I hate it when people compare TR to Russia.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Luminiouscow, Jul 6, 2014.

  1. ironeddie

    Give Putin another year. He's slowly heading that way. I know it's not a directly communist symbol like the hammer and sickle. But did you know Putin reinstated the red star onto military uniforms.
  2. Plunutsud pls

    He resorted to some Soviet and even Tsarist symbols and values in an attempt to unite and rally the people.

    He has nothing in common with communism (except his past) and is not trying to take Russia back in time.

    He's a businessman and employs whatever he thinks will help his business, and communism is not on the list.
  3. Kryvakryz

    That's just stupid. Of course the two are mutually exclusive. It's not the number of people you kill that makes you fascist, it's the ideology you follow. Or maybe you're referring to the characteristics both communism and fascism share that you wrongly assign only to fascism? If so, you should know that authoritarianism isn't a fascist-only quality.

    Anyway, TR are said to be authoritarian, not fascist or communist specifically. Authoritarianism is a much broader term and there are several ideologies that fall under it; as if that wasn't enough, TR are supposed to be conservative (typically a fascist characteristic, although today it's a buzzword that everyone interprets according to their own views) and collectivist (typically for communism) at the same time.
  4. Mianera

    Let's bring politics into video games. Terrific idea..... terrific.....