I have figured it out

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Colvault, Jun 10, 2013.

  1. Colvault

    I have figured out why the game crashes for a lot of people(especially for those who always run in PLATOONS OR SQUADS.) When SOE added in the ability for platoon leaders to change their squads colors it screwed up how the game processed squads. The came is having a probably differentiating the different squads and platoons colors since so many squads and platoons are changing the colors the game cannot process all of the different ones so all the people inside squads and platoons are crashing very quickly, especially when you look at the map since the icons must change as well.

    This was tested by playing with my outfits platoon for 30 minutes and crashing 5 times(I counted) and then running solo for 30 hours and not crashing at all. And It will continue to be tested everyday for the rest of the week and will update this post everyday.
  2. Oreo202

    Uhhh... everyone changes the squad colors, not PLs.
  3. Crator

    Question, how does the game crash for you? Does it go into a 'Not Responding' state in task manager, or does it just crash to desktop? I experienced a 'Not Responding' in task manager but game still running, but frozen on screen. In-game VOIP was still working as well when this happened. If I logged out and back in again, I was still in squad/platoon, I would freeze up again about 30 seconds upon logging in again. Only way to fix it was to remove myself from the squad/platoon. Even tried rebooting, while still in the squad/platoon, and it still went 'Not Responding' on me.
  4. Colvault

    Both actually CTD and Not responding. And also I don't lead that much so I didn't not know that and thank you for informing me on that information.
  5. zib1911

    Squad color changes are on your end not the platoon leaders, they only change for you. So I don't think this is the issue unless I am seriously missing something.
    • Up x 1
  6. chrisbeebops

    You are correct.

    I've had no crashes at all since GU09, so they must have fixed something. Or maybe I am just lucky. :)

    Only thing I can think is, if you have an nvidia card turn off PhysX and try driver version 314.22. Also maybe try turning off shadows and flora, less stuff to render and less textures to store in memory. Turning them off gave me a nice FPS boost anyway.
  7. Colvault

    That you are, you see if I'm not mistaken the game has to process those colors even on your side so, because there are so many colors and options the game cannot process everything. Also 1 hour and about 20 times I've looked at the map and I have not crashed once.
  8. Colvault

    Its only when you are in platoons, they did not alter platoons in any other way so through deductive reasoning that is the answer as to why. Its elementary my dear watson
  9. PhiladelphiaCollins

    I am dubious, but that's kind of a weird correlation for sure.
  10. Colvault

    Weird correlation yes, but based on proof, hell yes
  11. Colvault

    And I bet all of you here at this moment all my certs that if SOE were to remove all the things they did to platoons in the GU than you would not crash in platoons.
  12. DanMan3395

    I can at least verify that I do not crash solo AT ALL but in squads it is a regular occurrence.
  13. MarlboroMan-E

    Correlation is not causation
  14. Colvault