Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Wildcardgsx, Apr 15, 2013.

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  1. Radec594

    What we need is a board named "Cage" and under it a sign that says: "Please do not feed the Troll".
  2. Lancener

    Feel like I should bookmark this for a laugh whenever I get bored.
  3. Jrv

    Wait, so other than our MAX and our ESRL, is anything else getting nerfed on the NC side? Forumside wont be satisfied until we're given muskets and sticks instead of our current weaponry.
  4. Slyguy65

    Their ROF is pretty insane it pretty much matches ours not to mention the fact that their universal fast reloads help balance out the guns that don't match ours in ROF....

    VS aren't OP its actually the NC now if anything with all the buffs they have gotten. Why else would NC be the new global pop champs....look at all the servers and you will see what im talking about.

    The TR have nothing special WE USED to have the best AI tanks...but they took that away from us....we really don't have anything while VS have just all around EZ guns, NC have hard hitting ROFL stompers while TR kind of have nothing that makes us better in anyway.
  5. Jrv

    What are these "buffs" you speak of? Over the past month, NC has gotten nothing but major nerfs.
  6. doombro

    NC complaining about getting sniped by automatic weapons? That's a good one.

    cough gauss saw cough.
  7. Alarox

    Please ignore OP. He is not representative of the NC...
  8. UrMom306

    Wait wait wait...what incoming NC nerf is the OP talking about?
  9. nick779

    here have you been? i log on daily to TR consistently having an extra 10-20% on nc
  10. Alarox

    Classic case of "my faction sucks" syndrome. Game is more balanced than ever at this point, minus ESF and MAX balance.

    Overall, TR have the fastest weapons. This is a fact.


    Secondly, your logic about NC = OP is stupid. This is also a fact.

    I find it entertaining how people like you claim that population is always based on who is "OP". So... why are you not playing the NC? Why do the TR not play NC? Why don't the VS? Why does the highest population faction only have 38% world wide? Shouldn't it be higher? After all, everyone plays on the "OP" faction right?

    Better yet, why would people ditch the TR and make new characters on the NC if all they want is EXP? That;s throwing away months of work. New players joining the NC wouldn't know they were OP either. Why? Because they're noobs... Also, if they were on the TR before (they certainly weren't on the VS) wouldn't they hate the NC and be calling them OP like you?

    This is what people call logic.

    Actually, TR currently have the highest score/hour for tanks and every class but MAX. Therefore, TR population should be highest.

    But you say, TR has nothing special and are UP? Well, TR have a unique tank and the best ESF, with chainguns on their MAX and Heavy Assault, while having the highest RoF weapons for infantry.

    You claim NC is "OP" but don't give a single bit of objective evidence and simply call them "OP" because they have the highest population, and because you don't play as them.

    TR weapons are similar to VS weapons except VS generally hit slightly harder while TR have higher bullet velocity. VS have smaller magazines while TR have large clip sizes. TR fire bullets, VS fire balls of energy.

    TR and VS recoil ranges from moderate to low and NC recoil ranges from moderate to high, with some outliers for all factions. This is a fact as well.

    NC guns, VS guns, and TR guns all kill at about the same TTK. However, you still claim NC roflstomp? Maybe you're bad then?

    Learn to have some actual pride. If you lose, don't blame it on someone else. Be a man and learn from your loss. NC, VS, TR, in all factions there are plenty of players who don't cry "UP" or "OP" and blame everyone else for their failures.
    • Up x 1
  11. Slyguy65

    Back since the release.

    Reaver buff
    Nerf to TR LMG to allow NC to seem better.
    Phoenix getting a weapon damage buff it can now one hit default ESF's...while striker takes 1 1/2 mags and lancer takes 2-3 full charged hits, to match it.

    And mainly just the nerfing of other factions EXCEPT NC...the shotgun nerfs...were a joke they just touched them up so as to give people the impression they were nerfed...they weren't...they really ...really weren't.

    Other than that what "NERF" are you referring to?

    Cause here are the real nerfs i remember.

    VS mag was NERF'd but then slightly buffed again...
    TR prowler was buffed than instantly nerfed no un nerf at all.
    NC vanguard buffed...no change.

    Reaver got buffed....
    All other ESF's not changed.

    Lancer was TWEAKED
    Phoenix got an outright damage buff to vehicles (the infantry NERF is not even a nerf since its job is not to be an AI gun FFS)
    Striker has not been touched....it was fine...but buffing the phoenix was a kick in the balls pretty much to the other 2

    Oh god...thats right they screwed you scatmax over...

    Good god in heave watch out they reduced their clip from 5

    TO FOUR?????!!!
    :eek::eek: :eek::eek:

    Ya i still get one shot by NC shot guns...that was no nerf they just tweaked things on paper to stop the whining.

    Now if you have any REAL evidence where the NC were SHAFTED....do tell. I just listed a few above how VS and or TR were nerfed to make NC appear stronger or the NC were buffed outright.
  12. Slyguy65

    Back since the release.

    Reaver buff
    Nerf to TR LMG to allow NC to seem better.
    Phoenix getting a weapon damage buff it can now one hit default ESF's...while striker takes 1 1/2 mags and lancer takes 2-3 full charged hits, to match it.

    And mainly just the nerfing of other factions EXCEPT NC...the shotgun nerfs...were a joke they just touched them up so as to give people the impression they were nerfed...they weren't...they really ...really weren't.

    Other than that what "NERF" are you referring to?

    Cause here are the real nerfs i remember.

    VS mag was NERF'd but then slightly buffed again...
    TR prowler was buffed than instantly nerfed no un nerf at all.
    NC vanguard buffed...no change.

    Reaver got buffed....
    All other ESF's not changed.

    Lancer was TWEAKED
    Phoenix got an outright damage buff to vehicles (the infantry NERF is not even a nerf since its job is not to be an AI gun FFS)
    Striker has not been touched....it was fine...but buffing the phoenix was a kick in the balls pretty much to the other 2

    Oh god...thats right they screwed you scatmax over...

    Good god in heave watch out they reduced their clip from 5

    TO FOUR?????!!!
    :eek::eek: :eek::eek:

    Ya i still get one shot by NC shot guns...that was no nerf they just tweaked things on paper to stop the whining.

    Now if you have any REAL evidence where the NC were SHAFTED....do tell. I just listed a few above how VS and or TR were nerfed to make NC appear stronger or the NC were buffed outright.
  13. Jrv

    ^^^ Reporting, quoted for truth.
  14. Alarox

    Every faction has the "my faction sucks" syndrome, he's just another who happens to play the NC.
  15. Roy Teppert

    Gee, who woulda thunk the OP is NC...
  16. Jrv

    I'm going to break down your post, because your general writing style makes me want to drown you in a river.

    So basically, you claim these things have been "buffed" for NC:


    The Reaver is the worst ESF. There is no debating this, the stats and common sense should make this pretty clear. Buffs/Nerfs are meaningless arguments if the end result is still inferior. AND LET ME TELL YOU, the Reaver is pretty damn inferior.

    The LMGs, like most weapons have extremely similar TTK. The better player wins almost every time, NC having the advantage at long range and TR being better close to medium. My main LMG is the EM6, which is basically the TMG-50. I've been using the NS-15 lately, which is the second best LMG the NC have, and it's a CROSS-FACTION weapon. That should tell you enough about NC LMGs. Don't give me that whining about the Gauss Saw, barely anyone uses it and it's absolute garbage for anything closer than medium range.

    The shotguns are all relatively the same, any nerfs or buffs happen to all factions, so I honestly have no idea what you're talking about here. All faction's shotguns 1-shot, are you seriously this ignorant? That being said, the NC auto-shotties have a bug that gives them the same recoil as pump shotties, making them inferior to TR/VS counterparts, which don't suffer from this bug. So in reality, the NC have the worst shotguns, and your argument falls flat.

    Anything else you'd like to be proven wrong about before I leave?
  17. WalrusJones

    We have the TAR, and the TRV.

    Two of the best guns for high ROF in the game: Excessively narrow angles of potential recoil, excellent damage per magazine, and particularly low recoil in comparison to the enemy faction carbines that match them (While they do have 800 RPM rifles, they suffer from a lot of common issues: Fairly random recoil, despite the fact that they generally have directional recoil, low DPM making their faction SMG's.... Appear quite snazzy to them.)
  18. skoorviel

    Can I have your stuff???
  19. MilitiaMan

    Sorry, yes I mean the Rhino ;D
  20. Slyguy65

    Oh i never said the game wasn't balanced they have been doing a lot of ghost patches...BTW GG SOE for doing tons of hotfixes and never posting notes because you are too afraid of peoples reaction...as if they listen.

    I know my TR guns have been buffed our CoF is actually quite controlled now. So no I do not thing my guns SUCK or faction SUCKS.

    But I remember most the important changes they have made to factions since november...and ALL OFFICIAL FACTION BUFF's THAT HAVE STAYED IN PLACE...are all NC.

    MAG got nerfed then rebuffed.

    Prowler got buffed than INSTANTLY nerfed...

    Vanguard gets buffed...no nerf.

    Things like that, same with the once all mighty T9 Carv...
    The NC can turn their SAW-S into a LMG sniper.

    Double forward with good scope ssshhhhhiat, i have been killed so far away by their guns lately (past 2 months) it is just silly.
    TR still don't have good range on their weapons. Compared to the other two.

    Throw all the spread sheets you want it doesn't change the fact that NC gets buffed not nerfed. And if they do get nerfed they get buffed in another area....

    TR have yet to get a faction buff that has stayed a buff...

    VS have great stuff all around yet no one plays them...

    I still see this forum flood in with "oh look NC win again on [insert server name here]

    Im not technically calling NC OP but their popularity has risen greatly...I wonder why...
    Small relevant fact is, most devs and important people play NC and VS....I think the only TR is some guy that makes the cosmetics for the weapons...and look how unique those look.

    Personally the reason why I don't faction switch...i run a large outfit, on a server that matches NC pop...though they still rise up 10% at night. We still ROFL stomp them for the most part.
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