I have 3 carbines but I can't decide which one should be my main.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Luminiouscow, Oct 8, 2014.

  1. Luminiouscow

    I have the T5 AMC, NS-11C, and the LC3 Jaguar.

    I want to know which one has the awesomest looking gun model, which one has the longest effective range, etc. After making many of these threads, I guess you guys already know what I'm looking for. So, which of these is the best carbine?

    Don't include the TRAC-5.
  2. -Synapse-

    Awesomest gun model is subjective, but the AMC is my favorite carbine for TR as far as looks go.
    Longest effective range? AMC again.

    I personally like the Jaguar best out of those three, it's a pretty good all-arouder with a nice hipfire and decent ranged potential.
  3. KenDelta

  4. sustainedfire

    Jaguar. It performs the best.

    T5amc was not a good performer when I ground out Auraxium.

    Ns11c was average. It always felt like a slow firing smg. The only thing that made it tolerable was at the time I used it, all TR carbines were essentially copy paste models, so the ns11c at least gave something different to look at on screen.
  5. cruczi

    The irony.
  6. Fellgnome

    I still use the T5 AMC. I prefer both the Mercenary and the Pulsar C but I just work with what we've got.

    Jaguar is good for run and gun, but I like being able to shoot people that're behind partial cover and/or go for headshots at medium ranges which it's not accurate enough for. I think Jaguar is the best overall TR carbine but it doesn't fit my more cautious/cowardly playstyle.
    • Up x 2
  7. EGuardian1

    Jaguar - Coming from an NC player, when I jump on my TR, the Jag is just a BEAST at mid range, still really effective at close range, and with some practice can take down at range too.

    That or the GD-7F. Thing's a goddamn nightmare in the right hands.
  8. Syphers

    Trac-5 lo l
  9. Syphers

    but the AMC suit long range better, best gun model too
  10. Roland2TowerCame

    I use T5 AMC and NS-11C for my 'LA on a perch, shooting down' builds.
    T5 AMC for TR, NS-11C for VS and NC.