I hate Proximity & Scout Radars

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Scr1nRusher, Apr 20, 2014.

  1. GhostAvatar

    This is misleading to some degree. Proximity radar (or its equivalents) and scout radar operate on different mechanics. Proximity radar and recon darts all work on the principle of sending out pulses that detect motion. And it is important to note that it detects fast movement only. So staying still or even crouch walking will not reveal you on the minimap. Also it is worth adding that they detect movement in pulses. So you can only see people move on the minimap as the dot jumps to there new location with each pulse (a bit like sonar). And you can only see them if they are moving at the time of the pulse. Motion spotters work in a very similar fashion except they give a constant feed instead of pulses (you can still crouch work though).

    Scout radar on the other hand detects all infantry regardless of if they are moving or not. Also there is no jumping of the dot on the minimap as the feedback is constant. However this can be negated by Mana turrets (a very little know counter to it ;) ), since they are classes as a vehicle and therefore not shown (great for making an ESF think you have redeployed if they are hunting you).

    On a side note, very few people actually realise that you can shoot and destroy recon darts (some more counter play for you).
  2. Krayus_Korianis

    Stealth play?! I snuck up behind lightning tanks, planted C-4 and got to a safe distance and they went near their buddies and I pressed the magic button and BOOOOOOOOM! That tank and another went up in flames. THAT is stealth gameplay.
  3. Scr1nRusher

    Whats quite ironic is that I can do better sneaking as a HA then I can as a Infiltrator.
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  4. Ronin Oni

    I didn't remember if it did or not, but even if it did, no one would use it since as I mentioned Composite or Stealth are far more important.
  5. IamDH

    I knew someone would notice it :)

  6. Modern Ancestor

    Come on now. Im pretty sure you havent run into Radars that often, i know i havent so its still down to deal with sensors and stuff. Surely you allready know how to deal with those??

    Try to think the cloak as something that helps instead of idiotproof evasion of detection. Try to understand youre dealing with players that know much if not everything about infils. Embrace the challenge to evade them. Once you get the hang of it you will have no need for these posts.
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  7. HadesR

    How do you know ?

    The problem with radar and mostly talking scout here is:

    A) It's range
    B) It reveals the location of everyone within that range to ALL allies
    C) It works on a cylindrical basis .. So park one under a Biolab allows detection of everyone above within the Lab

    So IMO it needs Either

    A) A range reduction
    B) Only reveals enemies for it's user
  8. Krayus_Korianis

    That's why if I see one on top of a bio-lab, I'll go on my LA and C-4 it to smithereens. o_O I got 40 of'em, so that'll do for a while! lol.

    Nothing wrong with the proxy radar, we have to lose out on armor bonus for it and in return it helps deal with C4 Fairies who should not be the main threat to tanks though at the moment they tend to be a fairly major threat with the C4 except when they get over confident and attempt to come after my proxy equipped tanks.

    That's when all the fun goes away, ever since equipping that (after being frustrated when I'm not dying from another TANK or AIR but freaking infantry) I've had NO further deaths from that nonsense!