'd balance out all the QQ.

    This patch you fixed harassers being the king of the hill where they shouldn't
    This patch you wrecked ZOE so it's no longer uncounterable
    This patch you made sniping better(in my opinion of course). I now run around with the ghost using ironsight having a lot more fun than before
    This patch you made the infantry suit slots feel much more like each one has a distinct purpose, I now choose what I use depending on the situation. Customization is always good.
    This patch you made pounders not shooting dirt.

    There are more things, but no need to mention it all. I am generally very happy with the patch. Sure you brought in some bugs like hit detection and broke C4, but you fixed those quickly.

    ps I cried during the 24 hour downtimes
    • Up x 4
  2. CHDT65

    As the weapons FOV will be corrected, me too, I like the patch.
    Graphically, very good, seems something has been done with anistropy ?
    On the infantry side, combats are very interesting, more varied.
  3. Azarga

    How DARE you make non-negative thread?! This is unacceptable behaviour on Forumside!
  4. Cinnamon

    With six months or so of backup up balance changes there is bound to be a lot of drama llamaing. I think most of the changes are positive and if they don't work out we need time to for things to settle down and change tactics before getting into too having too many strong opinions.