I give up with this game

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Exostrike, Dec 29, 2012.

  1. Exostrike

    I give up with this game.

    Nothing about it is fun.

    Firstly the game is pay to win in all but name. Everyone on this forum seems to have spend cash on boosts and extra guns, which leave people like me out gunned and getting less rewards than everyone else. And don't tell me you can unlock everything free because no body is going to spend 40 hours grinding away just to unlock one gun. Certification points spent to other things like mines are often wasted because then you have to spend even more points to make them useable with extra capacity.

    Secondly the impotenty of infantry against aircraft and vechiles. This has been covered many times but I do feel it is true. I've tried using MAXs against aircraft and their useless, you just can't take them down fast enough before they or their mates kill you.

    Thirdly the lack of strategic command and control make the game half pointless as armies rush from major base to major base and anyone trying to turn the side outside these bases are doomed.

    Fourthly game engine optimisation means that I even though I'm over the minimum specs I get crap fps that shutter all the time and I'm excluded from aircraft because it just crashes completely.

    Finally I'm fed up with high tier players sniping me at ultra long range at which I can't see them or can hit them. Yes there must be snipers in this game, but give us a chance.

    I might have been willing to put down a bit of cash on this game. But no, everthing about this game just pisses me off.
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  2. ReNiki

  3. siiix

    thats excellent news.. i'm sick and tired of people complaining about vehicles in this game... one less of you guys , one less whiny post on the forum. you obviously trying to play the wrong game

    just as much if they neft vehicles much in this game because they listen to the cry and whining of a few I WILL QUIT

    so see ya dont let the door hit you on your way out ;)
  4. Moxin

    Have a look at the Arma 2 game, in some months Arma 3, they have a nice mod which is called "warfare". You can capture the whole map but actually win it. Air is still powerfull but AA is deadly, aswell AT weps against tanks. :D

  5. Sargicus

    To anyone who cries 'pay to win' about this game: Go play Combat Arms or APB and quit crying about Planetside.
  6. bPostal

    That'll happen.
    Try coming back in January after the patch. Whichever way SOE wants to take this game will be shown by what they add. If it looks attractive then come back. If not, then you won't be alone in abandoning this game.
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  7. Kubor

    Try to stick with it. The Dual Burster does get the job done, especially if there are two or more of you grouped close together.

    You have to play conservatively with the Burster and stick near cover and close to friendlies. I very rarely get killed when I'm in an AA MAX.

    Also, make sure that you get the extended magazine attachment. It's a 1,000 certs (500 each arm) but it cannot be overstated just how important it is. Having a 42 round clip per arm makes a huge difference.

    Once you get the knack of the extreme leading needed you will find that you will get a lot more kills . The extended magazine is the difference between ESF's escaping with a little bit of health left and you actually killing them more than you would have done without it.

    AA duty can be really boring and frustrating at times, but if you equip your MAX properly with the extended magazine and play very carefully you will get a huge amount of assists and more kills than you would have done with a vanilla AA MAX. I also certed into Nanoweave armour as it helps to protect against small arms fire.

    There's no doubt that there are more rewarding play styles (in terms of exp and certs) than the AA MAX but I get a real kick out of keeping the skies as clear as possible.
  8. square

    the sad part is: (for me at least) since I've tried to play other games I've realized Planetside 2 isn't boring, just frustrating
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  9. Exostrike

    I only ever role it when we're being swarmed by enemy aircraft, I quickly die because the rest of the team are idiots and with a 10 minute reset time I can do nothing against them.
  10. Unuson

    It isn't easy going and, without knowledge beforehand from helpful sources, you will be completely lost in PS2. That is where the frustration begins.
  11. smokemaker

    may you find a game that better suits you.
  12. SculptorOvFlesh

    Bye, this game is the best $25 i've ever spent. (3x station cash)
  13. colt .45 killer

    There's supposed to be a 6 month plan coming out in a week or so, as well as some ballance patches and performance fixes. Come back and give it a spin in a month or two.
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  14. NightFall

    really? balance patches??

    yay :D

    where did you hear that from
  15. IshanDeston


    I so love how people keep telling me that everything will be better after this mythological beast called the January Patch. As i was explained a couple times last night as well as today, on my question why NC on Woodman has to cling to Indar. And everyone was like "because when they introduce the meta game, we'll never get it back."

    On my question "And when do you suppose that happens?" most people are like "There is a big patch in January". Yeah. We are bleeding members left and right, because no matter what time you log on as NC on woodman its the same game. Getting back Tawrich, up the Broken Arch Road to the Crossroads towers. And then half of them goes off cap places of the TR, because after all the TR are such a threat (most likely because they always stack on continents and are to busy at other places or sit at the crown), meanwhile 2 freaking vanu Ghostcap everything in the south and flip half the continent.

    And then we start at the Warpgate again, capping everything up to the Techplant, up the Broken Arch Road and to crossroads tower.

    And if we don't do that, its Crimson Bluff to Mao Techplant. Playing on any of the other continents? pointless. Why? Because everyone is sitting on Indar spouting "We have to hold Indar!" If your lucky you get some capping of empty places going when noone is looking. Yeah, lots of fun.

    Esamir? Thats a myth. NC doesn't go to Esamir. And if you do, you are lucky if you get a whole squad, let alone a platoon. It was different before people started to believe we had to hold Indar. But in the last 2 weeks.. its all you can do as NC on Woodman. Hold indar. And as result people don't come back. People leave.

    And all of it is justified with "there is a patch in January" or "when the Metagame is introduced".

    It wouldn't be such a problem if it wouldn't just be 2 or 3 freaking people ghostcapping everything. A single scythe slipping by the frontlines and starting to cap small bases, while everyone is busy. And its just no fun. My frustration with the game during the past week has just grown.

    A single Infiltrator blowing up generators in the big installations. Of course you can't just leave, because quite frankly, then he will cap the whole plant on his own. So you spend peekaboo with a single guy for some time. Or he does get bored and drive to some other small bases and start a cap and drive on. And its not like standing around in an empty base is fun, just to wait for that lone idiot that is sure to show up in the next 30 minutes to cap a base on his lonesome self or with a buddy.

    And of course, when they introduce the continent locking, it would be foolish to believe that SoE doesn't introduce that patch with a clean slate. Wiping the territory control from the game, and every base being Neutral Zone, so everyone has an equal chance of getting the continent lock.

    But hey, lets hold onto Indar, surely there is that big patch in January which will fix everything that ever has been wrong.
  16. bPostal

    I don't know if it's going to be better after the patch. It will be different. If cont locking w/proper bennies come back in then yes, I think it will be better. And yes, you will have a chance to come back and get it. But it won't be given you to.
    IF we get a good, solid patch with plenty of all that metagame **** then this game will be that much better. IF they go the opposite direction and keep dumbing down the game, then we'll continue to see people leave.

    My point still stands. If you don't like the game in it's current state (and believe me, I'm not very happy with it) then try the game after the major content patch and see if you like it. If so, no harm no foul. If not, no harm no foul.
    That's the real beauty of free to play. It costs you nothing but what you put in.
  17. DevErik

  18. Dixie Normiss

    I can't get into the game yet either but Im not gonna give up yet since it took me awhile to get into the first HALO games also.
  19. Iksniljiksul

    Well it's the truth. No one can blame him. Those who can't see what he is saying are a major problem with this community.
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  20. Tuco


    They're not really Pay2Win weapons. ^^^^^^^^

    All the bolt action sniper rifles are practically the same, all the carbines are practically the same. I unlocked the cheap 100 cert bolt action sniper rifle.