I have 1k certs. PA shotty, BA rifle or a NS revolver?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Kurohagane, Sep 26, 2013.

  1. Kurohagane

  2. Robes

    none of them
    • Up x 1
  3. RomulusX

    1. PA- What is
    2. BR- wrong with
    3. NS revolver- you?

    Get a semi auto shotgun/SMG/S Variant carbine/Lancer
  4. Ribero

    If it must be one of those three I'd go with the Revolver.
  5. Aegie

    I vote Commissioner. In practice it functions similarly to a shotgun if you can maintain accuracy plus it has the added benefit of being usable on every infantry class. However, if you unlock with certs instead of SC then I do not think it will appear for all characters so if you were thinking of getting SC soon (or have SC to spend) then you may want to consider waiting to unlock with SC rather than your certs.

    PA, IMO, is pretty underwhelming since the last round of shotgun nerfs- very situational and even in those situations is often less effective than an SMG because SMGs do not leave you with your pants down as often as a PA will.

    Battle rifles I do not have much experience with so it is hard for me to really weigh in on those but since 2/3 of the items you mention are really CQC oriented it would seem that you are favoring something good for CQC. I suppose it depends on what else you have in your inventory but IMO there are various mechanics that really work against long range engagement in general so you may not see a lot of utility in something like the battle rifles.
  6. Mr_Giggles

    This is true. If you purchase any weapon with certs you only get it for that character because only that character earned the certs. If you purchase with SC, especially the NS gear, it applies to all of your characters. Yeah it costs money but to me at least it's more cost effective unless you don't have an issue earning it on every character.

    Out of curiosity, what class are we talking about OP?
  7. Ribero

    Good input, but I thought BA Rifle meant Bolt Action Rifle, in this case one of the top tier ones. (parallax and that other one)
  8. Kurohagane

    I already have them, expect for the lancer.

    I am not looking for something particularly "good" in any role. I just to spice up my playstyle.
  9. Aegie

    Ah, you are probably right- my mistake.

    In that case, I suppose I would probably still go with the Comissioner- though since OP appears to be VS then perhaps it would be worthwhile to get the bolt action since the default VS sniper rifle cannot OHK. Although, that being said, OHK sniper rifles have fallen somewhat out of grace what with all the NW5 users out there. I usually run LA with Adrenaline Pump (yeah, I know) so they are still an issue for me but I do know that I get plenty of unrewarded head shots with the NC bolt actions.

    Also, there is an incoming infiltrator update- not sure exactly when but there is a video recent in the forums- wherein they will be adding the "Stalker" cloak that allows you to stay cloaked forever so long as you stop moving and let the cloak recharge. The draw back to the cloak will be that you cannot carry a primary weapon, only a side arm, so yeah Commissioner all the way there.

    I think I saw some people wondering whether you would still have to uncloak to shoot but I would be really surprised if they would let you use a 450 damage per weapon while virtually invisible. Still, being invisible all the time except when firing is a hell of thing and considering that clientside detection means you can often uncloak and begin firing before your opponent will see you decloak... well, we will see where that goes.

    If the infiltrator update is a sign of things to come then I cannot wait until they get to LA.
  10. Kurohagane

    On a side note i have been also playing around with the NS PDW. Although i have the Eridani already, the PDW is incredibly accurate for a SMG and is satysfying to shoot i found. So i might get that, too.
  11. Crayv

    Have you tried the Lasher? It can be a really great gun to use in large fights when you know there are large groups of enemies in a small area.
  12. Pikachu

  13. bodmans

    really depends on what you want, Lancer is a solid choice. Lasher is fun, but a niche weapon.

    I got the paralax(238 kills, 210 headshots:D) and it's a nice gun to shoot. PA shotty ONLY if youre really sure of your aim(some notorious outfit only uses PA shotties to great effect on ceres...YES, im talking to you Purotte).

    I also got the underboss, and I like it. though I havent tried commisioner
  14. Eugenitor

    ...I'm guessing that you already have Nanoweave 5 unlocked on every class you play, and every upgrade on every vehicle you drive?